Why the Queen’s Death is Highly Significant for the 5D Shift

Why the Queen's Death is Highly Significant for the 5D ShiftOpen – Queen Elizabeth II has just passed on – may her soul reconnect with the source and find peace. To many in alternative circles, she has been representative in the very least, of the figurehead standing for the Old Paradigm and way of doing things.

Prominent alternative commentators have speculated a much deeper karmic shadow than this. How ever deep you think the density goes, one thing is for sure, the timing of this represents a fundamental lynchpin in the breakdown of the old construct.

Infusions of Light

Synchronicity always speaks volumes. When I was recently out on my free-wheeling travels, getting a sense of where the field and the shift are now moving, I had the distinct sense that the very foundation of the old construct was cracking and beginning to break open. I expressed as much in the recent Openhand Video, Infusions of Light.

(Is that not a reptilian in the rock? Hmmm – interesting!)

When you get something like this coming through, what I’m frequently expressing to the Openhand facilitators especially, is to then watch the field for reflective feedback loops to support your intuitive sense. It’s how you know you’re in the truth. There can be none more poignant than this passing – it’s fundamentally eye opening and field shattering.

Make no mistake, how ever this event is expressed on the surface of society, how ever they now try to plaster over the gaping cracks in the monarchy, this will send rippling reverberations around the planetary 4D field. The Opposing Consciousness will feel it. The time is up for the Old Paradigm. A clarion call for the shift to a new sense and sensibility is echoing out.

Reclaiming the Sovereign in You

I’m sure no one in the Openhand community would wish any negativity towards this soul, even though she’s been the figurehead of a construct that is founded on control, subjugation and systematic suffering by countless people. I remind everyone that we only ever manifest in the external that which we have in our own karmic shadow. A sovereign has passed on. It’s been high time to reclaim personal sovereignty.


Nevertheless, there can be rightful optimism in the symbology and timing of this event. Make no mistake, reality will shift and bend from this point. The light will infuse more strongly. It’s bound to be positive.

Of course, this particular bloodline has been associated with reptilian energy – to me there’s a lot of truth in that. The reptilian energy has sat in the background pulling the strings. But its consciousness is shifting now too. In a very positive way, it is realigning and so its fierce karmic grip on humanity is weakening.

Realigning and Reclaiming the Ancient Draconian Energy

This has been a process several years in the making. Back in September 2013, I was party to an interdimensional mission to connect with the Omega: – the Queen of the Reptilian nation on Earth. It took place in the heart chakra of the planet, Glastonbury, deep down in the 1st density.

In group meditation, a connection was made to the Omega and the suffering that her nation had been causing reflected to her in imagery and empathic feeling. There was a pivotal moment when I felt her heart crack open.

At that point she let go. Released. Whereupon, a bridge was reconnected to her ancestors, the Draco. She was reclaimed and removed from the planet.

With this, the coherency of the Reptilian nation here suffered a tremendous blow, and reverberating fragmentation – the group split apart into many offshoots. Since then, the interdimensional benevolent mission has been busily reconnecting with them, helping them realign and extract out back to Draco.

There are still plenty here, controlling and manipulating, which is their major karmic distortion. But plenty are coming over to the light – plenty are starting to work with the light here, as Dragon energy, forging pathways of light through the density. In my direct knowing and plentiful experience of this, I can say it’s having a majorly beneficial effect on breaking up the old construct.

Healing the Wounded Dragon in You

In the Openhand work, we’re helping make these fundamental realignments at a soul level – let’s be clear, ALL human souls and also star souls here have been, and still are, influenced by that energy. Souls are now learning to turn it into a positive, benevolent, thriving force for good. The tables are turning, the playing field shifting and the balance moving distinctly in favour of the light.

I have no doubt whatsoever, that this highly timely event, where the lead figurehead of the shadow has moved on, the coherency of the old construct has received a crucial death blow. There will be worldwide beneficial infusions of light following on. Let’s wish the soul well. And at the same time, wish all of humanity well. 

Finally, after the benevolent action with the reprilian nation at a field level in 2013, to speed the healing effect at a planetary level, we produced this video in early 2014…

If you’d like more support in realigning this energy and benefitting from it in your life…contact us to explore further

Bright blessings, Open ??

SF Source Openhand Web Sep 2022

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