God’s Algorithm

 “In the undiscovered country still ahead of us, there exists perhaps not a perfect world; but one which is at the very least the polar opposite to the world of the power elite.  It exists, and there is indeed a critical path to getting there.  Although getting there may require a couple million elegant, optimal moves; it can all be accomplished with existing technology and resources. The first move must be towards unity, and the greatest good of all humanity.  One heart at a time.” Chautauqua

EnvironmentProtectionSpiderWebThere is this kind of time travel experience we’ve all had now and then; when hearing a certain song brings back a flood of memories from our past. Emotional associations to the soundtrack of our lives do have a habit of letting some memories out for some fresh air; and when they do we’re momentarily caught up in this swirl of memories released from stasis.

This has happened to me a few times over the past several weeks, yet there is something different about the memories; they’re not as sharp or clear as always before, like looking at something thru water. Though some may disagree, I don’t think this is due to natural aging…it just feels different than that. When this occurs it reminds me of being in grade school; having to learn ancient history even though it happened so long ago and couldn’t have a bearing on my life. That is kind of how those old memories feel, like ancient history, almost unconnected to my life today…and more importantly to the future.

It’s like the poet Bob Dylan warned us: “The Times they are changing

We certainly don’t need to rely on such experiences to remind us of just how distorted everything is these days; even a casual appraisal of the world around us is more than enough to tell us we’re not in Kansas anymore. It would be a different story if all these rapid changes we’re experiencing were leading towards that Aquarian paradise we’ve all heard about; but they are not – they’re leading towards even greater pandemonium and all out chaos world wide. Not the dream so many have envisioned for so long. Not even close.

Some envision the time when things can be fixed, and the world can return to a more dignified and peaceful state of being; unfortunately the bad news here is that the system isn’t broken; it was designed to operate exactly as it is. The world is controlled, and events driven, by the power elite who always promise that life will improve but never seem to make good on that promise. Every so often we remember those empty promises and raise a little hob to demonstrate our displeasure; and the reaction from the power elite is the same every time, doesn’t matter what country you’re in. In every instance such demonstrations are met with brute force &violence, and put down hard. This is the signature trademark of the power elite: the nail that sticks up gets hammered back down.

We walked on the moon for the first time 45 years ago this week, and I for one, was sure we would have walked on Mars by now; but now we don’t even have a space program anymore – (well, at least not a public one) just one more example of the arrested development humanity has been steered into by the power elite. Those who consider themselves our owners rely heavily on confusion and obfuscation as a primary tool of control, and it works quite well because almost nobody sees the big picture and those who do are labeled as “nutters” and marginalized.

EnvironmentProtectionnRubricsCubeHumanity currently has everything necessary to abolish war, end poverty, conquer disease, and provide decent living conditions for everyone, not a single human excluded; we have everything that is except control, that is where it’s always been, in the hands of the power elite. Knowing as we do that the fix is in, the game is rigged, and all elections to powerful positions are fraudulent; we also know that the power elite never intend to relinquish that power – ever, so what s to be done? “They” have everything so confused and chaotic that to the average mind solving all these greed generated problems seems an impossibility, like solving the Rubik cube puzzle. Almost every current threat to humanity can be traced directly back to human activity, mostly in pursuit of business, & power. These things can be undone, reversed, or ended altogether, but it will take much more than wishful thinking.

Did you know that the Rubik cube can be solved in 20 moves or less, from any starting position, and without cheating? It doesn’t seem possible, but it’s the truth, (just like 80% of household dust is actually human skin!) There is no “trick” to solving the Rubik cube, but rather a Key…which will also work just as well with any other complex human endeavor. The key is something called God’s Algorithm, which basically is all about solving the problem by only making moves which give optimal results. An optimal result is one requiring the fewest moves toward final solution, and is therefore also an elegant solution. An excellent example of using god’s algorithm would be the book “Critical Path” by the late renowned futurist R. Buckminster Fuller. Originating back when we still had a space program; the critical path refers to the exact, precise steps which must be taken in proper sequence in order to have a successful rocket launch. The Apollo program had a critical path of two million steps, half of which required new technological solutions. Fuller’s book takes a similar project planning approach to the saving of mankind, and sees how it can be accomplished with existing technology, and with no fighting over resources. Not only worth reading, should be mandatory reading!

So, let us talk of elegant, optimal solutions for the world of today. Collectively speaking we all know where we want to be…call that the solution of the puzzle…in so much that most all of us humans would prefer a world free of war and corporate domination, a world without hate, greed, hunger, slavery or undue violence, just for starters. So, we know what we want, and most certainly we can see where it is we have been taken by the power elite, where we are today. There is a lot of gnarly territory between where we are and where we’d like to be; and as before, the key to getting there (collectively) is making only optimal result kind of moves; those moves which serve the greater good of humanity, and the planet herself. What does that critical path look like?

EnvironmentProtectionnBuckminsterFullerI dare say it will take more than twenty elegant, optimal moves to achieve the end result humanity desires; but first and foremost I think it will require a unity of spirit and purpose we’ll never have as long as we continue to allow the power elite to set us against each other. This could be a huge stumbling block considering our collective need to feel special, or “better than” those around us, factoring in our seemingly hardwired need for conflict & drama in our everyday lives.

I think it’s true that we can only change the world one person at a time; one heart at a time. I also think such change can spread throughout humanity like a prairie fire once the saturation point of the hundredth monkey is reached, after that it will have its own inertia and momentum. That is why so many have “worked on themselves” over the last couple decades; getting ready for the shift that has been underway for awhile now, the shift which relentlessly increases in intensity. Obviously we cannot make optimal, elegant moves that will change the world without first applying the same to our individual lives, and therein resides another Key. By asserting the sovereignty of our timeless-ageless-multidimensional-souls; we can take back our power from those who stole it away: which diminishes them and empowers us!


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SF Source AugureyeExpress  July 16 2014

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