Life After the Eclipse (Part 2)

The deep effects of the August 21 solar eclipse that took place across your North American continent has continued to create both personal and planetary changes. Your bodies are going through certain adaptations related to the ongoing geomagnetic surges and increased solar activity and this is reorganizing and upgrading your body’s abilities to function within its 5th dimensional matrix. As your regulatory systems continue to shift into their new matrices, this may cause temporary stress within your mind and body. It is an excellent time to keep affirming peace and trust within your heart, mind and body.  – Masters Hilarion and Lady Pallas Athena

When the earth’s magnetic field goes through changes caused by natural or even unnatural events, it can cause disturbances, confusion or feelings of being overwhelmed for no apparent reason, as well as expanded creativity and feelings of joy. The very good news is that with the expanded awareness that is taking place within a growing percentage of Lightworkers, this heightened solar activity is also creating an expansion of consciousness that is leading to positive changes on many, many levels.

The solar winds that have been taking place around your world have been creating geomagnetic storms that have been bringing your DNA into a greater connection with the 5th dimensional unlimited levels of your consciousness. These changes may be precipitating feelings of being disconnected from your body and your old 3rd dimensional ways of living in your world, yet everything you are experiencing is really assisting you in moving into the crystalline levels of your consciousness. These dimension adjustments are preparing you for your complete return to 5th dimensional living. The feeling of being out of your body often accompanies the readjustments with these upgrades that are naturally supporting your living in heightened states of being.

We strongly urge you to keep observing all of your thoughts and feelings and above all your emotional reactions to everything that is taking place both within and around you. It can be easy to surrender to old habits and the kind of responses that will keep supporting your limitations rather than your mastery. Now is the time to face everything and everyone with total honesty. This is imperative if you really want to see changes in you and in the world. Now is the time to break out of the old so you can ascend or transition into the new.

Your old mental constructs and ages-old belief systems often get reactivated so you can observe their limitations and release any attachments you may still have to their 3rd dimensional dynamics. This will strengthen your mastery of observation, the kind of observation that only comes from being in union with your Presence. 

The Eclipse expanded your insights into many aspects of your life and since it was centered in the United States, it also expanded the awareness within the consciousness of America’s leaders. This energy has remained powerful and it has made many of you look closer at yourself and those around you while amplifying all of your capacities to make new and better choices. All of this will continue up to and through the Equinox on September 22. The effect of an Equinox takes place 10 days before and 10 days after the actual event and all of it is affecting your ascension as individuals and as a planet.

No matter how this takes place in your life and in your body, stay connected with your Presence and to your ascending Earth, drink plenty of water, eat nourishing food and stay out of resistance to whatever is taking place within and around you, as this will help you to move into and through these new frequencies with ease and grace. Remember that your ascension is always being overseen by those who have already ascended and that love you beyond measure.

Everything, no matter its appearances, is always giving you the opportunity to practice discernment as each of you has the God-given ability to see through that which is false and only appearing to be real. Discernment is one of the most important gifts you have ever been given and it is especially important during this time.

Keep loving and expressing compassion for everyone and their unique journey since this is a challenging time for many to be living on your Earth. Compassion has been defined as the ability to see all things as having a purpose and value. It includes a deep appreciation mixed with a profound and overwhelming sense of gratitude. You are each spiritually magnificent and powerful beyond your imagination.

SF Source Walk The Earth As A Living Master Sep 2017

2 thoughts on “Life After the Eclipse (Part 2)

  1. “Now is the time to break out of the old so you can ascend or transition into the new.”

    Maybe I am a poster-child of sorts for the effects of the eclipse, right Gillian? Filing for divorce was the major effect in my life from this eclipse. Living the energy firsthand.

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