Who Manufactured Your Vaccine?

Dr. Panda – Good Morning Everyone! Hope everyone had a great weekend and enjoyed the Super Bowl – Congratulations Kansas City.

Today I want to share an interview with Robert Kennedy Jr that’s been getting a lot of attention.

Who do you think produced the COVID-19 vaccines? Most would say Pfizer or Moderna (or another pharmaceutical company) funded by the Government and Operation Warp Speed. But according to Robert Kennedy Jr., the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines are part of a Pentagon and military project.

There were 138 companies that were involved in manufacturing and distributing the vaccine. They’re all military contractors. The Pentagon and the National Security Agency ran the entire pandemic response. Pfizer and Moderna don’t really own those vaccines. They slap their labels on them, but it was a Pentagon project.

He might be right…

The Congressional Research Service confirms Operation Warp Speed involved the Department of Health, Department of Human Services, Department of Defense to “accelerate the development, acquisition, and distribution of COVID-19 medical countermeasures.”

Who Manufactured Your Vaccine?

The US basically contracted out vaccine research, production and distribution to hundreds of companies. Most are DoD contractors. Remember Moderna was essentially a biotech startup – it never had a commercial product or a manufacturing facility.

One of the manufacturers of the vaccines, Emergent BioSolutions, had to shut down in 2021 due to poor manufacturing practices.

The plant owner behind up to 15 million botched doses of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine has reportedly been cited for quality issues before. On Thursday, it emerged that Emergent Biosolutions has repeatedly violated the FDA’s quality control guidelines since 2017, earning them multiple citations for mold problems and inadequately trained employees, according to records the AP obtained through the Freedom of Information Act. The past violations were said to have happened in multiple plants around the nation, including a site where an anthrax vaccine is filled into vials.

However, Pfizer mostly produced its own vaccine. Its contract “did not include a ‘person in plant’ provision to allow a federal government official to observe its vaccine production process.”

All of the “known” businesses involved in vaccine production:

vaccine production facilities

You can watch Sasha Latypova explain in more detail ‘who is really manufacturing these injections.’

You can watch the full Robert F. Kennedy Jr Interview here.

The official reason they did it this way is to produce enough vaccines to vaccinate the entire population in the least time. It makes more sense when you consider the fact they knew what was in the Wuhan lab well before it was ‘released’.

Maybe that’s why they call them “countermeasures.”

Thanks for reading everyone!

SF Source Dr. Panda Feb 2023

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