An Open Letter to Don Ferguson a.k.a. Zen Gardner

SF Editorial Statement – This is posted at the request of a reader. It is not something I myself would have chosen to post on Shift Frequency due to how subtly manipulative it feels to me.

Bernard does make a creditable attempt to balance the energies and not handle Zen’s public shaming for PAST CHOICES as the be all end all of who he is as a man.

Quite frankly being “fair and balanced” in this entire Matrix Creation doesn’t feel  right to me. Why? Because it keeps focus on the so-called “depraved, fallen state” of humanity as exemplified through Zen.  It keeps focus on the PAST and not the PRESENT – and admirably fulfills a very subtle AI Matrix manipulation – the take down of  one Enlightened Being by a second very able Enlightened Being under guise of “Tough Love.” – Gillian Grannum

zenBernard Guenther – Over the past week I have received many messages from people asking me about Zen Gardner’s recent “confession”. He was a member of the Children of God (The Family) cult for 27 years, including being in leadership position.

I have kept quiet over the past week since the news broke and wanted to talk to Zen personally about it since I had some questions. I have “known” Zen since April this year. He liked my work, reposted some of my blogs on his site and I was on his “Now and Zen” show in May. We stayed in contact, changed a few Skype messages and had two Skype video chats. The last time I talked to him via Skype was when he was in Spain last month, hanging out with my friend Benny Wills (from Joy Camp) and others.

I was quite shocked when I first read his article “My Missing Years”. At first I was glad to see that he shared this hidden aspect of his personal life and opened up. It triggered empathy and compassion within me. However, as I was doing more research into the COG cult and also discovered why and how his “confession” actually came about, many things he talked about (and especially the way he handled it) didn’t add up. There was a lot of avoidance, white-washing and not addressing big questions that sit like multiple “elephants in the living room”.

At first I tried to connect with him via Skype, offering my support but also pointing out that I had questions and I felt his articles (especially the second one “A Few Replies”) were coming from a victim/avoidance/missionary stance, lacking sincere accountability and full disclosure. I also connected with Benny to talk about this situation since we both know (or knew) Zen personally (although I never met him in person). We both tried to confront him on some questions we had via Skype message and wanted to talk to him in person eye to eye via Skype. He dodged and avoided our questions and kept responding with “testimonials” of other people who support him during this time. He never made an effort to connect with us via Skype video.

This led me to write a long email to him, being very direct as I would be to any “friend” who’d be in the same situation. In my view good “friends” call each other out when needed to help each other grow. I was not interested in ego-stroking him and “showering” him will all kinds of New Age/Pop-spiritual lingo as I saw so many of his fans do in the comment section of his two articles. The lack of critical thinking and not spotting the obvious red flags by so many people was actually sad and shocking to see. However, I’m also not interested in a public “which hunt” and just screaming out “sick Pedophile” or “Sociopath” as I have seen some people do as well. I wanted to be direct but also supportive and help him to come fully “clean”.

I sent the email to him four days ago (and a copy to Benny as well since he helped me with this email and agrees with everything written in it) and haven’t heard back from him since then. Sadly and very telling he only wrote Benny a message yesterday with ANOTHER testimonial of someone else stating how great of a guy Zen is and AGAIN dodging Benny’s simple and direct questions, while Benny tried to refer to the email I sent him. Since then he also has not replied to any of Benny’s questions.

I think it says a lot that he didn’t even message me after I sent this email (even just to acknowledge that he received it) in which I expressed that I wanted to talk to him face to face; but instead he tried to convince my friend Benny that he’s such a “great guy” who is exposed to an “unfair witch-hunt”, telling him that he simply doesn’t remember everything that happened (if that is not a red flag, then I don’t know what is). The continuing excessive need for validation from others is also a huge and big red flag in itself, let alone the avoidance of answering simple and direct questions from people he knows personally, calling us “friends” and “brothers”.

The reason why I make this email public here (with minor edits due to privacy and for context) has various reasons.

For one, it basically answers the many questions I have received from other people about my “opinion” and stand on that issue.

Secondly, I need to do this out of my own conscience and be very open and clear about it. The last few days have been hard on me to digest all the research I’ve done into the COG cult and the “betrayal”/disillusionment I experienced, realizing that I really do not know who the persona Zen Gardner is. Part of me didn’t want to get into it all or even write this blog but just let “others” deal with it since the cat is out of the bag anyway. I just wanted to keep focusing on my own work. I also didn’t want to fuel a “witch hunt” against Zen Gardner and also give him time to respond to my email.

However, as I was taking some time for myself, staying off the computer for a few days and just letting the information digest within me, contemplating and meditating on it, I got the strong message from within that I do need to make this public statement and let it all out. I can’t stand on the sideline about this. It’s like my conscience doesn’t leave me any other choice and I tried the best I could to speak to Zen in person to no avail. I also consulted with a few friends besides Benny for some feedback (to check my own possible blind spots and/or reactive behavior) and I also sent them the email I sent to Zen. All of them agreed with what I wrote and encouraged me to post it publicly, especially since there are some issues addressed that most of his “followers” don’t seem to see or address or “don’t want to see”.

In the end it ties into what I wrote about in my last essay. We are in the times of “unveiling” and “splitting” as the dark is coming to light to be transmuted and transcended and there is no hiding from it. There have also been other synchronicities and signs in my life over the past week, confirming that this is the right step to take. Some people, including Zen Gardner himself, will maybe see this blog as part of the “which hunt” (while others may even think that I’m too “easy” on him), but I trust that anyone with some grounded and embodied awareness knows and sees the true intention of it in light of the Time of Transition that we are in. One thing I can say for sure, this email/article is not coming from a reactive-projecting place, but from a place of consciously responding, even if I do call a spade a spade as you’ll see and I am very direct in parts. Call it “fiery compassion”.

