Iraq and 9/11

Michelle Walling – Gulf War I was a set-up. Saddam Hussein asked us. He was strapped for cash from the Iran-Iraq War. He had received a $5 billion loan at the direction of our own government (through Baker and Kissinger), that he otherwise would not have qualified for, and couldn’t pay it back (as expected). The invasion of Kuwait was the only option he had left, assuming that he didn’t want his government to suffer a complete economic collapse.

Kuwait had once belonged to Iraq. Saddam did not intend to destroy it. He only wanted it to be part of Iraq. He made his intentions very clear before the invasion.

On July 25th 1990 he had asked us our position before invading, through our U.S. Ambassador April Glaspie, who told him, “ I have direct instructions from President Bush (Senior) to improve our relations with Iraq. We have considerable sympathy for your quest for higher oil prices…we have no opinion on your Arab-Arab conflicts, like your dispute with Kuwait…Secretary Baker has directed me to emphasize the instruction, first given to Iraq in the 1960’s, that the Kuwait issue is not associated with America.”

In short,we said, through both the President and the Secretary of State that “whatever you want to do with Kuwait is OK with us”.

Immediately after Saddam invaded Kuwait, the U.S. responded by freezing Iraq’s assets, warning Saudi Arabia that he was out of control, and began preparations for war.
April Glaspie was silenced. The public was never told of the treachery of Baker and Bush. Saddam Hussein was set up.

Saddam Hussein was trained and put in power through the CIA by George H. W. Bush (while he was the director). The United States armed Iraq.

9/11 was staged as a “Pearl Harbor” event. All of the aircraft were remote controlled military (two E-10 J-Stars and two Global Hawks). There was no one aboard any of the aircraft. All of the areas hit were largely devoid of people. The aircraft were directed toward their targets using homing devices planted in the buildings.

The World Trade Center Buildings were brought down with thermate explosives. Thermate is a military version of thermite which is used in demolitions. Thermate residue was conclusively identified in the dust. The original commercial aircraft landed at two different military bases. The passengers were allowed to walk out. No foreign-born terrorists were involved.

The whole event was directed from the highest levels of our government. George W. Bush was in Sarasota, Florida reading the “Pet Goat” story in front of the cameras to provide plausible deniability and thereby prevent an immediate collapse of the government. Mistakes were made, however, the biggest one stemmed from their arrogance: they allowed World Trade Center Building 7 to fall without actually having been hit by anything. They also staged it in New York, the most photographed city in the world. They didn’t consider it relevant that people would sit down in front of their computer monitors and play the video recordings over and over for years afterward.

Building 7 fell at freefall speed into its own basement along the lines of greatest resistance in less than 7 seconds. The center support pillars were all broken into convenient 22 foot segments. The owner, Harry Silverstein then stated on world television that he asked them (the firefighters) to “pull it”. The term “pull it” as he used it in the interview clearly meant to demolish the building (World Trade Center Building 7). Firefighters don’t do demolitions.

The only way that building could have been destroyed is for demolition experts to place explosives with triggering devices set to be activated in a controlled sequence. It takes weeks to carry out such a plan depending on the size of the building and the personnel available to execute it and the access provided. No amount of backtracking will ever change that. Mr. Silverstein didn’t study his script very well. He knew the buildings were coming down, but somehow he thought he could “BS” his way out of it by saying the firefighters did it.

Three months after 911, George Bush was in front of a live television audience stating that he saw the first plane hit the world trade center before he went into the classroom. He added that he thought to himself, “ Now there’s a really bad pilot…it must have been a terrible accident…I didn’t have much time to think about it because I was whisked into the classroom.“

We all know that his press secretary Andy Card told him about the second plane striking the World Trade Center after he was in the classroom. We know from video and other evidence that the second strike did not occur until after he was in the classroom. We saw Mr. Card walk up to Mr. Bush while on television in the classroom and whisper in his ear in front of the children. He couldn’t have gotten the two events mixed up. The only video of the first plane hitting the World Trade Center was caught by a French camera crew filming a documentary. That film was not aired until the next day, September 12th. There was no live coverage of the first plane hitting the 1st World Trade Center,nor were there any televised video played that same day, anywhere.

