Are you Hungry for Change? Finding the Courage

Are you Hungry for Change? Finding the CourageOpen – I feel truly blessed to be working with evolving people in this great shift of consciousness taking place. Our lives are being challenged in the most profound of ways, in our careers, relationships and general living circumstances. Of course, it will invoke fear: every reason why not to step forwards will arise, as you push the buttons of those around you. But this is not the time to hesitate.

Your soul yearns for vibrant change, for a new harmonious reality at one with all life. How do you summon the courage to step boldly forwards?

The Road to Nowhere – to “Now Here”

Most people I meet on the road have previously lived their lives in this limiting conditioning of society – which tells people what they should do, how they should think, what is ‘normal’ to consume, what they’re capable of, and what they’re not.

We live in a logic based world that works on a complex system of rules – “If I do this, then I’ll get that. If I don’t obey the system, I won’t get the things I think I need and want”. It’s so tempting to tow the line and live ‘normal’ lives, based on those rules that become deeply engrained within the psyche.

That’s fine, in a way, as long as the system keeps working. Except it isn’t working, it’s breaking down. Just look at the situation in the political system for example. Who can you trust? Who can you vote for?

More importantly even than this, is what it does to you inside – how it disconnects you from the natural flow, how it isolates you from the divinity of your true, Cosmic Self. Life can be so much more.

We can live in the miraculous flow of the divine, with synchronicity clicking in all around us, where we’re supported, loved and cherished, where every single situation conspires to reveal the majesty of you; where all your true needs are taken care of.

This is the message I’m sharing on the road that so many people can feel as truth and are responding positively to in their hearts.

But here’s the difficulty – even though people can feel this expansion through the work, even though they can literally touch the divine inside themselves and feel the bounteous wonder on our gatherings, afterwards, it’s all too easy to slip back into that limiting box once more – family, friends, relations and work colleagues providing constant reminders of “who you should be” in their eyes – the old acceptable you; one which doesn’t rock the boat, which doesn’t cause them to have to question it all too deeply. And so there’s the risk of sinking back down under the surface of this strangling, constricting consciousness.

You can definitively change this repetitive story,
but first you’ve got to find the hunger for change.

Hunger for Change – is it a 10 yet?

Hunger for change is vital, because you’ve got to be prepared to step into the direction of your discomfort. Because when you stand up above the parapet, the old system and the old rules will try to shoot you right back down again. If you allow it to, it’ll just keep on trampling right over you, inside yourself.

It’s no wonder that it becomes hard to read the signs and synchronicities in that kind of situation. And because people have read so much about ‘acceptance’ and ‘surrender’ in the spiritual mainstream, sometimes they get confused and accept anything goes. So you’ve got to be really hungry for change, to be prepared to take the knocks and the set-backs, but get right back up again.

You know the truth don’t you? You really know how you want to live and be. In your heart, you know what does and doesn’t serve your True Self. So don’t settle for anything less.

Take yourself out for a few hours and be bloody clear with yourself what’s important to you and what you’re prepared to commit to in order to get it. You’ve got to cultivate the divine masculine (the “ray 1”), which is every bit as essential as the divine feminine (the “ray 2”) of acceptance and surrender – it’s surrender to the truth that we’re looking for, not acceptance of anything goes. 

So this is a really important step. Take time out and be clear with yourself, on a scale of 1 to 10, how important is positive change to you? If it’s not 10, then there’s little point beginning to step forwards. Because the old system will keep pulling you back. Be clear with yourself, its a 10, and if not, then you may well find yourself slipping back into the old routines.


If you do find yourself slipping back into the old routines, which happens to many early on the path, at the very least, do so in awareness. Crucially don’t judge yourself. Perhaps you’re not quite ready? 

That’s okay – be honest with yourself, and above all, keep observing what does and doesn’t serve. By bringing awareness to the problem, without self judgment, you’ll progressively uncover the ties that limit and the internal keys to open the doorways.

Ultimately you will find that big number 10 – that big bucket load of commitment.

So now you’re ready for change. What next?

Surrender yes, but not acceptance of ‘anything goes’

As we’re sharing in the Openhand Breakthrough Approach, you’ve got to explore the profound truth of the moment – “this is how the situation is right now”. You’ve then got to find the limiting doorway in the moment – your tightness.

This is where you close down and resist the truth that you know in your heart to be real – “I really shouldn’t have my head stuck in that not-so-smart-phone all day; I really should get out into nature; I really should give up that job and move to a different location; I really should confront those old patterns in my relationship, which are draining the juice out of life; I really should change my diet in a way that raises my vibe.”

There’ll be bags of tightness and subconscious resistance to this pull of the soul – the quiet inner voice. Because there’ll be conditioned desires and wants that you think you should strive and struggle for: that better location; that you need this particular job or relationship to make you feel whole; that life won’t possibly work if you give up that job.

