Zika Virus Psyop Back In the News

Bernie Suarez – Have you forgotten about the Zika virus “microcephaly” scare from January-February 2016? If so then that’s a problem according to the ruling elite and those pushing for globalized medical tyranny. You are not supposed to forget that you are supposed to be afraid. So on cue lest you forget, the CDC is rolling out the Zika virus non-evidence psyop scare once again. I get the feeling the controllers are running out of time and scare tactics so they are looking to force their narratives on the masses however awkward it seems.

Let’s see; ISIS terrorism, world war 3 propaganda, global warming, domestic extremism. What else can they think of? It clearly appears to be time to revive the Zika virus failed scare that faded away after evidence fell apart that was supposed to show an epidemic of microcephaly in Brazil caused by Zika virus. As it turned out the cases of microcephaly in Brazil were not exactly the number of cases initially reported by the Brazilian “authorities.” But, as we’ve learned from the past, verifiable facts and reason have never been shown to stop State propaganda. So if you thought you had heard the last of Zika virus, think again.

The ruling elite would say, so what, the suspected cases of microcephaly in Brazil turned out to be around 404 cases instead of the 4780 they were initially claiming which entirely exposed the Zika virus “story” as a fraud. And so what, there are no legitimate studies proving a direct link between Zika virus and microcephaly. As far as the ruling elite are concerned the agenda must go forward. Enter Dr Anne Schuchat, the principal Deputy Director of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) who has some scaremongering to spread and you better listen carefully:

“Most of what we’ve learned is not reassuring,” said Dr. Anne Schuchat, the principal deputy director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. “Everything we know about this virus seems to be scarier than we initially thought.

She said the virus has been linked to a broader array of birth defects throughout a longer period of pregnancy. The potential geographic range of the mosquitoes transmitting the virus also reaches farther northward, and now includes 30 states. And it can be spread sexually, causing the CDC to update its guidance to couples.

Are you scared yet? Did Dr Schuchat do a good job at creating fear out of thin air? The controllers hope you are afraid. Never mind all the facts we know about the benign virus which was initially described in 1952. Never mind that the virus presents sub-clinically and has never been a major cause of disease in humans.

Regardless of the facts, the controllers continue to read out of the same Zika psyop script. Anyone following the Zika virus engineered saga is probably familiar with the tactic being used which claims the supposedly deadly virus is affecting newborns and spreads sexually. These 2 claims (affecting newborns and spreading sexually) are at the center of the establishment’s attempt to, among other things, suggest the justification of the idea of mandatory birth control which perfectly fits into the ruling elites population control agenda among other agendas.

But for anyone who is still not willing to believe the ruling elite would stir up a phony virus scare to push population reduction, mandatory vaccination and sell birth control to the 1.2 billion Catholics on the planet then at least consider this: Obama has demanded $1.9 billion just to “combat” the Zika mosquito borne virus! Are you getting the picture of how this works now?

This is a reminder that, thanks to the Internet, alternative media and independent news it IS possible to stay on top of all government psychological operations and propaganda AND to live a mentally healthy state while observing (and reporting) the over-the-top lies and propaganda without letting it drive you crazy. They of course, hope that you believe their lies and their “reports” on face value without any form of critical thinking. But with so much information available today all you need to do is try to educate yourself and you’ll come across all the information you need to see through this.

Above and beyond the fact that they are using the Zika virus narrative to make lots of money, forcibly vaccinate people and push population control, keep in mind that not long ago the United Nations was calling for a “Global Response Medical Command Center” in response to the Zika virus lies. As we can see, ultimately this is about medical tyranny and control of humanity and medical records at a global level. And as you can see this is about global government and the globalization of medicine as they are doing with the global police agenda every time the spin together another false flag shooting.

Isn’t it amazing how everything traces back to the same global agenda to enslave humanity, destroy nation states, solidify the global government and permanently empower the ruling elite? We all know how this works.

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zika Bernie Suarez is a revolutionary writer with a background in medicine, psychology, and information technology. He has written numerous articles over the years about freedom, government corruption and conspiracies, and solutions. A former host of the 9/11 Freefall radio show, Bernie is also the creator of the Truth and Art TV project where he shares articles and videos about issues that raise our consciousness and offer solutions to our current problems.

SF Source Activist Post  Apr 2016

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