Of course, that means that the event was known at the highest levels of our own government in advance; so much in advance, that they had time to go over there and set up a camera to shoot the building that was going to be hit and get it linked through our satellites to a monitor inside a schoolroom in Sarasota, Florida.

Once you absorb the reality of the forgoing, it is only a matter of time before the rest is quickly uncovered and the “smoking gun” is found. We know from satellite imagery that there were two “hot spots” at the site of the collapsed buildings that were in excess of 2000ºF, a month afterward. A fuel fire can only reach a maximum of 1500ºF under the best of circumstances in the open air. Most of the fuel fire was gone within seconds of the explosions. There were people photographed standing on the burning floors looking out through the holes created by the aircraft who ran into the buildings. A recording is available of a firefighter announcing on his radio from the 72nd floor of 1WTC that there were only two small fires that could easily be extinguished just before the building collapsed. Our federal government was clearly complicit in the attacks.

Within days of George W. Bush assuming the Presidency of the United States he expressed the need to invade Iraq. His orders were, “Find me a way to do this.” It would seem that his need was satisfied.

Osama Bin Ladin had nothing to do with the attacks. He was killed in the fall of 2001 and buried in an unmarked grave by his own men. You’ve not been told this as it does not serve the interests of the leaders of our country to have an enemy that’s dead.

The power-elite (Illuminati) working through the CIA, the British MI6 and Israel’s Mossad were involved in carrying out the plot. Twenty-five neo-conservative intellectuals (Neocon Zionists) conceived of the plot and pushed Bush to change the course of history. They wished to create conflict between the Muslims and Israelis sufficient to create chaos and the New World Order.

Recently surfaced documents from WWII also show that the United States deliberately placed innocents in harms way as a way to provoke an all-out confrontation. The United States not only knew that the Japanese would attack Pearl Harbor, they even moved commercial shipping out of the lanes that they knew the Japanese Fleet would use as they moved into position in the western Pacific Ocean for the attack.

We deliberately arranged for the older military ships to be at Pearl Harbor and the newer ships, including the aircraft carriers, to be at sea. The ships that were in Pearl Harbor were from WWI and were already scheduled to be mothballed. We now have documents that show that the U.S. command knew the exact hour of the day that the attack was to occur several days before it happened. There were thousands of Japanese communications, in the months prior to the attack, which had been intercepted and decoded. For many years after WWII this was denied, but the evidence is overwhelming. Even Roosevelt’s admirers don’t deny it anymore.

On the surface it looked like it was a struggle for freedom over totalitarianism or a war between the three factions of collectivism called the Fascists, Leninists and the Fabians, but it was all created by the Illuminati.

Over one hundred years ago Cecil Rhodes started a secret society. The structure of his secret society was the same as the Illuminati. There were rings within rings, and at the center was the leader and a few trusted associates called the Elect or “The Society of the Elect.” He believed that the end justified the means. Its original goal was to extend the Anglo-Saxon culture throughout the world but it soon evolved into something much bigger as it merged with the Illuminati. The goal became a collectivist world government with a benign dictator and a behind-the-scenes council of 12 oligarchic elders. The attainment of The New World Order was considered the highest morality possible in social affairs.

“The individual is handicapped by coming face-to-face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists.” – J. Edgar Hoover

The Controllers Agenda Exposed – Part 5

SF Source How To Exit The Matrix  Apr 2016

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4 thoughts on “Iraq and 9/11

  1. 9/11 does not appear to be ‘going away’ in the American psyche any time soon. Time has revealed enough inconsistencies in official versions of the incident to an extent that even hard core anti-conspiracy theorists have begun to question official accounts.

    Whether or not we will ever know the full truth of 9/11 may be up for grabs but the fact that those formerly ‘asleep-at-the-wheel’ on the subject are beginning to awaken bodes well for our country as
    we cannot repair that which is broken while in denial of the breach.

    1. Hi Rose, we are in complete agreement.

      What is shocking to me is how many intelligent, HIGHLY EDUCATED Americans didn’t immediately catch the implausibility of a aluminum-framed, alloy steel plane hitting STEEL and CONCRETE can cause a steel-girdered, REINFORCED building to collapse. It is as ridiculous as saying a mosquito hit a glass window and caused it to explode and turn to dust. And yet, here we are, 15 years later and the impossible is still accepted because “It’s the guv’ment that said planes crashed into the Towers and brought ’em down.” -g

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