Brigadier General Anthony Tata & Dr Jan Halper-Hayes [Video]

Brigadier General Anthony Tata & Dr Jan Halper-Hayes Alexandra Bruce – Lance “The Big Mig” Migliaccio and his co-host George Balloutine were lucky enough to get both Dr Jan Halper-Hayes and Brigadier General AJ Tata onto their podcast Thursday evening and their interview begins about 24 minutes into this video.

Dr Jan Halper-Hayes emerged last August as being part of the 12-member DoD Task Force that advises a US military PSYOP team in our current 5th Generation War. In the 20-odd interviews she’s done since, she has repeatedly recommended that we read ‘Double Crossfire’ by AJ Tata, saying that it gives many clues as to what was going on behind the scenes during that fitful time. (The book was backordered but I just received my copy yesterday).

Tata was the Acting Under Secretary of Defense for Policy for Chris Miller while the latter served as Acting Secretary of Defense during the final three months of the Trump administration, after Trump fired Mark Esper. Dr Jan has also repeatedly said that Tata is probably one of only 7 people not currently enlisted in the military who is “in the know” about what’s really going on with the Presidential Emergency Action Documents (PEADs).

Tata is also the author of 16 books, most of which have included a storyline about the corrupt, self-aggrandizing DC bureaucrats that he has observed throughout his career. He says, “Every one of my books has some version of that theme in there and it all crystallized with ‘Double Crossfire’, where I saw the massive headwinds, where everything came together; Big Tech, the super liberal progressive movements, the Uniparty – because, remember, 90% of the Republican Party didn’t love [Trump], either.

“He was the David against the Goliath of the monolithic government, techno fascism and the Uniparty all coming together – and the media, of course – that empire that’s been created, between the media, the tech world, Big Tech and the Big Government. They are crushing people like you and me and Dr Jan and they’re trying to control the narrative – and they do, pretty much, every day – but little bit by bit by bit, it comes out and from an entertainment perspective, I’m trying to do my part to show, to break that narrative as well, with the stories that I tell that are fiction but there’s also a lot of fact in that fiction. Life imitates art…

“I want my readers to take away my passion, of love for this country, for all of us that are scratching out a living every single day, to try to make the country better, to try to serve our families better and try to just be happy and have peace, against those who try to divide us and destroy this country and that’s what my passion is. That’s what the themes of my books are.”

It’s a wide-ranging conversation with a lot of interesting tidbits from everyone.

SF Source Forbidden Knowledge TV Oct 2023

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