Spring Equinox 2017

birdsLaurie Baum – Greetings!

The Spring Equinox arrives on Monday, March 20, 2017. As the days grow longer under the nurturing light of the sun, please focus this increased energy on your positive thoughts, intentions, and prayers!

As I was contemplating the spring astrological forecast you are now reading, it occurred to me to look to Mother Nature for insights into the chaotic state of current world events. Given that astrology correlates natural phenomenon (planetary movements) and human affairs, I figured that answers to widespread imbalances in our world could be represented symbolically in nature. “As above, so below,” says the ancient philosophical principle.

At that moment, two small birds gracefully flew onto on a branch of a palm tree outside of my house. They were happily chirping until a big black crow swooped down upon them and replaced the two little birds on their branch. The big crow triumphantly (although only momentarily) sat on the branch, as if s/he was the new proud owner of the position. The two unseated birds, however, started “tweeting” loudly (pun somewhat intended). Within seconds, more than a dozen little birds, furiously fluttering their wings, arrived on the scene. They tweeted unrelentingly until the big black bird flew off. Then the small birds reclaimed their branch.

I consider the little bird-big bird allegory to be a significant symbol for the times we are living in. There are many with power, influence, and finances, who are pushing their weight around, trying to dominate smaller, seemingly less powerful citizens. Yet, as the birds proved, smaller entities joining together can actually make a difference. They can effect change—and restore justice.

It is up to all of us to speak up or stand up when we see an injustice, and even to “tweet” as the birds demonstrated. If this is not possible, take the situation to a higher level by prayer and positive thoughts. While it is not okay to engage in wrong-doing in the face of perceived injustice, it is okay to register one’s non-cooperation—and pray for a higher outcome.

The question on many people’s minds right now seems to be: “What should we do about the chaotic events and sometimes-senseless suffering going on around the globe?” Some feel the world seems to be devolving toward the old, unsuccessful paradigm that says that “might makes right.” They would rather move toward a higher state of consciousness that respects the rights and needs of others. Nonetheless, like a swinging pendulum, by collectively experiencing the extremes of governmental aggression, corruption, and injustice, the world will ultimately reverse course and resume a higher path that integrates both male and female energies of wisdom and compassion.

It is up to all of us to live and exemplify the high moral standards we would like to see in our governing bodies. As we continue to take the higher path of love, charity, impartiality, and doing unto others as we would have them do unto us, we will be setting an example and paving a path for others to follow. Remain hopeful, as hope generates positive feelings, thoughts, and mental images that can ultimately manifest in concrete physical reality.

Planetary alignments in the spring season will fortify citizens’ efforts toward right action and equality. The alignment of profound Pluto with lucky and law-abiding Jupiter on March 30, 2017 and Jupiter’s direct motion on June 9, 2017 will strengthen our ability to see a bigger picture and act responsibly. Additionally, past injustices will be exposed so they can be addressed in a conscious and equitable way. Loving Venus retrograde from March 4 to April 15, 2017 will bring people from your past back into your life to resolve relationship issues on a higher level. Communicative Mercury retrograde from April 9 to May 3, 2017 will temporarily stir confusion, which again, will lead to a higher level of consciousness.

Use this time to step back, think about the high-minded principles you would like to embody, and put your good ideas into action rather than react to the bad ideas of others. Please put your energy into affirming the positive qualities you want to create for your future rather than devoting energy to saying what is wrong. Visualize what you would like to create and express hope for the future, knowing that your positive thoughts and actions will eventually bring good into your life and the lives of others. Then pray. The powerful energy of prayer will energize your positive feelings, thoughts, and activities.

Enjoy the increased light of the spring season and continue to pray and act for a better world!

Warm Wishes for Love & Light,


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