Cleansing The Doors Of Perception

“If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear as it is-infinite.”

Cleansing The Doors Of PerceptionLorna Bevan – William Blake’s quote perfectly describes the potential of this week’s astrology on the cusp of Lord of Time and Karma entering the waters of Pisces. Water transforms through flux, churn and dissolution.

In your own thinking, can you sense what was fixed beginning to loosen; what was certain, becoming vague? Those blinkered certainties, rules and belief systems imprinted by parents, education and tribe are fading into the ethers.

Witness the same process in the outer world as global alliances and old political systems shift and dissolve. The ideological containers and polarized social media silos that became too rigid when Saturn was in Aquarius are losing their glue.

There is true healing available too, as Venus, Jupiter and Chiron form a triple conjunction in Aries. Chiron is an initiatory force that reveals the raw impulses and needs in you that clash with the “normal” order of things so you can create fresh new patterns of living.

This is powerful medicine – nothing less than a shamanic process of self-discovery, the desire to reintegrate the spirit into the body; recovery by healing the soul instead of the psychology.

As Saturn morphs into Obi Wan Kenobi, are you open to some Jedi coaching?

Ask yourself:

Which early psychological bargains and soul compromises that I made to be loved and to be accepted have time expired?

Which repetitive patterns and futile struggles are dead in the water?

New! Sign up to my subscriber-only MARCH 2023 5D Report: “The Saturn/Pluto Event Horizon” to learn how to manage the symptoms of the De-construction Drop Off as the magnetics and time-lines that supported the old duality fall away. This new content is not available anywhere else online.

“I love your Reports for your truly visionary outlook and far reaching down-to-earth powers.” Brya L, Massachusetts US

Chandra Symbol Venus/Jupiter Conjunct 12 Aries: An old woman hears the stars talking to her at night

“Soul gifts from the morning of the world now turning into treasures untold. A quality of being, a presence, an aura which fills the world.

You are the microcosm here and now for so many worlds.

There is wonder and awe, discovery and an odd echo of fate. All of this has happened before; nothing is new. A twilight state.

The repeated awakenings, and yet still dreaming on.

Majestic vistas. So much to conceive.

All exists inside. Yet in the secrecy of the heart, no clues are offered. All remains bare and stark.” Inside Degrees Elias Lonsdale

Weekly forecast – Individual signs


SF Source Hare In The Moon Feb 2023

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