A Strange Mystery In Colorado: Veterans Losing Their Hearing Suddenly

hearing lossJoseph P Farrell – This is one of those articles that I have to share because of its very odd nature. Mr. H.B. found it, and when he sent it to me, he had to wonder if, perhaps, this was somehow connected to the strange mystery of the alleged “sonic weapon” being used against American diplomats in Cuba, which I blogged about earlier this week.

Here’s the story:

Why are healthy young men in America suddenly going deaf?

Now this one is truly odd, because apparently at least one of these veterans claims to have seen Gurhka troops in northern Colorado:

For some time now, Dave Hodges of the Common Sense Show has been reporting on strange events taking place in Northern Colorado. Last year, before the presidential election, Hodges reported on sightings of foreign mercenaries and elite military personnel from Nepal known as Gurkhas in that part of the state. He pointed out at the time that Gurkhas were specially recruited by the British army in the mid-19th century because they are elite, highly trained soldiers. Interestingly, he noted, Gurkhas are trained to fight against guerrilla forces. What, he wondered, were they doing in Northern Colorado?

Which brings us to the mystery of the sudden hearing loss:

Now, another shocking, baffling and confusing development has arisen in the same area of the state: At least 15 otherwise healthy veterans have suddenly gone completely deaf.

Paul Martin, a friend of Hodges, recently contacted him to inform him of the strange development. An unnamed friend of Martin who lives in this area and is a very healthy veteran, had suddenly woken up one morning to find that he had totally lost his hearing. When he visited a good VA hospital in the area, they ran several tests but could find absolutely nothing wrong. One of the doctors there informed the man that he was the 15th person from the region that had experienced the exact same bizarre thing.

There’s more:

What could be going on to cause 15 healthy men to “suddenly and dramatically lose their hearing?” he asked. Since a major catastrophic event would have affected the whole region and non-veterans would have been affected as well, Hodges and Martin believe that veterans are being specifically targeted. (Related: American Legion endorses medical marijuana for veterans.)

The men have been collecting eyewitness and photographic evidence of the foreign military activity taking place in Northern Colorado for some time. In addition, some of the show’s listeners have submitted similar evidence from Southern Wyoming.

With this in mind, Martin and Hodges suspect that this could be a military beta test for a new weapon.

Making Hodges even more suspicious is the fact that when Martin was conveying the story to him on the phone, they were suddenly and dramatically disconnected, and Hodges had a hard time getting him back on the line.

The good news is that one of the affected men recovered his hearing after 30 days of total deafness. Doctors are hopeful that the same thing will happen with the other people in the group.

In other words, this hearing loss is (1) inexplicable and (2) selective in that it apparently targeted a number of U.S. veterans tracking alleged foreign troops on American soil. And again, as in the strange case of the American embassy in Havana, the suspicion has fallen on an alleged new and secret weapons technology, an allegation which in this instance gains some traction since a phone conversation was in which this hypothesis was being discussed was suddenly disconnected.

So is it connected to the Cuban mystery, as Mr. H.B. suggested in his email to me?

A few things would suggest it is not, namely that to my knowledge, hearing loss has not been one of the things that the victims in Havana seem to have suffered, at least, not until recently. If anything, in that case we have reports of victims hearing all manner of odd noises, and hearing them only in certain places of a room at that, noises from grinding sounds to high pitches, and so on.

That said, however, there is a way in which these phenomena might be connected. Recall in my blog earlier this week about the strange mystery of the Cuban embassy “sonic weapon,” I pointed out that remote mind manipulation via electromagnetic interferometry on the brain could establish beat frequencies that could be used to stimulate, or dampen, certain areas of the brain. Indeed, there are even allegations in the literature one mind control technologies capable of stimulating these regions to the extent that an individual can be made to hear voices inside their head.

I wrote of this possibility, in fact, in Genes, Giants, Monsters, and Men. It stands to reason that if these technologies actually exist, then it might be possible to use the same means to stimulate temporary and possibly even permanent deafness. And if that is so, then indeed there may be some sort of connection between these strange cases of “sudden deafness” in Colorado, and the equally strange events at the American embassy in Havana.

As I stated previously, however, until recently, hearing loss has not been one of the symptoms reported for the Cuba mystery, until this article appeared in Zero Hedge, based on a report in the UK’s Daily Telegraph. Again, this article was shared by Mr. H.B.:

New Details Emerge In Mysterious Cuba ‘Sonic Attacks’ Involving US Diplomats

Here we read the following:

Yesterday, the State Department revealed that two more diplomats had exhibited symptoms associated with the attacks, bringing the total number of Americans affected to 21.

 “Late last year, reports began surfacing that US diplomatic personnel in Cuba were beginning to experience strange and inexplicable symptoms including dizziness, nausea, memory lapses, difficulty hearing and loss of balance. Initial reports attributed the symptoms to a “acoustic attack,” but neglected to provide any salient details about the specific nature of the attacks, or – more importantly – who might have carried them out. The Cuban government quickly denied any knowledge of the attacks.”

The “new detail”, as I mentioned in my previous blog, appears to be a highly localized phenomenon:

As one former CIA official says: “It’s just mystery after mystery after mystery.”

“On Thursday it emerged that the “attack”– which Cuba denies – was in one case a blaring, grinding noise which jolted an American diplomat from his bed in The Capri, a Havana hotel popular with tourists. The diplomat, according to AP, moved just a few feet, and there was silence. He climbed back into bed – and then the agonising sound hit him again. (emphasis added)

Again, this high degree of localization could possibly be explained by the interferometry/ mind manipulation technique, since a localized area of interferometry could be created – in this case, over the diplomat’s bed – and in that region and that region only, the brain would “hear” the agonizing grinding sound. And in the case of the Colorado veterans, perhaps a similar technique has been used to induce hearing loss, which, fortunately in the one case mentioned above, proved to be temporary. Thus, the two isolated incidents might not be, as Mr. H.B. suggested, isolated at all.

And if that is the case, then someone, or perhaps even several “someones”, are beginning to play some very serious “games.”

The questions are: who? and why?

See you on the flip side…

SF Source Giza Death Star Sep 2017

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