Argentina’s Javier Milei treated like a rock star at CPAC

Argentina’s Javier Milei treated like a rock star at CPACChris Donaldson – American conservatives love Argentinian President Javier Milei and they showed it during his appearance at the annual CPAC conference in Washington, D.C. on Saturday.

The iconoclastic Latin American libertarian received a rock star greeting from an enthusiastic crowd at the Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center where he delivered a fiery speech denouncing the authoritarian socialism that has metastasized like a cancer throughout the Western world.

Milei was overwhelmingly elected last year as the people of Argentina resoundingly rejected the leftists that have wrecked their economy, turning to the 53-year-old former television pundit to exorcise the socialist demons in Buenos Aires.

The president was also greeted by Republican frontrunner Donald J. Trump who threatened to shake up the corrupt system in the United States with the two men sharing a warm embrace backstage that was captured on video and posted to social media.

“MAKE ARGENTINA GREAT AGAIN!” Trump said on Truth Social, offering his congratulations to Milei after his historic win last November.

In his first major speech to a U.S. audience, Milei slammed “social justice” which has been the movement adopted by the domestic American left as a cloak for its Marxism, an evolved version of communism where race and gender have been swapped out for the economic grievances of the traditional form of the poisonous ideology.

“Don’t allow the advance of the murderous agenda, and don’t let the siren calls of social justice woo you,” Milei told the crowd. “I come from a country that bought all of those stupid ideas and from being one of the most affluent countries in the world, now we’re ranked 140.”

“Don’t surrender your liberty, fight for your freedom,” he added as the crowd erupted. “If you don’t fight for your freedom they will drag you into misery.”

“Social justice is private and unjust. It’s not just or anything of the sort. Far from it, it’s an aberration,” he also said. “Unjust because it involves unequal treatment … Social justice is unjust because [its] redistribution is basically robbing Peter to pay Paul.”

Milei also denounced abortion, the holy sacrament of the ascendent left and especially the Democratic party.

“[It’s] a murderous abortion agenda. A murderous agenda we can trace back to the times of ancient Egypt when the ancient Egyptians attempted to exterminate the Jewish people. It was based on the principle of ‘birth control,’ which was basically about just that,” the president said. “They suggest that throughout the world [we] use energy based on fossil fuels. And that those energy sources are not renewable. They predicted that those resources would run out by the year 2000. They claimed that that would lead to food running out … we know that they were advocating the abortion agenda.”

Also speaking at CPAC was another Latin American leader, President Nayib Bukele of El Salvador who like Milei was elected as a result of backlash against globalist leftism which could be dealt a body blow if Americans return Trump to the White House in November’s election.

SF Source American Wire Feb 2024

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