Manipulated Weather Is Creating Some Serious Climate Conditions [Video]

wigingtonGreg Hunter – Climate engineering researcher Dane Wigington says this year’s unusually cold winter in the United States was “manufactured” by geoengineering. Wigington explains, “Where you see the most anomalously cool place on the entire planet is the Eastern half of the North American continent.

If we look at the departure for normal temperatures for the surface level going back nearly a decade, the most anomalously less warm place consistently for that span of time is the Eastern half of the North American continent. That is not nature. That is the country with the military that’s bigger than the next 10 militaries combined using its massive military resources and climate engineering operations to consistently cool down the most populated portions of the U.S.  [This is being done] to continue fueling division and confusion in regard to the true state of the climate. . . .

Here’s the bottom line. It’s not about our opinion at or our theories or conjecture. It’s about hard data and frontline facts. That’s all we are asking people to look at.”

Wigington says things like the “Green New Deal” is a distraction that keeps people divided. Wigington says, “I would argue anybody on any side of the political equation that the orchestrated political theater that the power structure uses to divide the population to keep their eye off the horizon is a mistake.

We need to get past any form of political division. Number two, there can be no legitimate discussion about the environment or the state of the climate without, first and foremost, discussing climate engineering. There can be no legitimate discussion about climate engineering without the winter scenarios it is creating. . . .

Mathematically speaking, if we remain on the current course of business as usual, we will all be gone in a decade or less—all of us. This is a statistical mathematical fact. . . . We don’t face global warming. We face abrupt climate collapse.”

In closing, Wigington says, “We must reach a critical mass of awareness. We must awaken families of military members so that those military members know what they are doing to their own family and, hopefully, stand down. The only way to stop this issue is from the inside out to wake our military brothers and sisters to what they are doing. We are asking people to prioritize this most immediate threat we face.

The radio frequencies that I want to weave into this, as well, that’s an immense threat. We are about to hit 5G. 5G is the same frequency as crowd control. It is an extremely dangerous frequency. These frequencies are part of climate engineering, as well. They are used to manipulate the particulates in the atmosphere.

All these issues intertwine. They are all incredibly lethal. This is nothing short of an assault against life itself. . . . Please look past the theater of the absurd, and focus on the threat we face right here and right now. It’s an existential threat, and please help us sound the alarm. We need all of us in this battle or we have no chance.”

Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with Dane Wigington, founder of

SF Source USA Watchdog Feb 2019

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