An Imperial Presidency Controlled By Banksters Unveils Its Contempt For The American People

SDP  November 10-16 2013

Americans (the vast majority dosed with fluoride, chemtrails, GMOs, wireless frequencies and transfats) continue to believe they exist within a political system whose limits are defined by a Constitution and Bill of Rights.

And while it is true that most Americans are aware the government doesn’t listen to them and many do possess a healthy contempt for Congress and politicians in general, the sad fact is Americans have been lied to on a regular basis and a dishearteningly large number remain unaware of the steady, relentless creep of unelected power brokers (lobbyists, corporatists, and the “too big to fail” members of the financial criminal syndicate) who have infiltrated and disassembled the Constitutional barriers put in place to prevent from happening precisely what is happening.

And what might that be? A gradual expansion of federal power to the point where a single man sitting in an oval office can change laws to suit his political needs, as he is now doing with the Affordable Care Act legislation.

As Adam English observes “When government workers and institutions stop asking what they are allowed to do, and start doing whatever they can get away with that serves their goals… well, that’s when you know something is profoundly wrong. The best term for this is mission creep. And once it happens, it’s nearly impossible to claw back the powers or privileges and return them to legislatures or the people.”

In case you’re wondering which clique has benefited most from the destruction of America’s political system look no further than the criminal cabal running the central banking cartel since 1913.

“Prior to 1971, there was zero correlation between US tax revenue and money supply. Yet almost immediately after they handed the last bit of monetary control to the Federal Reserve, suddenly a very tight correlation emerged. . . .”

“The conclusion is simple: People think they’re living in some kind of democratic republic. But the politicians they elect have zero control. It doesn’t matter who you elect, what the politicians do, or how high/low they set tax rates. They could tax the rich. They could destroy the middle class. It doesn’t matter. The fiscal revenues in the Land of the Free rest exclusively in the hands of a tiny banking elite. Everything else is just an illusion to conceal the truth… and make people think that they’re in control.”

The privately-owned FedRes syndicate has implemented economic policy that is so unequivocally corrupt that one of its own – Andrew Huszar – found it necessary to ease his conscience via a public letter of apology. In his apology Huszar outlines the role he played in the on-going destruction of the American economy through the Fed’s policy of quantitative easing. “The central bank continues to spin QE as a tool for helping Main Street. But I’ve come to recognize the program for what it really is: the greatest backdoor Wall Street bailout of all time.

Huszar continues, “Despite the Fed’s rhetoric, my [QE] program wasn’t helping to make credit any more accessible for the average American. The banks were only issuing fewer and fewer loans. More insidiously, whatever credit they were extending wasn’t getting much cheaper. QE may have been driving down the wholesale cost for banks to make loans, but Wall Street was pocketing most of the extra cash.”

Now you would think in view of the above that the financial elite might have the decency to be discreet while they ripped you off. Nope. To the contrary the most criminal member of the cabal, none other than the august JP Morgan Chase banking establishment, decided to have a live Twitter Q&A with the public.

Matt Taibbi writes “[o]n the all-time list of public relations screw-ups, it’s hard to say where this decision by America’s most hated commercial bank . . . to engage the enraged public on Twitter ranks. For sure, anyway, it’s right up there with Abercrombie and Fitch’s rollout of thong underwear for 10 year-olds and the $440,000 afterparty AIG executives threw for themselves at the St. Regis Resort in Monarch Beach, California after securing a federal bailout. . . . Unsurprisingly, the public barraged [the Chase rep.] with abusive Tweets, and the bank ultimately had to cancel the Q&A.”

Matt particularly liked this tweet from “Downtown Josh Brown” at @ReformedBroker: “I have Mortgage Fraud, Market Manipulation, Credit Card Abuse, Libor Rigging and Predatory Lending AM I DIVERSIFIED? #AskJPM”

Bend Over, America – ObamaCare Is (Sort Of) Here

Yes, America. Being fleeced by Wall Street simply isn’t enough. It’s time forfascistCare underwritten by insurance companies. In case you’re wondering,fascistCare is the law of the land passed by Congress, upheld by the United States Supreme Court, and, unlike other laws, capable of being altered at the mere say-so of a Liar In Chief.

“. . . so-called “Obamacare” is economic fascism because it dictatorially transfers $100 billion to $300 billion every year from the 99% to 1% so-called “health care” oligarchs, according to every cost-benefit analysis compared to single-payer universal health care that I could find. “Obamacare” is also criminal fraud by US government so-called “leaders” because they have legal fiduciary responsibility to fully communicate options in trust of public money. Obviously, failure to communicate annual savings of $100 billion to $300 billion while transferring this to 1% oligarchs points to massive crime.”

Sad to say “[m]illions of Americans are receiving letters from insurance companies like these featured on from BlueCross BlueShield, Humana, Aetna, Health Net, Anthem, Cigna, Coventry, and others informing them that their current health care policies are being cancelled because they can no longer be offered under the Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare). Replacement policies often involve premium increases of 100 percent or more, in addition to the triple whammy of increased co-pays, higher deductibles, and loss of tax deductions for excessive medical expenses .”

As The New American’s Alex Newman reported on October 29 “President Obama knew at least three years ago that he was lying when he repeatedly, emphatically promised that under ObamaCare: “If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor. Period. If you like your healthcare plan, you will be able to keep your healthcare plan. Period.” Deep within the 2010 ACA bill is the admission that 40 to 67 percent of individual insurance plans would be made illegal, once various ObamaCare features kicked in.

Does Anyone In Government Care?

Michael Snyder observes “Yes, things have never been better for the top 0.01 percent of ultra-wealthy Americans that have got millions of dollars invested in the stock market.  But for most of the rest of the country, things are very hard right now. . . . [M]ore than 102 million working age Americans do not have a job, and 40 percent of those that are actually working earn less than $20,000 a year in wages.  If we actually are experiencing an “economic recovery,” then why is the federal government spending nearly a trillion dollars a year on welfare?”

Yolanda Vestal, an average American struggling to survive, wrote to President Obama on her FaceBook page “Have you ever struggled to pay your bills? I have. Have you ever sat and watched your children eat and you eat what was left on their plates when they were done because there wasn’t enough for you to eat too? I have. . . . “

Yolanda concludes “My questions could go on and on. I don’t believe you have a clue what Americans are actually going through and honestly, I don’t believe you care. Not everyone lives extravagantly. While your family takes expensive trips that cost more than most of us make in two-four years, there are so many of us that suffer. Yet, you are doing all you can to add to the suffering. I think you are a very selfish and cold hearted man, who does not care what is best for the people [you were] elected . . . to represent, but [you care] more for the glory of your name attached to history.”

© 2013 Gillian Grannum  All Rights Reserved

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