A March Month of Exciting Change and Connection to Source

A March Month of Exciting Change and Connection to SourceHenry Seltzer – The March month is an exciting one with a potent – although short-lived – Venus-Jupiter-Chiron triple conjunction in Aries, profound aspects to new planets beyond Pluto, and, later in the month, both Saturn and Pluto changing signs. The month begins in the wake of the dynamic New Moon from the last ten days of February that aspected Uranus and Pluto.

This New Moon configuration featured Venus in partile sextile to Pluto, and with Saturn in late Aquarius at their approximate midpoint. This indicates focus, concentration, and transformation for relationship issues over this entire thirty-day lunation cycle, through to March 20th.

There was also in the recent New Moon configuration a close opposition between Jupiter and the new Nature planet, Makemake, supported by Uranus, implying a certain depth of values, of considerations of right action and right relationship, potentially coming into greater consciousness through a process of deep intuition.

The other of these new nature planets, Haumea, currently residing in the first degree of Scorpio, retrograde and about to cross back into late Libra, was also prominent in the recent Pisces New Moon, being aspected by the Sun and Moon, Venus, Mars, Pluto, Neptune, and Saturn.

Meanwhile, as March begins, from the 1st to the 3rd, a rare triple conjunction of Venus, Jupiter, and Chiron, the Wounded Healer, all in Aries, takes place, implying that inner wounding involving relationship issues could be part of this first week. These planets that go to depth within the psyche being so greatly emphasized, namely Chiron, and the KBO planets Pluto, Haumea, and Makemake, points to their significance this month.

If we make the effort, we can gain enormous ground on understanding ourselves better in these interior depths of our being, where our issues and our hidden wounding, and as well our true moral compass, resides.

We must note as well that Pluto is also changing signs, entering Aquarius on March 23rd. This is an historic ingress, after 15 years in Capricorn, signaling another 20 years before the next one. Many astrologers are currently speculating about Pluto in Aquarius will bring; the transformation of our relationship to global community, internet communications, AI, and humanism itself, all might be subject to consideration, transformation, and renewal in along the way to 2043.

The Virgo Full Moon takes place on March 7th, at 16 degrees, with the Sun opposite in Pisces, and emphasizing Trickster Uranus by trine and sextile. This is a dynamic configuration, when the inner wounding and the healing represented by Chiron could once again come up, and when we will be striving for balance.

This is a Piscean month, for the most part, although with an Aries coda from the 21st on. The Aries Solstice is on the 20th, when the Sun enters this sign, and the Aries New Moon takes place at the zero-degree mark, the next morning, on March 21st, also known as Astrology Day.

There is a line-up of six planets in Aries, including Eris, at the 24-degree mark, where she was greatly stimulated by the First Quarter Moon of the 14th, halfway between the March 7th Full Moon and the beginning of the Aries lunation cycle. Eris is all about considered action – in support of deepest principle – which will be particularly emphasized on the 14th.

Just after the Virgo Full Moon of the 7th, Saturn also enters Pisces, for the next two and a half years. Then, too, in the Moon’s First Quarter on the 28th, a grand trine takes place between Mars newly entered into Cancer, Saturn in Pisces, and Haumea in Scorpio. The very end of the month is therefore a significant time of more greatly digging down into the very depths of our being to discover our inner understanding of where our true values lie.

This is a very important theme this month, of going into the depths that underlie concerted action, and that tell the story of our connection to Nature, and to natural law, to right action and to right relationship, and to sincere truth-telling, all of which are part and parcel of these new KBO planetary archetypes, from beyond Pluto.

There indeed would seem to be an emphasis on truth, even in politics lately, a trend that is likely to continue throughout this March month. Even as individuals, there is much that we can do along these lines, of attempting to make truth our guide, and to plan our lives in such a way as to emphasize our internal moral compass.

This idea of inner integrity and authenticity can become sidetracked in today’s cultural condition but as Martin Luther King was known to remark, it represents the destination that society is bending toward, and that will hopefully be allowed to come out victorious in the end.

SF Source Astrograph Mar 2023

One thought on “A March Month of Exciting Change and Connection to Source

  1. “This idea of inner integrity and authenticity …”

    The spiritual community simply will not own up to what is being hidden. There are 2 kinds of inner integrity. There are intention sources in each.

    The mental mind is fueled to pursue separation from inner integrity. It is the world of math and logic that says the experience of life is sourced in the resources the physical world offers us. It is the manner in which you can acquire, consume, and control these resources.
    The heart mind is fueled by the intentions of the spirit who resides in the heart and the light body who is the parent dreamer of our cognizance and spirit in this experience. The heart mind seeks to share consciousness through the separation experience. The integrity is in the understanding that all lighted energy are consciousness of integrity.

    The use of Astrology is a means to insert a contrivance wheel of premeditated outcomes based intention upon a global civilization through the tools of mentalism. Mentalism uses the occult arts and sciences as well as Hermetic Principles and Kabbalah to insert these control systems.

    To me, spiritualists should no longer be afraid of a cabal who seeks to censor if they go out of mentalism’s bounds.

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