2016 Astrological Forecast

yearLaurie Baum – Season’s Greetings! Many heartfelt wishes to you for a peaceful, harmonious, loving & prosperous Season & New Year of 2016!

The Winter Solstice, the shortest day of the year, arrives on Monday, December 21, 2015. The Winter Solstice is a time to celebrate the return of the light as the days will start to be longer after the solstice arrives.

The days leading up to the Solstice provide an auspicious opportunity to use prayer, meditation, and affirmations to focus on positive outcomes you would like to create. The power of the changing angle of the Sun intensifies the power of your thoughts, which enables you to make much spiritual, mental, emotional, and material progress at this time. It is a law of physics that light is most powerful when it bends, as the Sun’s light does at every Solstice and Equinox. Use this time to make progress in spheres of life that are important to you!

2016 Yearly Forecast

The beginning of every new century, and especially every new millennium (i.e. 2000) gives birth to growing pains that ultimately define a new—and higher—chapter of human history. Like a plant that has outgrown its pot, our collective world has outgrown its present patterns and structures, and is breaking the old form to create a new one. A period of struggle typically ensues at the start of every new century, such as we are in now. In our case, old power structures (government, corporate, economic) are trying to hold on to their forms, just as the pot struggles to retain its shape as the roots and branches break through. This tension between the old and and new can cause struggle, which we see abundantly in our world today. Yet, like a plant that always grows toward the light, we too are growing toward the light, despite temporary appearances to the contrary.

The expansion of consciousness we are currently undergoing will be rippling out in even greater ways in 2016 as the powerful effects of the alignment between innovative and rebellious Uranus in Aries and transformative Pluto in Capricorn continue to accelerate. You will feel an increasing urge to individuate and self-actualize in 2016. As others around you do the same, you will find that people may bump into each other or rub against each other in an exponentially larger number of ways.

The good news is that by rubbing against each other, each person is smoothing out the rough edges in the other. Even if it doesn’t feel good at the time it is happening, the result will be positive. Still, the impact of the changes each individual is going through will send shock waves into the field of human consciousness and potentially cause exponentially greater adjustments on a global scale. The energy for change will be “on steroids,” meaning that everything will feel as if it is moving at a higher and faster pitch, and will feel like “a lot.”

Even the weather and natural phenomenon will swing between extremes. So, if it feels warm or cold, it will feel very warm or very cold. Or if the air is stagnant or it is windy, it will be very stagnant or very windy. Similarly in the political sphere, if someone has power, they will exert too much power. If others feel like victims, they will feel ultra-powerless. Kindness will be the only antidote. Loving support for each other will a prized quality amidst the potential turbulence, and there will be many random acts of kindness and valor in the coming year. This will be especially important to balance what will also be random acts of terror and violence, and over-exertion of governmental authority.

Ultimately, the only soul-ution will be a return to core spiritual values to balance the imbalances that will rise to the surface. Love, compassion, faith, prayer, and spiritual practices will ameliorate your state of consciousness. This even could mean sitting quietly with your journal and affirming the positive qualities you would like to create in yourself and the world around you.

Change comes one human being at a time. You also will derive great benefits from sitting quietly in meditation, stepping out of the fray to gain greater perspective. 2016 will be a year when the ancient traditional techniques of prayer and spiritual practice may at times seem like the only soul-utions that work! As your thoughts become more powerful with the frequency of energy on the planet on the rise, you will see how much more quickly and easily your thoughts manifest results—both for good or ill—either according to your habitual thought patterns or according to your concerted efforts to express your higher thoughts.

Thus, it will be more important to think about what you want rather than what you don’t want (ie. the bad things that have happened to you, are happening to you, or might happen to you in the future). This is because the negative thoughts, if repeated, will create according to the energy they send out. Keep your mind on what you are grateful for, positive outcomes, and what you would like more of, now and in the future.

Without doubt, we are in a time of accelerating evolution similar to the period of advancement initiated in the 1960s by planetary patterns. Just as results of planetary changes in the 1960s manifested their greatest results the 1970s, so too will the planetary patterns of 2015 manifest greater peace and harmony in the 2020’s. The changes we will see will involve greater equality between genders, socio-economic classes, and nations. This will be facilitated by rapid advances in technology, communications, and breakdowns and breakthroughs in present governmental, economic, corporate, and social structures.

Many relationships, institutions, and once-dependable events or patterns, will seem to mystically dissolve in the coming year as past structures melt away to make way for a higher age of flowing, spontaneous—and ultimately more loving, energies. We will experience the connectedness of all human beings, creatures, and the environment through a shared energetic heartbeat.

Planetarily, this year will be about serving each other, and lovingly letting the past dissolve to openly receive the future. Fortunate energies will enter the earth’s atmosphere when Jupiter, planet of luck, aligns with karmic Saturn, change-oriented Uranus, spiritual Neptune, and deeply transformational Pluto in March, May, June, September, and December 2016. These will be the most active months of the year. With the karmic Nodes of the Moon in Virgo and Pisces and spiritual Neptune in Pisces, along with Saturn in Sagittarius, you will do best when you adhere to strong core values of love, peace, harmony, forgiveness, and compassion, and spiritual techniques of positive thinking, affirmations, and hopefully ubiquitous random acts of kindness.

As the tests become stronger, the soul-utions also will become stronger too, making everyone stronger on the path they choose. With this commitment to giving your best, your divine soul qualities will more easily emerge, and together we will make this earth a better place.

All my heartfelt wishes for love & light,


SF Source Laurie Baum newsletter

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