How Brave and Successful People Think

braveHilde Larsen – The word success has many connotations. Webster’s dictionary has several definitions; Getting or achieving wealth, respect or fame, and reaching the desired or correct result of an attempt. But there are probably as many thoughts and opinions on what constitutes success as there are people going after and hungering for it.

Success cannot be defined by a single sentence or a word. It is comprised of many different factors, and it depends on your goals, your values and your general mindset. Generally speaking, to reach a personal goal would be considered a success, and to feel you have achieved something of value would be considered being successful. However, goals and success are defined by our own sense of what is important — by our sense of greatness.

So, are you living your greatness?

You may have heard the saying: “There are three kinds of people in this world. Those who make things happen, those who watch things happen, and those who wondered what happened.”

We are all flesh and blood, yet we all have a different make up. Some carrying more of their own and other people’s bullshit around than others. Some more ready to take responsibility than others, but still, we are all more than able. I like to believe that we all have what it takes to allow ourselves the greatness in our lives. I don’t believe that some have it and some don’t. So what is the difference between those who succeed and those who don’t? Between those living and inviting in their greatness, and those who linger in the background?

They are brave.

After years as a professional Health and Mindset Coach, I call them the brave ones. They are the ones changing the world as the move forward. They are the ones willing to take risks and show the way to a better life for all.

How Brave and Successful People Think

Brave people are eager to talk about positive ideas. They constantly look for solutions and ideas that could improve their lives. Average Joe`s engage in gossip and jealousy. They engage in discussions that focuses on goals and aspirations, growth and positive outcomes.

Brave people adapt to the changes of life. They take advantage of every situation and sees it as an opportunity. They accept the way it is, and look for the best possible alternative path. They see life as half full in every situation. Mr. and Mrs. Joe, on the other hand, will sit down, complain and need to talk about it. They will groan about their problems, not focusing on solutions. Their glass is always half full.

Brave people not only set goals, but they make an action plan. While the Joe`s will set the goal, maybe even write a list, they will fall of the wagon and not follow through. The more than brave, will use their strength, their motivation and their ability to work hard, to follow the step-by-step plan that they made. They continuously plan and map out their goals and progress.

Brave people are occupied with their own business, and has no need to judge or criticize others. Even though most people have a tendency to judge and spend time focusing on others, some of us don`t. They evaluate themselves rather, to learn and do better.

Brave people create a better life. The average person keeps dreaming. While everybody will strive to live the best life that they can, there is a distinct difference between those that actually create and those who don`t. Some are the makers and some are the watchers. The brave will strive to better themselves, while Mr. Joe often wants to be better than others.

Brave people read books, and educate themselves by learning from those that already did what they want to do. While the average Joe`s are staring at the TV screen, they are reading uplifting and educational literature. They spend their free time differently. One being outdoors and active, one in front of a screen, a game or something else that adds no real value.

Brave people control their thoughts, and create their own norms. They are not letting themselves be controlled by anyone or anything. They only need approval from themselves. The rest of the crowd will most often let their thoughts control them, and freak out if they don’t feel the support from the masses.

Brave people do not need to hold on to things. They know there will always be enough. They do not thrive in clutter or overabundance. They know the value of simplicity. They buy value, not things. They invest in health, alone time and spiritual growth. Striving, less successful person will accumulate possessions and hold on to as much as possible.

Brave successful people have the ability to simply say no. They need no special reason or long explanations. They are the boss of their own time and life, and can life free from feeling obligated to do what is not in their own and their families best interest. Most people have a tendency to say yes. Simply from having been falsely taught to believe that pleasing others was more important than doing what was right for oneself. Being a yes person, is exhausting and not very brave.

The bravest will look for the long term rewards. They are willing to sacrifice. They are willing to do what they need to do in the now moment, to be able to harvest in the future. The more average person will keep looking for the instant gratification, it is addictive. Feeding a lack and an emotional imbalance.

It is not necessary the money or what they have achieved that makes us want to be like high achievers and successful people. It doesn’t have to be the specific lifestyle or obvious performance that we would like to see happen. The type of person that they have had to be to have done what they did, inspires our soul to want to do and be better. Someone who wins the lottery is not successful, or especially great or accomplished. Someone who inherits a lot of money doesn’t necessarily hold a lot of skills or admirable attributes. Having a large bank account doesn’t make you inspiring. What makes you interesting and a teacher for others is your personality and ability to follow through — and that makes others wants to learn and follow from your example.

How do brave and successful people think? They think about abundance, not lack. They think about solutions, not problems. They think about ideas, not obstacles. They worry less and plan more for an abundant and successful future. They focus on health, not illness. They are fearless and bold. They don’t strive to be a success in the eyes of others, but contribute to growth and value.

In the eyes of creation, we might say there is no such thing as success; that we are all successful, and then not; that life just is, and that no failure exists. I say that is a great way to look at it if you are not an achiever — but if you have a goal you want to achieve, or something you are enthusiastic about experiencing, go for it. Heck, more than go for it, go get it! Think like and behave like a brave and successful person. Then, BE one. You can only fail if you stop — so don’t.

What is greatness?

Greatness is bravery.

It is beyond success.

It is courage and humbleness.

It is the honest and true ability to serve and grow into more of one’s own potentials.

It is honoring God and creation.

Greatness has no limitations or egoistic agenda; It emanates from love and pure intent.

Allowing greatness means accepting all that we are, and loving ourselves enough to honor our purpose and passions. By humbly and truthfully living to the best of our ability, greatness will be a part of everything that we do. Because we are great, and because we have free will, it is our responsibility to honor it. Through the pure intent to keep seeking expansion and compassion for everything, we will fill our shoes more and more.

Realize that learning from the best, honoring their knowledge and wisdom is not only smart, but it shows humility. No man is an island, but every man is within himself greatness. By being humble, we are allowing our greatness to come forth. We must see ourselves as worthy and able. We must be humble, teachable and free from comparison to others. By staying true to our own path, our own truth, and your own strengths and mission, we are celebrating every step of the way.

There is no end goal in life, only bits and pieces of accomplishments and growth. When we see how unique and special we are, and are willing to use it for something good, by stretching and creating, that is where we find true success and greatness.

Go get it!

SF Source Wake Up World Mar 2018

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