Choices Choosing and Change

Choices Choosing and ChangeJennifer Hoffman – Are you feeling the roller coaster, the ups and downs and sideways lurches, the flips and turns and various energy movements as we continue to integrate last week’s full moon and the current Mercury retrograde and upcoming and building Saturn/Uranus square.

This is the 3rd of 4 and this one feels much more powerful than the previous ones from the ‘people’s perspective.’ Public outrage is growing over a wide range of issues and if tyrants studied history they would know that this probably won’t bode well for them.

All of this energy movement around us is permeating our personal energy spaces, as well as our connections and creating opportunities for new choices, an awareness of new potentials, and invitations to shed the shackles of the past and try some 5D joy.

Some of these choices are forced on us and some are voluntary but something we need to understand is that choices arise in our lives when we are ready for transformation and a new journey of spiritual initiation is beginning.

If you do not like change and get paralyzed by indecision when you have to consider choices and make decisions you probably won’t feel too comfortable with this article and podcast because it involves the inevitability of change and how the forces of change compel us to change even when we don’t want to. This is not out of our control but remember we are guided by our soul mission and when we resist change we’re engaged in a battle between the ego and the soul and that is rarely pleasant.

What compels us to make changes in our life? Sometimes it is what other people do and the choices that they make. I have counseled many clients who were going about their daily lives and then they had to make changes because their partner cheated on them, or left, or died, or made a choice that they could not align with and the change had to occur.

Sometimes we change when we have had enough of a situation and one day we decide we’re done with the status quo.

Other times we decide we’re going to change and we go for it, only to find that we didn’t choose wisely because we didn’t get the outcome we wanted. Is that the truth or did we try to choose something we were not aligned with or could not create or we are in the habit of second guessing every choice.

When we second guess our actions it’s from the point of completion, after the change has been made. We forget our thoughts, mindset, and beliefs at the time we were considering that action. At the time it was probably the most obvious action, the only action we would consider, or the only action that we thought had any chance of success. Later, when we have different options available to us, we think we made a wrong choice but we didn’t. We made the right choice at that time.

If we look at change we have to look at the path of change and that has 4 parts,

• Beliefs
• Potential
• Possibilities
• Consequences

If we’re going to make a change our belief system has to support it or it just won’t happen. Do you ever wonder why you procrastinate a lot when you try to make a decision? It’s because the choices you are considering are not aligned with your belief system. There is another reason that I’ll talk about in a few minutes. But first you have to consider what you believe about your choices if you have trouble taking action. We need to believe that we can successfully act on our choices to be successful. Otherwise, we won’t have any confidence and we won’t make any changes.

We need to see some kind of positive, uplifting, fulfilling, and satisfactory potential in the change or we won’t do it because it will be like stepping in a black hole. Why would we upset our lives in that way if we are not going to have any idea how the outcomes that we are creating are going to create change that we like and can live with.

The possibilities of our potentials is critical because no matter how much potential something has, if we do not believe that it is possible, it won’t happen. Someone could tell you that you have the ability to be a trapeze artist but if you are afraid of heights it won’t happen, it just won’t be possible.

It is important to explore our possibilities as we set intentions and open the path to change because without the alignment of our possibilities we won’t allow change to happen. No matter how exciting the potential may be, if there is not a matching possibility in our belief system, we will not do it.

And then there is our good friend, consequences. We do not think about consequences very much, or only when we have an accident or something happens to us. We call those consequences and yet consequences are part of every change and choice, every decision, and every action we take. Every action has a consequence, which is also a universal law, the Law of Cause and Effect.

Believe it or not, because it is true, consequences are what we use to decide on our choices, actions, changes, the paths we will take, and the potentials that we will allow to manifest. We base every decision on consequences and that includes what others do, say, and think about us and what we’re doing.

If we have no opinion or are neutral about the consequences, then they will still be there but they won’t matter to us as much, or at all. Confident choosing arises when we are aware of the consequences, have considered their ramifications, and choose our most empowering option based on what we want, regardless of the consequences.

But if we’re unsure of the consequences or genuinely fear them, that’s when choice paralysis sets in. It isn’t that we can’t choose among the options we have, it’s that every choice has a consequence we are not willing to live with so we delay, procrastinate, find excuses to avoid choosing, and eventually abandon the change.

The problem was not in the change we were trying to make, it was with the consequences, as this is where our fear lies.

I always say that we do not fear ‘fear’, fear is not a thing. We fear consequences and they are a very real thing because we have experienced them, we know where they come from and what happens, and we will do our best to avoid them.

