Creation Platforms & The Golden Web Of Creation

Christien 2010Since the start of the Earth Hive blog so much has developed to create the basis of our new reality.  The stages have moved from elemental re-creation, re-assimilation and re-purposing to today’s update of whole bodies of creation “platforms” reviving and emerging for the first time on Earth.

[Recently], a new creation platform (“creation platforms” explained more below) emerged, the Golden Web of No-Time Creation.  It is intricately linked to zero-point creation that comes from the unified heart experience of co-creation.  The Golden Web, though, is a specifically feminine-energy directed creation platform, one that reveals our deeper feminine nature, personally, globally and cosmically.

Creation Platforms

With the re-alignment of Earth as a “space” where greater diversity of creation experiences are now possible through the higher frequencies of love (which is more than one stream of frequency, rather a multi-textured body of frequencies), humanity has the choice to “co-create” as intentional, conscious beings.

Co-creation is the process of intending on one’s creations based on the heart’s desires–a calling of the soul frequency–and being in a cooperative relationship with another conscious spirit-infused intelligence (people, light beings, ET’s, nature spirits, Mother Earth, etc.).

In the process of co-creation, we become unified as one spirit body, or essence, to manifest reality shifting.  Co-creation is only possible through the matrix of unity consciousness, the unification of ALL intelligence and being-ness.

Within the unity consciousness matrix, or the Cosmic Creation Field, we are following a new set of creation principles compared to duality creation (or also called the polarity experience).  This is what we are learning now, the new principles and deciphering the vast, infinite new playground of the Cosmic Creation Field.

Creation platforms and Unity consciousness

Creation platforms are a foundational instrument of unity consciousness co-creation.  How they work gets super complex fast but my aim here is to describe the basics as they relate to the Earth Hive, the new Earth infinity grid so you can begin to work with creation platforms (or affirm what you already know and do) now.

The heart field is the center of your personal creation platform.  If you are already working in this space, you sense the infinite field of possibilities.  The only way into a creation platform is the infinite heart pulse, which connects your heart pulse to the Earth’s, the Cosmos’, God’s and the ALL-Infinite Heart.  As this awakens within you, it becomes the basis for a new morphic field, your inner and outer realities, and opens you to infinite creation platforms.

A creation platform is a whole body intelligence of that which is desiring to be created from the infinite heart.  It contains the whole package of the desired creation.  For some, you could be working with a single creation platform for your entire life, for others, multiple creation platforms will move through your experience in a single lifetime.

Creation platforms embody creation lineages

The experience of working with a creation platform is to embody creation lineages.  These are streams of consciousness that are “new” to your experience and your Earth body.

Each creation lineage is a light structure, a geometrically shaped body of light (you can also experience it as a sound/harmonic).  We can think of these lineages as aspects of your creation recipe, and we may try to translate them into known experience, peace, harmony, health, abundance…yet, the new creation lineages are much more complex than what we have known.

They have a feeling of “more than”, “greater than”, “higher than”, “deeper than” the previous known peace, love, joy, abundance, etc.  With each incoming (and these are incoming from your personal Cosmic Creation Field, thus, they are cosmically sourced and Earth manifested/realized) creation lineage our body undergoes a new form to realize these new aspects of our creation platform.

When we have re-created ourselves into the new form, a new body of creation lineages will initiate until we have completed a cycle of creation.  A cycle of creation is the entire body of creation lineages, a creation family, which IS the whole creation platform.

If you find you are enjoying the ride considerably, your soul will accelerate the rate at which new creation platforms arrive.  This is one way that we experience our multi-dimensional Self and shape shift vibrationally to have many experiences of the multi-textured love frequencies; we are anchored by a creation platform that harness each creational experience.

Co-Creating Inside Creation Platforms

Within the field of unity consciousness all creation lineages of a higher order are available to us.  The “source” of creation lineages are now being multipled through all of Earth’s creations, as well as the doorways of higher cosmic access points.  While all higher creation lineages are originally sourced from the Heart Core, the All-Infinite Heart, they’re traveling into new locations where humanity can have greater access to them for co-creation.

