Dark Workers & Light Workers Serve the Same Agenda 20Sep2013 [Audio]

Vincent Eastwood

Vinny’s NUTShell: Cameron Day http://www.ascensionhelp.com

Did you ever wonder how strange it is that one element of humanity, the darkness is opposed by people calling themselves light workers?

Who claim that lying down and taking it, believing there is no good or bad is the way to resist evil?


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Birthing New Realities

AugureyeExpress September 20 2013

It certainly seems to be the way of things that when it comes to the concept of change; the good variety takes forever while the more negative kind can and does happen over night. Change, and more importantly rebirthare the key concepts of our emergence into the Aquarian age and a new evolution for humanity. Few of us expected earth shattering events on a massive scale lastDecember 21st when the long count Mayan calendar ended, instead we saw it for what it was, the moment of conception for the rebirth of humanity.

This week marks the ninth month since that ominous date, and common consensus is that this gestation period is over. Not everyone agreeson just what this means or what may happen (of course) but most do agree we are about to witness an event of magnitude and importance. The universe rearranges itself to match our picture of reality. By example; people who are always upbeat, positive, and believe in themselves experience a much different reality than those who have poor self esteem and believe only bad things happen to them. It’s the old law of attraction at work – energy flows where thought goes.

Because reality itself is different depending upon who and where you are, it seems likely that whatever is about to occur will be perceived differently by everyone; according to belief system; and what each individual is willing to see/experience. When it comes to belief systems there is no shortage of them here on earth, and we’ve all heard it said that they can’t all be right … but why not? If the universe is considerate enough to rearrange itself to match our view of what reality is, wouldn’t you also expect it to reveal itself in a like manner, i.e. something each person was comfortable with and willing to experience? Seems logical to me, especially if we’re really the ones creating all of this reality.

Arab SpringJust because this shift of the ages is happening now it doesn’t mean that everyone is ready or prepared for it. We are not all at the same stage or level of spiritual progress after all. Our current spiritual needs are as divergent as our beliefs, and in such a beautifully complex system I simply do not believe that “one size fits all.” So, you may wonder as many are, how exactly is all this going to work? How are all these divergent and often intolerant belief systems going to manifest together all at once, without even more insanity than there is now? In the wild, when a wolf pack grows too large to remain efficient, or when there is a leadership challenge, part of the pack splits off to form a new pack structure. Reality continues for both packs…just not the samereality.

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Accepting Gracefully

Weekly LightBlast September 21 2013

As you open your heart to your present moment, that which is desired is enhanced. That which is undesired is embraced and with that embrace, transformed. Do you feel that in your embraces? Do you feel the transmission of Love, or is it a moment of action without connection? To touch another, to touch Life is a gift of open sharing of Love that does not require physical contact. You embrace with the intentions of your heart. Life feels those intentions and responds. When you Accept Gracefully, you are embracing Life as it is and that embrace creates an increased spin of Love. The bond of Life is enlivened and creativity is sparked.

When you ‘embrace’ another, whether through a hug, a smile, kind words or even a thought, you are transmitting quantum information that is read by the all the cells. Where you get lost is in the physical evidence and the continuation of a thread of Love. It is easy to be distracted by the physical reality. Even to be in the vicinity of others, you are bombarded with their information. Are you courageous enough, disciplined enough and patient enough to maintain your thread of Love? It takes practice. It is worth the effort as you begin to dominate your own atmosphere with the grace of Love. Those around you have the potential to be changed, for you already have. It is not your job to save the world. As you Love, the world shifts in unseen quantum ways. All Life is imbued with Love. As you stimulate that innate quality, creativity is sparked. It only requires your acceptance of Life and Love does the ‘work.’

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Where Are We Now?

Shift Frequency Highlights September 15-21 2013

The Syrian war is on hold, at least for now. Assad has shrewdly requested that if Syria must turn over its chemical weapons and permit international inspections then Israel should do likewise concerning its nuclear arsenal. Israel has never signed a nuclear nonproliferation agreement, and continues to claim it has no nuclear arsenal.  Of course, Israel having no nukes is as believable as Assad inviting UN inspectors to Syria just in time for them to see him kill his citizens with sarin gas.

In other news America’s “too big to fail” criminal banking establishment and its private (mostly foreign-owned) Federal Reserve are desperate for war in the Middle East. The fate of the petrodollar hangs perilously close to demise, a demise assured if the Chinese and Russians gain access to Iran’s oil fields via Syrian ports.

Oh The Tangled Webs We Weave

Now that Syria’s bogged down, Senator Lindsay Graham (R, S.C.) has decided to go for broke and introduce legislation to declare war on Iran. Hmm, I wonder why? Could Graham’s eagerness to pursue Israeli policy possibly be linked to NSA spying and the fact NSA shares all its gathered intelligence with Israel? It’s fairly easy to deduce that blackmail, in addition to bribes, is what makes Congress oh so malleable in the hands of AIPAC policymakers.

The Dept of Homeland Insecurity has been busily buying up huge stores of water, food, ammunition, and health supplies for use in FEMA District 3 (Region 3 includes Washington DC, Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia). What does the American government know that it isn’t bothering to share with the American people?

Monsanto is feeling a bit rejected right now, hence its latest successful lobbying effort in Congress. “Tucked into the GOP’s latest bid to gut the Affordable Care Act, the House passed a three-month extension on Friday of the Farmer Assurance Provision rider that circumvents judicial authority regarding the sale and planting of genetically modified crops.”  One has to ask if GMOs are so good for humanity why is Monsanto so concerned about getting sued?

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The 2 Forces That Work Against You In A Jury Trial

freemansperspective  September 19 2013

Fully Informed Jury AssociationA few years ago I received a jury summons. And while I detest the barbaric “show up or else” aspect of it, I do appreciate juries as a last ditch measure against tyranny. (In fact, years ago I spent some time with Larry Dodge, the founder of the Fully Informed Jury Association, and I’ve been a fan ever since.)

I was assigned to a slightly complicated drunk driving case, and since I have courtroom experience, the other jurors elected me Foreman. We heard the testimony in the case, which didn’t take long, and then retired to our jury room to deliberate.

Once we got going I realized, for the first time, what kind of pressures were placed on jurors. More importantly, I saw that in just an hour or two, I could have turned my jury in either direction. It wouldn’t have been hard.

I didn’t do that, of course. I oversaw the jury very loosely and was absolutely as fair as I knew how to be… without diminishing my own opinion, of course. It’s a sobering thing to decide whether a man goes free or is locked in a cage.

But, I could have turned the jury either way, and not because they were weak, stupid people (they weren’t), or because I was overbearing. Rather, I could have manipulated them because they were in a position that lent itself to manipulation.

Why Some Juries Get It Wrong

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