How does this work? I’ll give an example from a client I’ll call Ada. Ada wanted to move to the US from her home country of India and go to college as a young woman. Her family was unilaterally opposed to it and refused to let her go. Instead, they wanted her to marry the nice young man they had selected for her and settle down in his mother’s house down the street, have children, and be a good daughter-in-law, daughter, wife, and mother, in that order. That way she would be close to them when they needed her, especially as they aged. Ada realized they had her life all mapped out and it wasn’t what she wanted.

So she saved her money, enrolled in college, and left home without her parents’ permission. They were furious and disowned her, telling the rest of the family that she was no longer part of the family.

Ada knew her actions would have consequences and she was willing to face them initially. But as the years went by and she continued to be ostracized by her family, she wondered whether she had made the right decision. When her father died and she tried to attend the funeral the family would not let her in the house.

Her mother refused to see her even though she had traveled thousands of miles to visit and share in their grief over her father’s passing. Ada realizes that because of her choice her family had rejected her and she would probably never be able to see or speak to them again. Now she wonders whether doing what she wanted was the right thing, that maybe she should have listened to her parents instead of going her own way.

Now when Ada has to make choices she uses that consequence to make sure that everyone is OK with her decision. She asks endless questions of everyone involved and is afraid to move forward without getting full agreement from all of the people her decision touches. This means she never makes a decision she is fully comfortable with, she avoids change, and she doubts every move she makes.

Choice and change are part of life and we cannot avoid them, no matter how hard we try. If we understand the process of choice and know how we make choices we will be less afraid to choose and more confident about the options we consider and the choices we make.

Here’s a little guide to help you with your choices:

1. We will have occasional challenges in our life, no matter how ‘ascended’ we believe or think we are.

2. Our challenges demand that we get more creative with our choices. How many different options can we create for ourselves in the face of this challenge, which is the other option to being overwhelmed by the challenges.

3. Know your possibilities which includes your own limitations and things you just won’t do. You can’t make a choice that creates transformation you are not aligned with.

4, Intention sets the frequency for the types of choices we create, so setting big, powerful intentions that harness the full extent of our energy, is necessary if we’re going to create a lot of high frequency options.

5. Consequences will always be part of your options, choices, decisions, and transformation. There is no way to avoid them but you can be aware of them and be prepared for them.

6. Learning to create a dialogue between our intuition (inner knowing) and our outer voice is also important, so we can use the balanced co-creative partnership between human and divine to become aware of other levels of choices we cannot imagine using our own mind and past-based thinking.

And don’t be surprised if you have to repeat a choice that you have made before. While it is upsetting to face a life challenge when we believe that we won’t have to deal with those issues again once we arrive at a certain level in our ascension cycle, it happens. I know some people tell you that you arrive and then you’re clear of all challenges forever. Unfortunately, that isn’t true and it is just more false and misleading information from the same people who also told you that the ascension path was easy, quick, and fun.

While this can be upsetting it is a test of our self awareness, self esteem, our boundaries, and of how many choices and options we can create for ourselves. While we’re still operating in 3D in the ascension cycle we are not on a limited, one-choice, linear path and that is what we can celebrate when we are faced with challenging changes that demand creative choices.

This is the month whose theme of choice and change encourages us to open up to different types of choices. And this, in turn, raises our energetic frequency and vibration. Yes fear is one option and so is victim thinking, but what if we consider these challenges as confirmation that we are ready for a new life paradigm and use them as a springboard to other possibilities, potentials, choices, and creations we have never considered before.

When an old path has run out of energy road, we need to change paths and when we’re stuck in our uncomfortable comfort zones this imperative to create a new path will enter our lives in one way or another.

Choose wisely and choose well are part of the process but more importantly, is to make a choice and then decide on the action and not get lost in the process. Don’t over think this and try to make the best, most perfect choice.

Make a choice, consider the consequences, make a decision and then assess your results. Be sure to set strong intentions, including those that challenge your current beliefs and thinking so you open those choice portal doors wide open and have a vast array of potentials and choices to consider.

Understanding the 4 stages of spiritual initiation allow us to move through our life lessons more quickly and achieve enlightenment.

Click here to learn more about how you can design your path to spiritual initiation.

Copyright (c) 2022 by Jennifer Hoffman. All rights reserved.

SF Source Enlightening Life Sep 2022

One thought on “Choices Choosing and Change

  1. I want to thank you for this message. I have always struggled with procrastination and I must say I now understand why. It’s the overwhelming consequences for every decision that have triggered it. It is so simple yet so paralyzing. To reorder the frequency of energy to flow through them rather than fight my way through the mental state of paralysis. I have no idea if that makes sense to you or not but it did for me. Thank you so much for the message it hit just at a beautiful moment.

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