The Militarization Of America’s “Homeland Security”

William Dean A Garner April 7 2013

Los Angeles Police DepartmentThe Los Angeles Police Department was the first major metropolitan law-enforcement agency in the US to institute a SWAT division. Special Weapons And Tactics.





Special operations. Special military-trained personnel. Special vehicles, helicopters, training facilities and instruction.

Advanced assault weapons. Supplementary weapons: hand grenades, stun guns, night-vision devices.

Military strategies, masquerading as tactics. Military operations. Military missions on civilian streets and in civilian homes and businesses.

That began nearly more than 40 years ago.

Since then, we’ve witnessed the creeping buildup of a new brand of civilian law enforcement: a military-style assault force that protects the interests not of We The People but of the Reptilian-Jesuits Axis.

The last grand assault on We The People started with a bang that brought down the Twin Towers in New York City, in September 2001. What previously would have taken at least two generations of conspiracies, the RJA has squeezed into only a dozen years, with the finale soon to come.

Shortly after 9/11, the RJA instituted the Department of Homeland Security.

Fast-forward to today: DHS was cleverly designed to look like a benevolent civilian force, and over the years has morphed into a military force, with the aid of another type of army altogether. The purpose of introducing a civilian-looking force like DHS? To make We The People feel comfortable with it. If the RJA had begun with a military-style force, We The People would have screamed and the RJA’s plan would have failed. For a decade or two, at least.

Private military firms have slowly diffused into DHS and its playground, thus militarizing our own “homeland security.” These private armies are manned by well-paid soldiers who have already engaged We The People in combat. On American soil. And they will be the majority force that enforces martial law in the United States of America, Inc., a corporation wholly owned by the Reptilian Jesuits.

Look around you, We The People: what do you see when you examine the results over a year or two? Now look back and examine results over 10 years . . . 25 years . . . 50 years.

The results of your own due diligence will be unmistakable and undeniable.

Thing is, very few of you will even bother to do this research. And that’s exactly what the RJA is hoping for: your laziness and, ultimately, your complicity in their machinations.

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