Walking Through The New Earth Door

heartAdeana M. Slater – Many have chosen recently to walk through this new door of opportunities, abundance, peace, joy, and unconditional love. There may even be those who aren’t sure if they want to go in this new direction and are held back in fear of an unknown freedom and all the choices that come with forward movement.

Relate this message to an individual who may have committed a crime and finds him/herself in prison, held captive, for several years.

Imagine how they must feel when their “sentence” is over and they find themselves walking the streets once again. They have the whole world in front of them with so many things to do and places to go. Where does their heart desire to lead them first? Only they will know. Your specific Ascension experience is similar to this. Only you can decide to walk through that new door and free yourself once and for all.

After you decide to walk through the door leading to a New Earth, you have much to take in all at once. It may feel very overwhelming to you. This is because when you experience freedom for the first time again after eons of manipulation and living deep within illusions, it can seem a bit frightening. All pathways before you are going in different directions so you aren’t sure which one to take and which one is the best choice for you.

This is when you need to use discernment, intuition, and allow your heart to guide you. This  definitely takes some getting used to. When you listen to your intuition and heart about which direction to take, you are being asked to completely trust without the outside world showing you any evidence otherwise. You are being pushed to trust and have faith in what your heart is telling you and where you are most guided to go.

As you stand in front of multiple pathways you may decide to start down one of them without spending time listening to your heart first, or you may not even be paying attention to where you are headed. You may just spontaneously and irrationally go skipping in any direction, almost blissfully unaware of your surroundings and where it is leading you.

It will be at this time that the scenery suddenly changes with the intense feeling that “You are not in Kansas anymore.” At this point, you can always turn yourself around and go back to the beginning to try a different path. Especially if the one you initially traveled down, no longer resonates with you or feels right to you.

Again, we learn the most through trial and error. Be patient as you learn and are encouraged to trust and follow your heart.

The evidence that many souls are awakening from their long term slumber is their inherent desire to suddenly change course in their life. Most may not even be consciously aware that they are awakening or what that even means. There are still many souls who have no idea this Ascension process is even happening but they are choosing to walk through this new door nonetheless.

No doubt this magnificent shift in energy has surrounded them and is giving them permission to change what no longer makes them happy and what does not align with their soul Truth. The Divine Light is shining brightly for all souls to see and feel this deep within. Even though it is an individual’s choice to change it, we are seeing more and more find the strength and courage to do just that.

Similarly, we are witnessing this rapid movement forward in awareness as individuals begin to question belief patterns or ingrained societal templates that have since expired. What and who they used to “blindly follow,” they are now questioning WHY. They will find themselves no longer being in agreement with these thought patterns or actions anymore. And this is exactly how change for the positive occurs. All of you beautiful souls are rediscovering these Truths.

As one decides to heal and grow into who they are as Sovereign Being change from within occurs. It is only a matter of time before the outside world reflects this as well. But as more and more souls decide this for themselves and for the collective whole this speeds up the process of rebuilding.

The old world is crumbling all around us and a new one is emerging quickly. Through the ashes and rubble it is rising. This is how we are building our new Earth. Everyone is being called to assist. So grab your tool box/soul gifts and let’s get to work.

How would you like to best contribute?

Love and Blessings,

SF Source IND5 Jan 2019

One thought on “Walking Through The New Earth Door

  1. Beautifully written, Adeana. To first realize that what we all thought we knew as ‘freedom’ is nothing more than a big fat lie and that we have been completely lied to about Everything is enough to pull the rug out from under most people. But your words inspire those who decide to pick themSelves up and dust off the illusion by stepping forward into the many more fulfilling experiences awaiting their newfound clarity. I will share your words with many. Love and light to you.

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