9 – 16 January 2022 Week Ahead Forecasts

mercury retrogradeLorna Bevan – In 2022, there will be 4 Mercury retrograde periods, rather than the usual three. The first begins this week as Mercury slows to station on Friday January 14th, turning retrograde at 10 Aquarius until February 3rd. This means that both Venus and the Messenger of the Gods will be re-tracing old ground for the rest of the month.

Last Saturday 8th, retrograde Venus was literally blacked out, occulted by the Sun, morphing into the Morning Star aka Lucifer, the light bearer. At this Capricornian Venus Star Point, something may have to die in o rder to be reborn. It is all about seeing what really matters when all your usual props and distractions have been taken away and working with the energies to permanently clear away the dross, the superficial and the unnecessary.

January 2022 is definitely NOT the time to:

♦ impose New Year’s “Resolutions” on yourself – an act of self-brutality that puts pressure on your already exhausted body and soul that should be deep in winter repose, resting in the heart of the long, creative dark

♦ spend money you don’t have

♦ undergo cosmetic surgery

♦ move house

♦ launch a new business or big project

♦ make a big leap just for the sake of doing something, anything

♦ ignore those creaking floorboards, weak links and shifting tectonic plates wherever they are in your life – let them fall apart, break and shatter

This collective Rupture to our old way of life is shining a harsh spotlight into the dark corners of 21st century culture that worships consumerism and the cult of individualism and separation. We are all disconnected and cut off from community, from nature, from our roots as humans, from the dream time, increasingly experiencing life through a small screen. We are hungry and starving for heart-based connection – to be truly seen and heard, to be truly known.

Instead, it is the time to befriend and support yourself by balancing and strengthening the 4 Connections: to Your Self/to Others/to the Sacred/to the Earth

The Chandra Symbol Mercury Retrograde Aquarius 10: A black raven with a bright red head.

“The bringer of dark tidings. If this proves to be inconvenient and messy, so much the better. She senses her function to be pure shadow all the way. If she can draw attention to the worst, she believes we will all have a chance.

When she comes calling, everything stands still. We are all at rapt attention. She keeps us spellbound by her articulation of the shadows, the forbidden, the strange.

We ask her to do her worst. She makes sure we cannot get away with our fantasies and our dreams. What motivates her is the chance to deprive fools of their masks and their self-righteousness. For she has been around and she has learned that what seems bright and high-blown contains within itself seeds of a very great downfall.

She would prefer to hasten the inevitable, so we can get on with cleaning up afterwards.” Inside degrees Elias Lonsdale.

Weekly forecast – Individual signs


SF Source Hare In The Moon Jan 2022

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