“Real compassion kicks butt and takes names and is not pleasant on certain days. If you are not ready for this fire, then find a new-age, sweetness and light, perpetually smiling teacher and learn to relabel your ego with spiritual sounding terms. But, stay away from those who practice real compassion, because they will fry your ass, my friend.” ~ Ken Wilber

Thirdly, I realize more and more that all this goes way deeper than most people are aware of and I’m still wrapping “my head” around it as new information is coming out, including possible CIA/MK Ultra connections to the COG cult, tying into SRA since most of these cults (especially when sexual trauma is involved) are also “fronts” for MK Ultra operations (which the cult members/leaders themselves are usually not aware of whatsoever), hence they get away with these kind of “practices” for all these years, because it is being “allowed” from behind the scenes. However, there is no factual confirmation or proof of any of that which I’m aware of as of yet. It affects the so-called “truth movement” (whatever that is anyway in this day and age) in more ways than most people seem to be aware of; let alone looking at it all from a hyperdimensional “archonic” perspective which I haven’t even gotten into (yet).

And lastly, it is also to counter-act this “guilt of association” fallacy/nonsense that seems to go around, affecting many people who have even just talked to Zen or were on his show at some point, which is ridiculous to say the least. I don’t know anyone personally who actually had any idea of Zen’s past, including the ones I know who have been in contact with him personally.

However, my own difficulties of dealing with this topic over the past week (it’s not a pity-plea but simply about stating my own process) is NOTHING compared to the many children that suffered and still suffer as adults under the consequences of being in the COG cult.

Before you continue reading please watch 8 minutes of this video (from 50min to 58min) to see what The Children of God cult does to people and keep in mind that this young woman did NOT have a choice as a young child and didn’t join the cult as an adult as Zen Gardner did, who was a member of it from age 22 until age 49, even in leadership position. If you don’t have tears coming up watching this, then you need to check your ability to actually truly FEEL compassion/empathy as opposed to just an “intellectual” acknowledgement of “compassion”.

What is interesting to note is that this Anthony Robbins documentary apparently just came out last month on Netflix and was just uploaded last week on YouTube. It’s a very interesting “coincidence”/synchronicity in light of the revelations about Zen Gardner, as if there is a “higher force” that wants this information to come to awareness to help make the darkness conscious for healing and transmutation. The video should start at the 49m42s mark if you hit play:

So, here’s the email. There are resources for further reading/watching at the end, just a small selection. There is way more out there (and more will come out) but it will get you started to do your own research and make your own conclusions:

Hi Donald,

I’d rather address you by your real name to cut through the “image” of the public “Zen Gardner”. My intention is to write to you as a friend and how I would communicate to any good friend I have who’d be in the situation you are in and the way you have handled it so far. What I write here I’ll also Cc to Benny (he has read it before I sent it anyway). I want it to be completely open between friends. It also comes from a place of support. However, to set the “stage” of my letter to you, I’d like to share this quote, which resembles to me what TRUE friendship is all about between “friends” who are engaged in the same work during these times we are in:

“According to the Great Work, a friend is one in which you support and encourage the other’s expansion in either the mind or the spirit. Otherwise they are people you are sentimentally attached to it because they would eat cinnamon bun with you. And they will say ‘hee, hee, hee’ aren’t we having fun”. Drug addicts do the same thing. Drug addicts want to be around people who will support them and be away from real friends. Do you know why? Because it feels good. To be a member of a mystery school can be catastrophic to the ego and to the ego’s habits and to the propensity for mediocrity. No one ever cried striving for excellence. They only cried when their mediocrity was taken away from them and pointed out to them.” ~ Jerhoam

Continue reading . . .

SF Source Veil of Reality August 2016

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2 thoughts on “An Open Letter to Don Ferguson a.k.a. Zen Gardner

  1. Even IF Zen Gardner (Don Ferguson) was involved in sexual improprieties, underage sex, whatever, does that mean he is branded the rest of his life, and can’t try to be a part of the awakening, as he called it in his book..? “Let he who has not sinned was the first stone” (or however it goes). I myself have done things in the past I’m not proud of, even ashamed of, but that doesn’t make me a bad person the rest of my life. If you repent sincerely, then you shouldn’t be branded as a sinner the rest of your life. Perhaps Zen would have been better off just saying: “I was involved with a cult in the past which I’ve cut ties with, and have no wish to relive what happened back then. I’m sorry for having been a part of it, and sincerely apologize to my friends and readers.” That might have gone over better than trying to downplay his involvement. Even if he wasn’t involved in illegal sexual activities with underage people, he has no way of proving that, so just apologizing and insisting on NOT discussing it anymore might be a better tactic. Zen has an amazing intellect, and seems well-meaning to me, so I forgive him for whatever he did in the past, and don’t believe he is the kind of person who would have done anything horrible. The Napoleonic laws in Europe make sex with 16 year olds legal, and that seems like a reasonable age of consent, especially in these days of early puberty. That said, I’m against sexual productivity, and believe it should only be done between and man and woman who love each other, not same sex or transgenders involved. I don’t condemn gay or transgender people, but they are under satanic influence, and should not promote that kind of activity, as is happening thanks to cultural Marxism.

    1. Don was NOT involved in pedophilia or any of the negative and downright UGLY things he was accused of. It never ceases to amaze me how readily this so-called “LIGHT WORKER” community condemns and vilifies its members. Don is a fine human being with a high spiritual focus and incredible communication skills. I feel blessed to call him my friend.

      Thank you for your comment. It is appreciated. g

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