A Trip to the Dentist: Common Dental Procedures Explained

General dentists do more than check your teeth during a visit for a cleaning and polishing. Before you arrange a visit to a specialty dentist, consider if the best dentist in Sandy Utah can help you with any of these five common dental procedures.

Dental Fillings for Cavities or Decay

A Trip to the Dentist: 5 Common Dental Procedures ExplainedA common general dentistry procedure is filling cavities and decay. Dentists also use fillings to repair injured or fractured teeth. Before filling a tooth, dentists listen to the patient’s symptoms, especially if the patient complains about toothaches and pains.

Dentists use X-rays and visual inspections to determine the issue. If they see a need for a filling, they talk about the procedure with the patient, then repair the tooth.

The first step of the procedure involves numbing the tooth. Then, the dentist drills into the tooth to remove the decayed material. They irrigate the tooth, then use the filling to seal the area. Patients and dentists talk about the best type of filling, then choose from gold, silver, resin, or porcelain fillings. Sometimes, dental insurance decides what material the dentist can use for the filling.

Dental Crowns for Injuries, Damage, or Decay

Another common dental procedure is applying a dental crown. Dentists use this procedure for several reasons – usually to repair a damaged or injured tooth. Dentists turn to crowns to protect a tooth rather than extract it. Some patients want crowns to improve their smiles due to a cosmetic imperfection.

If you need a crown, you’ll most likely visit your dentist twice. The first visit will involve taking impressions of the tooth so the lab can make a customized crown. The second visit involves the dentist placing the crown, which will completely cover the tooth to protect from further damage.

Extracting Damaged or Decayed Teeth

Dentists try to salvage teeth with fillings or crowns, but if the tooth is too damaged, the dentist will pull it out. They will also extract teeth that don’t emerge properly from the gums, and they will remove wisdom teeth, especially if they are impacted.

Dentists have two methods of extracting teeth. The first involves loosening it from the bone, if the tooth is above the gumline. When teeth are impacted below the gumline, dentists will perform minor surgery to remove the troublesome tooth.

Replacing Teeth with Implants

After tooth extractions, dentists often replace the missing tooth with an implant. This procedure usually requires minor surgery to permanently attach the implant to the bone. Even though this procedure requires several office visits, it is considered general dentistry. Once the implant is in place, it functions like a real tooth.

Braces and Aligners

Orthodontists are the only dental professions who can help patients with braces and aligners. Some dentists will refer their patients to local orthodontists, but dentists can also take care of misaligned teeth with metal braces or with removable aligners. These tools correct bad bites and repair misaligned smiles.

Talk with your dentist about your dental concerns so you can get the care you need.

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Common Dental Procedures Explained

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