Catharsis: It’s How To Control Slaves

Catharsis: the release of built-up emotional and mental pressure and tensions.

CatharsisManChainsLightPrisonSo the prisoners within this false matrix prison planet are awakening and are getting very pissed-off. To help prevent mass revolutions and rebellions you need to create a way for the masses to vent, release and sometimes even dissolve their concerns, emotions and pressures. Once again you use the mass media and Hollywood as some of your main weapons after already having dumbed down the populations with poisons and chemicals in their food, water and air. Also after and during continuously suppressing their rebellious inclinations with constant bombardment of various frequencies and directed frequency weapons.

It is amazing just how many truths are in your face in some of these movies. It is almost ridiculous but we must realize it is all by design. Fiction is never fiction. It is all consciousness and energy.  All of it.

When you go watch a movie for that hour and a half or whatever you are totally involved in the scenes and script. For one you are sitting in a dark place where only the projection on the screen has light, therefore you are more programmable in the dark with your creative chemical “melatonin” flowing nicely. So the sounds and music play an extremely important part in making you experience the scene. No one has mentioned this before but using the stereo sounds in the movie house can alter your brainwave frequencies just like when we use “Hemi sync” with stereo headphones in meditations to get you rapidly into Alpha and Theta mind frequencies.

There are surprisingly a lot of films where the people rise-up against the Tyrant governments or leaders and overthrow them. You would initially think that the controllers would not want such movies to be released as it may add fuel to the already stressed masses and ignite revolutions. But while you are watching your movie you are emotionally involved with the script and characters. Those same emotional and feeling that are been expressed you are feeling together with the help of the music, the melatonin and the stereo frequencies. Those neuro-peptides are flowing strongly in your body! When the movie has finished it is as if you yourself have actually lived that reality, which in most ways you have!  So now when you go back to your normal choirs, work and life back in the prison matrix you have less of an urge to go march against the oppressors or your governments or tyrants. Because in a way you have already experienced it all emotionally so why bother do it again. A lot of those emotional and tensions have been experienced and purged out of your system. As for the controllers, well for them it is mission accomplished and business as usual.

This is not only happening in movies but when famous celebrities publicly say all the things that the suppressed people want to say, that too releases some of the tensions. Once again, without anything ever changing. Good examples of this is Jesse Ventura and Russell Brand.

So just like in nature when the eruption of a volcano releases major amounts of pressure and often that very eruption prevents the otherwise massive earthquake that would have occurred without the release. It is all crisis management.

(Wikipedia:- “The term catharsis has also been adopted by modern psychotherapy, particularly Freudian psychoanalysis, to describe the act of expressing, or more accurately, experiencing the deep emotions often associated with events in the individual’s past which had originally been repressed or ignored, and had never been adequately addressed or experienced.

There has been much debate about the use of catharsis in the reduction of anger. Some scholars believe that “blowing off steam” may reduce physiological stress in the short term, but this reduction may act as a reward mechanism, reinforcing the behaviour and promoting future outbursts. However, other studies have suggested that using violent media may decrease hostility under periods of stress. Legal scholars have linked “catharsis” to “closure” (an individual’s desire for a firm answer to a question and an aversion toward ambiguity) and “satisfaction” which can be applied to affective strategies as diverse as retribution, on one hand, and forgiveness on the other. Interestingly, there’s no “one size fits all” definition of “catharsis”, and this doesn’t allow a clear definition of its use in therapeutical terms.)

SF Source ZenGardner  Dec 24 2014

2 thoughts on “Catharsis: It’s How To Control Slaves

  1. I have always suspected this of Ron/Rand Paul, Alex Jones (obviously), as well as Jesse Ventura, Russell Brand and even David Icke, all speakers I have resonated with in the past (and have no issue with personally – I’ve met one of them and they were ok). The fact is, we must realize our sovereignhood and see mitigating factors when we look for representatives in the media sphere. Their profession and personal wealth will decline the second we wake up and turn away psychologically from the collapsing control matrix that has held us for too long. I want to see it fall! I don’t need spokespeople, martinets or “explainers” in my way as I watch their evil deeds turn in on them. Game’s over!
    To 2015 and all it holds.

  2. excellent observation of our plantation mentality . We all are so easily manipulated its only when we go deep inside we realize just how clever our keepers think they are.They should know that someone way more clever and intelligent is also waiting to throw a wrench in their clever little scheme.Check Mate,games over!!!

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