Between Two Worlds: Which Do You Choose?

Between Two Worlds: Which Do You Choose?There are times in all lives that test the foundation of who you are, what you have learned, your decision-making abilities. It should come as no surprise that your world teeters perilously on the brink of choice.  Do you turn inwards and create from within or do you accept the world as it appears to be? Do you add your positive creation and your ability to “uncreate” that which is intolerable or do you accept the illusion?

The solution is in the emphasis you place on “inner” or “outer” states of awareness. The seduction and pull of the outer has the advantage of long-standing entrenched thought forms and agreements regarding what is “real.” And yet look around you.  Does it seem to you as if these agreements are fixed or do they seem to be unraveling with increased rapidity?

At last rebellion takes place. The once collectively-held inviolate belief that a privileged few possess the right to dictate status quo for the many begins to dissolve. The reins of control slip daily as more of you decide for yourselves that you are worth more – much more — than what you are being offered.

You are gaining insight and perspective. You hold power – the power to turn within and create reality from your seat of sovereignty.  Each time you close your eyes the noise of external chaos recedes.

Breathe. Such a simple act and yet so powerful because it resets your focus. The more you focus on each breath the more you diminish the powerful grip of a shared external theater where you seem but one relatively small player amidst billions.

As you shift to inner reality you have access to prime creator. You become untethered from circumstances and are at liberty to choose your feelings and thoughts, your desires and wants – your outer vibratory experience.  You are no longer held within the maw of ugly, greedy, selfish destructive social constructs. You are free to present your preferences to your self, to shift your frequency into something that feels positive rather than oppressive, and to make choices that heal and advance creation.

So, where do you choose your focus? On the rapidly disintegrating external reality? Or into the state of being a living creator able to manipulate the external space/time matrix by radiating peace, love, joy, abundance, harmony, and perfection to each and all.

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SF Source No Longer Available Oct 2 2011

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