Thus, the experience of co-creation reveals itself surprisingly.  A tree, for example, may possess this higher ordered creation lineage, and it is by unifying our heart space with the tree that we receive the vibrational “upgrade” that enables the creation platform we are anchoring to come into realized embodiment and actualized experience.

Very often now it is other human beings that are embodying the “pockets” of creation lineages that will birth our new creation experiences.  When we consciously work with others, these higher ordered creation vibrations “wake up” in both beings participating and find harmony and resonance within our Cosmic Creation Field, birthing a new creation.

It is a type of universal “sex” where two creation vibrations merge into a new form.  Here at work is the creation pattern of the trinity, or more precisely the Genesis pattern of the heart.  One (you) becomes two (your co-creation partner) becomes three, a new organic, stable spirit manifestation.  This is where the Earth Hive comes in as the 4th creation point, which serves as the Earth foundation to reveal the new spirit manifestation into a materialized form.

At the moment of the 4th creation point, a new consciousness has been birthed on Earth that holds the possibility of greater expanding consciousness through the honeycomb web design (many dynamics come into play here, specifically the Spiraling Nectarphenomenon).

The pattern of creation will repeat itself through the 12-factorial Monadic reflections of light, but now we also have the option of the 13th scale of creation, the Holy Grail, or the 13th Disciple Code, which is a re-creation of Creation itself, a mastery consciousness of the designers of the experienced reality.

The Golden Web of Creation

The Golden Web of Creation is a new creation platform that emerged out of the Cosmic Goddess Light, or Cosmic Mother, and descended through the heart portal of Cosmic Earth Beings quite recently.  This creation platform is designed to re-align the webs of creation that have slanted creation towards illusion (something Lisa Renee in her last update calls the Imposter).

Inherent to this new creation platform is our personal and collective Age of Innocence, a new Earth experience that is absent of the “sins of our fathers” and allows the innocent Child to be seen.

It is out of the Golden Web of No-Time Creation that the Cosmic Mother infuses the diamond light of our original form, and the Golden Egg of Creation is entrusted to us.

In the Earth location, the Golden Egg appears to have manifested as a miracle as there are few who can recall its presence here.  Yet, there is something remarkably “known” about the Golden Egg when you do encounter it.

The Egg and the Web are intricately connected in the universal language of our Mother universe, where Egg-ing and Web-ing hubs stream from the Mother universe blanketing creation with the archetypal Mother.  To be entrusted with the Golden Egg of Creation is to wear HER, the archetypal Mother, as a sign of your creational logos.

Inside the Golden Web of Creation there is a fluency of water-like golden-ness that is giving Earth a “bump up” in creation vortexes, hubs/centers of new creation.

The Cosmic Mother has spun these webs throughout the planet for her entrusted children.  If you are in the midst of experiencing this “bump up” into the Golden Web of Creation, you may be in the no-time space for awhile where discovery, reflection and new desires are being tried on.

The acceleration of the Golden Web in the Earth experience will arrive nearer to December.   The changes that Earth will undergo due to the Golden Web are following a specific creation timeline to allow for the Earth field to stabilize before the fully emergence of the Golden Web of Creation.

Allow yourself as much time as you require inside the Golden Web before you integrate it fully into your Earth location.  Ask your internal Mother instinct when and SHE will direct you.  The Mother is getting her ducks in a row, so to speak, before the grand reveal.

Joyful journeying into the Golden Web!

SF Source EarthHive  October 24 2013

One thought on “Creation Platforms & The Golden Web Of Creation

  1. So many of these presentations are convoluted in trying to reach something somewhere.
    To collapse the time space distortion, experience consciousness in the creation instant only. Most don’t want to especially because they’re unfamiliar. Experience the outer world emotion free. That is the fuel of the prism prison.

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