Let’s be clear, the wholeness is already inside of yourself – the immaculate Cosmic Self, that needs or wants nothing, because it is everything. But all your fears stand in the way of it. So you’ve got to break into these fears by confronting and feeling into them – you literally have to step into the direction of your fear. In this way you honor it, and become as-one with it. Soon you burst the illusion that it always was. It’s at this point, there’s that immaculate liberation where you become “The One” in it. The fear no longer holds you.

But here’s where I believe confusion creeps in again. And I see this in the spiritual mainstream. Just because you can find this eternal presence, and it feels whole and complete, doesn’t mean there’s nothing more to do. 

There’s the illusion. Because when you touch presence inside, you’re simultaneously touching the infinite potential of The One. Whereupon, the soul ignites, which initiates action inside of yourself. A feeling or a vision will come to you – “Be like this now, express like this, follow the pull in this direction”.

What we also need to be aware of, is that when the soul kicks in, it’s going to butt right up against all those reasons why not to take action. Because the soul truly confronts any limitations of the ego. And if you let it, if your commitment to change is not at 10, it will beat you right back down again. The True Self inside of you will dissipate, like the disappearing spot on a switched off TV screen.

That’s why it’s so important to be hungry for change, to be committed to change, to be courageous for change.

So here’s the final part of the Breakthrough Approach then, the one that’s so important in order to prosper on the spiritual path. You’ve got to be able to recognise the sense of the soul which is now igniting and give energy to it. You’ve got to pour fuel on the igniting flame so that it becomes a fire inside of you. How do you do this? What are you looking for? I’m reminded of a clip from Openhand’s “Breakthrough” book…

A clip from Breakthrough

“So how do I live this now? Everything else seems so pointless. How do I exist from day to day?”

Just follow the pull.

“What, literally? All the time?”

There is nothing else but the flow of the Universe, which pulls through your heart when you let it. Or else simply fires as a knowing… “this is the way to go now.” The whole Universe is interconnected with just one purpose and aim – to reveal yourself to yourself; to reveal you, as the divine. And there is absolutely nothing else going on.

“But all the families, out there, the businesses and the schools, all the lifestyles – they all have objectives, goals and ambitions. What about them?”

They only think that’s what they’re doing. They have amnesia, believing life’s all about achieving some sort of goal, some kind of security or objective to make them happy.

They’re locked in a kind of space- time warp – an eddy current disconnected from the flow. Yet even there, the light is flowing in, working to reconnect the dots, to bring wayward souls back into the loving embrace of the divine.

Even these structures that people build in life contain reflections of the original light of the soul. Literally everything you see, and do, invites a deeper feeling connection inside. When you go to the shops, the school or the cinema, when you’re at work or commuting through the city, even when you have an accident in your brand new car, literally everything is speaking to you saying… “Look at yourself, see who you really are at the core of you – be that!”

“So I just follow the pull and live like that?”


“But how do I make a living? How do I work, eat and connect with others?”

Everything that you need will come to you. Just give it a try and see.

I can’t say I was completely with it, but so far, this guidance had made far more sense than anything I’d ever experienced playing by the rules of society. So I sat there, at my desk and felt inside.

In the beginning it wasn’t at all easy. I expected to feel something, to see something or get some kind of message. But all I got was heaviness, denseness, and a busy mind that so wanted to fill the moment with thought.

Put your attention in your heart.

So I do. And sure enough, after a little while there’s a tingling sensation, which, as I continue to focus on it, builds as a warmth, which then seems to subtly spread through my body. Suddenly the phone rings, and the feeling immediately dissipates.

It’s what you’ve attuned your consciousness to. So like everyone else, you miss the subtle interplay in the space between the spaces.

I wasn’t going to be put off, so I ignore the phone, and when it eventually stops, I go back inside, feeling into the heart once more.

The strange but comforting tingling and the warmth, is now spreading through my entire body again. I feel to let go. So I lean back in my chair and stretch my arms out wide.

The movement means that I reach back into a beam of sunlight now entering my office window behind me, which warms my neck and seems to somehow connect with the heat inside.

A thought comes to me…Why are you facing the computer when this feels so beautiful, so magical? So I turn myself around, and draw myself up to the window, the sun now able to embrace the entirety of me, lighting up my face in a golden warmth.

Wow, this is amazing. Just a simple tingling, a very simple commitment to follow the sense, and now I’m literally basking in the sense of universal sunlight, warming my entire body.

Well I did tell you!

What now? A bird suddenly calls, as if to answer. I feel like a walk in nature, and even as the thought lands, a subtle pull is drawing me away from the chair. But what about the office? I’m thinking, and the emails, phone calls and appointments I have to keep?

