The Journey

KickStarter May 2013

View a ~5 minute video of this planned documentary here


Over six years ago I saw the amazing beauty of the Monarch butterflies in Mexico. “Amazing” barely describes it. These butterflies are more than delicate creatures that travel thousands of miles, over the length of three continents, to spend the winter in Mexico. They fill the mountains, trees and skies with a sea of orange. The sound of their wings silences you.

Mexicans insist they are the souls of dead ancestry that arrive in time to celebrate the Day of the Dead in their country.

After much research I have discovered stories that these butterflies have appeared in times of tragedy, bringing beauty to a sad, sometimes tragic moment and hope to someone that needs it. Is this merely a coincidence?

This film will follow the Monarch’s migration from Canada to Mexico, meeting people who have been touched by their coincidental appearance and hearing their heart-warming stories.

You may have seen nature documentaries on them, but this will put a super-natural and much more people-focused twist on it. It will be a positive and almost magical look at, not just nature, but a subject we don’t love talking about – death.

If we don’t hit our budget, then you won’t be charged a penny. Of course I’m asking you to help with funding, but also please pass this to one person (or more) who will find this story interesting: lovers of butterflies, Mexico, nature, Day of the Dead… whoever you can think of. One way or another, this is going to get made. I hope you help me.

Thank you for your time.

Risks And Challenges

Once the projected is funded these are the risks I can forsee:

1) My energy – the first setback. September of last year I was in a horse accident and am getting over an injury. My energy is up and down… I know the making of this film is a long, hard journey. Pardon the pun. I’m doing what doctors say, pushing myself but taking it easy and I’m getting better everyday.

I did everything you see and read here while “recovering”. I’ll keep you all updated on progress on ALL fronts. If needed, instead of filming it all in one go, I’ll break up the filming into chunks – part this year, part next year.

2) Stories: This film is as good as the stories in it. We’ll have to confirm the people I have met to visit them and film them. I’ve been in touch with them, and they are interested… plus I have a feeling we’ll meet others along the way.

3) Equipment loss or damage: Other than insurance for all of it,  we will be backing up all footage and shipping it back to the UK regularly for safety. And we’ll have a creative agency in the UK as well as a network of producers to help with any potential problems.

4) The Unforseen: There will be things that come our way. This idea has been in the works for 6 years, and there have already been some “setbacks”. All I can say is Jordan is a great producer – resourceful and strong and Canadian. I know creative and financial setbacks from working in advertising and I’m Mexican and American. Richard is an accomplished cameraman who knows nature and he’s English. Our roots matter because the countries we’re filming in are our “homes”. We have a team of creative companies, film production companies, families and even cowboys to help make this happen.

Think of the butterflies… nothing stops them from making the journey… same here. View a ~5 minute video of this planned documentary here.

  • Monarch magical mystery tour (
  • How monarch butterflies find their way to Mexico (

3 thoughts on “The Journey

  1. The short video describing “The Journey” struck an unexpected chord with me, as I had not been aware of the association of Monarch butterflies and departed souls. My story is this:
    On the morning of September 11, 2001, I was driving to my before-work walk in the woods. On the radio I heard the report of the first plane hitting the WTC. After the car was parked and I began walking the trail, hundreds of Monarchs suddenly emerged from the surrounding trees and congregated over my head, following me as I walked. I felt like Uncle Remus in the old movie “Song of the South,” with all these beneficent creatures greeting me in this manner. These first several butterfly-filled minutes of my walk were extremely uplifting, and in all the years since 9/11 my memories of that day have far more to do with the Monarchs than with the horrors dominating the news.
    I cannot know if there is some subtle connection between Monarchs and humans passing on, but I know “The Journey” video has already added a little more color to my recollection of that day.

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