The Unsustainability of the Left’s Moral High Ground Tactic

antifaAmerican Liberty Report – If you feel like the left keeps getting crazier, you aren’t alone. In fact, your feelings are right on the money. It’s hard to pin down exactly when they committed to trying to usurp the moral high ground, but it has pushed them into a fascinating corner.

The entire Democratic Party is now stuck in a self-destructive cycle that cannot possibly win them future elections. They’ve proven resilient in the past, so they may recognize their error and recover, but the current tactics are in every way unsustainable.


Let’s address this from the start. Antifa exists on the premise that anyone who is not wearing a mask with them is an enemy. These enemies consist only of soulless Nazis who deserve every bit of violence directed towards them. In fact, remaining peaceful would be immoral.

Never mind the fact that they are repeatedly caught fighting the wrong people. Dozens of beaten and pummeled white males have turned out to be peaceful protesters on the same side of issues as the Antifa thugs. In fact, there’s an easy way to tell if Antifa was beating up a real conservative: the gun-carrying conservatives would shoot them.

There is a reason international treaty bans soldiers of any country from wearing masks. Hiding your face reduces accountability and promotes crimes against humanity. Antifa’s extremism is predicated on violating the humanity of those they deem bigots. The entire process is hypocritical and alienating the majority of the left (often by beating them with clubs). Even the University of California at Berkeley has shied away from an Antifa presence. If that doesn’t make you stop and think about your extremism, what will?

Increasingly Fractional Base

Antifa may be the extreme example, but the premise is the same throughout the left. Because they have tied all of their positions to claims of morality and not logic, a “true liberal” must conform to conflicting ideologies. You can’t respect your African or Native American heritage while adhering to the most ridiculous tenets of extreme feminism.

And, that is exactly why subgroups have been clashing throughout the progressive rallies this year. So many niche groups are trying to vie for the same attention and resources. Butting heads are bound to ensue, but because each is claiming to be a paragon of moral superiority, there can be no rational discourse or sharing of resources between these subgroups.

Everyone is fighting to be the most marginalized, and the stupid silliness of it is that they are all succeeding. No one outside of each niche gives respect to any of them, no matter how progressive they might claim to be. For those of us living in sanity, the whole thing is almost outrageous enough to be funny.

Marginalizing the Center

As we follow this strategy to its logical conclusion, we see that the moral high ground approach is doomed to fail. It might stand a chance if it was rooted in reasonable moral claims, but the commitment to extremism is unsustainable. Ultimately, if everyone who disagrees with you is a subhuman bigot, and you trend towards niche groups that don’t share common ground, you marginalize the majority of Americans. There is no way to win democratic elections from this stance. Here’s an easy example to see the illogic necessary to be a modern liberal.

According to progressives, poverty can only be the product of greed and evil rich people. Since the majority of rich people in the U.S. are white, then obviously white people are inherently evil. In fact, it is often repeated that it is impossible for a white person to not be racist. Conversely, they claim it is impossible for a minority to be racist. In the midst of this, adhering to this philosophy requires us to ignore the fact that 60 percent of Americans living in poverty are white. We’ve barely begun and these core principles have already turned on themselves. How can the Democrats be the heroes of the poor if they believe 60 percent of their base is inherently racist and evil?

The scariest part of the whole thing is that progressives have incredibly intelligent minds at their center. They are experts in subversion, and they will often speak ideals that sound great on the surface. It always requires you to peel back the layers to find the ugly truths. Thankfully, there are still plenty of us willing to make that effort. In the meantime, whenever you are stuck with someone who just doesn’t get it, consider this: If someone’s only argument is that their opponents are evil, then they have no argument at all. Morality can be an amazing compass, but true morals never need to self-contradict, and they can be backed by logic and rational thought. “He’s bad,” should never be sufficient to convince you to agree to something for the sake of opposition.

SF Source American Liberty Report Sep 2017

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