Which vitamins do you need to stop hair loss?

Which vitamins do you need to stop hair loss? There are a number of factors that influence hair loss, be it your genes or the lifestyle that you choose to lead. But what about vitamin deficiency? Can eating the wrong things cause your hair to fall out? Here, we take a closer look at some of the science behind hair loss and explain whether vitamin deficiency can be at fault for your hair falling out.

Which vitamin deficiencies can cause hair loss?

Scientists have found that insufficient levels of vitamin D can cause your hair to fall out. This is primarily due to the fact that vitamin D plays an integral role in the health of the hair follicles on your head. Therefore, if you don’t get enough vitamin D in your diet, your hair growth might be stunted as a result.

One study, for instance, was able to link a lack of vitamin D to alopecia, which is the condition that is responsible for bald patches that appear on the scalp. One of the main causes of vitamin D deficiency is a lack of direct sunlight, but you might also become deficient in this crucial vitamin if you follow a poor diet.

What about other vitamin deficiencies and hair loss?

Although vitamin D is one of the most important nutrients for your hair, it’s not the only one you need to think about. A lack of vitamin B7 (Biotin) can also cause your hair to fall out.

Biotin is a water-soluble vitamin found naturally in various foods, and the vast majority of people are able to get sufficient B7 from the foods that they eat. The reason why Biotin is so important for your hair is the fact that it is integral in the growth of keratin, a protein that is fundamental to the development of your hair, skin, and nails. Several studies have found that people who are Biotin deficient are much more likely to suffer from hair loss as a result.

As for other vitamins, there is some evidence to suggest that a lack of zinc can cause hair loss, and scientists have also posited that insufficient amounts of selenium might also contribute to your hair falling out. That being said, it’s not a particularly common occurrence. Therefore, there are several vitamins that you need to keep on top of if you want to main a healthy, thriving head of hair.

How to prevent hair loss caused by vitamin deficiency

To reduce the risk of losing your hair due to vitamin deficiency, you need to ensure that you’re following a healthy and nutritious diet that contains all of the vitamins that you need to be healthy.

For example, you can make sure you get enough vitamin D by eating foods like oily fish, red meat, and liver. Vitamin B7 exists in salmon, eggs, avocado, and pork, as well as nuts and seeds. If you eat a varied diet consisting of the aforementioned foods, you run less of a risk of losing your hair. 

Another option is to consider a Biotin supplement that you can take daily to boost the levels of vitamin B7 in your diet. As mentioned, Biotin is key in the production of keratin and can boost the health of your hair. If you’re worried about hair loss and are looking for a way to put things right, be sure to check out Sons’ range of clinically proven hair loss treatments, which can help you combat male pattern hair loss.

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