They just seemed so irrelevant at that moment. And even though my mind is struggling to let go, nevertheless I follow the pull, grab my jacket, and even though other colleagues are arriving for the day trying to engage me in conversation, nevertheless, I keep following the flow that now wants very much to carry me. “I’ll be back soon,” I speak over my shoulder as I hurriedly leave.

Now I’m out in the fields. It’s beautiful and expansive: intense blue of the skies reaching up into the heavens, vibrant greens of the grass, the soft caress of a gentle breeze on my cheeks. There’s no question, I just have to take my shoes off. And how wonderful that feels, squidging my toes in the dirt, feeling a part of the earth. Why does everyone stick their feet in shoes? I’m wondering.

Why indeed!

Igniting the Kindling of the Soul

The soul will ignite as a subtle sense inside, often a quiet vibration in the beginning; one that easy to ignore in our busy distracting society. But it’s these subtle feelings that are the kindling of the soul. And even if you’re going to light a great bonfire, it will have to begin with the small kindling. Without which, it won’t burst into flame.

So you’ve got to pay attention to the subtle feelings – this kindling. Feel in. Look for it. It’ll be a sense of timelessness, expansiveness, joy, peace, love. But also excitement, passion, commitment, courage and will. When you can touch, and immediately recognise, one of these kinds of senses, that’s when you got to pour some fuel on the fire.

Get up, make some movement to that sense, make a sound (any sound that feels natural), put some music on and let it dance you. Do something creative, like paint or play an instrument or sing. One of the biggest challenges of society, is that people have become so repressed, so trodden down in their sense of themselves, of who they really are.

Now here’s the thing, when you find an authentic sense of you, when you pour a little fuel on that kindling by bringing attention to the feelings inside you, they’ll begin to grow, stronger and stronger inside until they become a raging fire.

This fire becomes literally unstoppable, because whatever tightness and resistance get in your way, your soul will just burn right through it. And as you unleash soul, it is incredibly creative. All manner of opportunity and possibility will come your way. You’ll be living in a flow of miracles and magic.

Right now there are massive growth opportunities within the field of spiritual facilitation. Because there are 8 Billion people out there in desperate need of change!

Healer heal thyself!

It’s vital to recognise you can only unleash another to the degree you’ve unleashed yourself. So, what is it worth to you to be living in this way? How much are you prepared to commit – is it a 10 yet? Are you hungry for change? Because when you truly are, when you’re prepared to really commit to the authentic sense of you, then the limiting box around you will begin to break and fall apart.

You’ll burn right through it. Then each step you take forwards creates a new, less limiting landscape, until its a flowing river through your life. This is truly living. So, your hunger for life, for the divine way of living…. is it a 10 yet?

Openhand can help you find the courage and commitment to change in this growing 5D Shift of our planet. Dive into our Ascension Portal every day for an inspirational uplift. Here’s how you can engage with us… Openhand Ascension Portal.

Bright blessings, Open ??

SF Source Openhand Web Feb 2023

One thought on “Are you Hungry for Change? Finding the Courage

  1. While this body of expression contains grand amounts of effort, the continued refusal to understand that mentalism is the culprit of our modern world renders it practically useless.

    Mentalism is the artificial lens of conscious experience. Mentalism is not equated with the mind specifically. Here’s how it goes: Consciousness is founded on creation. When you open your eyes, you experience creation. Then consciousness is personified into each one of us. Now that’s how it is in the inner verse of consciousness among us light bodies. But when your light body engages a dream (incarnation), it splits between cognizance and heart/spirit. Cognizance chooses what to do under the wisdom of the heart mind.
    Post Atlantis, new priests of an artificial mind coerced our cognizance to engage in a space time distortion which retrained our cognizance to choose outside of our heart mind and into a new programmed artificial mental mind founded on arithmetic, logic, structure and analysis. This is mentalism.
    While this looks nice at first, over time the emergence of its true form illuminates. It’s a maelstrom which has inviting currents at first but ultimately becomes the rat that eats its own tail.
    The Alliance network opposing this mentalism seeks to upend it by applying reciprocating energy to it. This is the quantum nature of what they are and have been doing.

    Is it possible to repurpose a collapsed artificial intelligence mental mind system? To work this operation within its own set of rules confinement, a property ownership transfer of the object is first executed. Then, new administration is assigned for purpose of overhaul. In this example, the overhaul intends to ultimately shift an artificial mind system ostensibly created for survival purposes but then succumbed to internal pressure to invoke a malevolent order of operations. The shift intention is to flip it’s primordial from malevolence to benevolence. It’s that simple at its rudimentary understanding; it’s the understanding of how to work an artificial hive.
    Can it be done? Please stand by….

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