Breathe frequencies

breathThe Angels – Take a breath. As you inhale choose to focus on the energy of joy. Think of something that has, or would make you joyful. Breathe. Feel the lightness of your being, the effervescence, the dance of wonder coursing through your cells. Take as much time in this energy as you like.

For contrast, breathe in again. For just one breath, breathe in the energy of sadness. Think of something or someone that has made you feel sad. Feel the heaviness in your body, the weight and density of the energy, of it as it fills you. Feel the cells slowing down… the feeling of not being able to move easily.

Now change that energy one again. This time breathe in the energy of love. Simply think of something or someone you love and as you breathe, allow that energy to fill your being. Feel the expansion of your energy, the lightness, and the flow. Keep it up until you feel a lighter, happier sensation. If you like, breathe in our love for you.

There is an entire symphony of energies in your three dimensional reality – everything from abject hatred to the most intense spiritual love. In every breath you choose the energies that you wish to take in, empower, and circulate. Your breath connects you with everyone and everything that has, or will live upon your planet earth.

Most of the time you choose the energies that you take in and circulate very unconsciously. However, when you breathe with intent, you take your “tuner,” so to speak, select only the most refined and beautiful frequencies upon your earth, and circulate them for the benefit of humanity

So breathe in love. Breathe in joy. Breathe in health, well being, peace, and compassion. Breathe in success for the projects that matter to you. Breathe in the energy of a divine life partner. Breath in the energy of abundance. Simply intend, focus on anything that makes you feel the energy you want to receive, and breathe.

Whatever energy you breathe in you start to become. You fill your cells with the beautiful energies you choose to take in. You start to radiate a field filled with the energies of your choice, and in that field you become magnetic to that which supports these energies.

If you want to help someone else, hold them in your heart. Breathe in whatever you wish to share with them – peace, love – and then exhale. The energy you are emitting will reach them in a field that is beyond human understanding at this time. Your breath connects you in ways you cannot yet imagine. 

At the energetic level you are connected even with those in the heavens. They feel your love. They can send theirs to you with every breathe as well. Breath carries energy.

Breathe. You can – simply with the circulation of your breath – be a blessing and a contribution upon the earth. Breathe in our love. Breath out yours. You have just allowed the breath of the Divine to pass unobstructed through you. You have kept love in circulation.

SF Source Visions of Heaven April 2017

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