God’s Algorithm

 “In the undiscovered country still ahead of us, there exists perhaps not a perfect world; but one which is at the very least the polar opposite to the world of the power elite.  It exists, and there is indeed a critical path to getting there.  Although getting there may require a couple million elegant, optimal moves; it can all be accomplished with existing technology and resources. The first move must be towards unity, and the greatest good of all humanity.  One heart at a time.” Chautauqua

EnvironmentProtectionSpiderWebThere is this kind of time travel experience we’ve all had now and then; when hearing a certain song brings back a flood of memories from our past. Emotional associations to the soundtrack of our lives do have a habit of letting some memories out for some fresh air; and when they do we’re momentarily caught up in this swirl of memories released from stasis.

This has happened to me a few times over the past several weeks, yet there is something different about the memories; they’re not as sharp or clear as always before, like looking at something thru water. Though some may disagree, I don’t think this is due to natural aging…it just feels different than that. When this occurs it reminds me of being in grade school; having to learn ancient history even though it happened so long ago and couldn’t have a bearing on my life. That is kind of how those old memories feel, like ancient history, almost unconnected to my life today…and more importantly to the future.

It’s like the poet Bob Dylan warned us: “The Times they are changing

We certainly don’t need to rely on such experiences to remind us of just how distorted everything is these days; even a casual appraisal of the world around us is more than enough to tell us we’re not in Kansas anymore. It would be a different story if all these rapid changes we’re experiencing were leading towards that Aquarian paradise we’ve all heard about; but they are not – they’re leading towards even greater pandemonium and all out chaos world wide. Not the dream so many have envisioned for so long. Not even close. Continue reading