Emerge Triumphant!

During this time of the Full Moon of Scorpio, you have the opportunity to soar like the eagles flying in freedom and joy above the clouds of distraction, dysfunction and despair  OR  allow yourself to be consumed by the never-ending drama of pain and suffering unfolding on the 3rd dimension of Earth. You have the power and ability to choose to emerge triumphant from every situation. Which do you choose? ~ The Council of Ascended Masters

lifeSharon Rose – For eons, the time of Scorpio is the time of initiation for humanity. Each person is presented with great challenges designed to stretch them to their next level of growth and mastery. Down through the ages, the esoteric mantra for this powerful time is Warrior I AM and from the battle I emerge triumphant!  Those that have answered this powerful call have become masters. This is the golden opportunity before each of you now.

It is easy to succumb to the chaos and confusion that is apparent all around you, whether it takes the form of dis-ease, conflict in relationships, divorce, loss of job and income, home or loved ones, hurricanes, earthquakes or flooding, feeling alone, disconnected and like a failure.

At this stage of evolution in the 3d dimension your fall back position is going to be your 3rd dimension limited ego personality, which is simply a collection of all your mistakes and failures from your past.

This means it will take a conscious choice on your part when challenging situations show up in your life, to rise above your ego’s response to perceive the situation as negative and react from the past in fear, anger, disappointment, shame, etc., and instead choose to perceive the situation before you as a magnificent challenging adventure designed to stretch you in new and glorious ways to create new expanded solutions that allow you to pass this initiation and emerge triumphant and soar into your next level of mastery.

As long as you are still in the limited playing field of the 3rd dimension, you are engaged in the “battle” of choosing to perceive yourself as the limited ego personality or as your greatest Self, the presence of the unlimited infinite divine Self that is always within you.

When you choose to perceive your world and the challenging adventures you are presented with from your True Self, you will see all the infinite possible solutions to every situation and challenge and you will indeed feel like the warrior or warrioress as you triumphantly step into the winners circle implementing new expanded solutions of Love and Enlightenment and soaring with the eagles.

No matter what the present-day challenge before you know that the solutions are within you waiting to be downloaded from your Greatest unlimited Self, that is always connected to the Creator Source, Mother-Father God or whatever name you use to describe this Divine Source that has created planets, galaxies, universes and your very body. Remember you not only are a part of this Divine Creator, you also have been endowed with these same creative abilities to create your life and world anew, that will fill you with joy beyond measure in all areas of your life and world.

You may ask: What if we were all to create what we would like to see in our lives or the world, wouldn’t we create chaos since we all have our own separate agendas? Actually creating from the limited agendas of the ego personality is exactly what has created the chaos in the world today.

The key to creating a world that works for everyone is to create from your Unlimited Divine Self which is One with everyone and all life, then you are creating from the united all-inclusive perspective of the Love and Enlightenment of Creator Source, where everyone is included and united in one common purpose and goal.

Everyone wants the same thing – to be seen, heard and recognized as the glorious Being that they are (for everyone is a unique aspect of Creator Source), to love and be loved and to be surrounded with loving family and community.  [Everyone wants] to live in the enlightened truth that all of life is part of the Divine Source and all have powerful creative abilities given to everyone by the Creator  (power of choice, thoughts,  imagination to envision, feelings, words and actions) so you can create the life and world that will fill you with joy.

This is the process known as the ascension that will not only create a new world, it will make fear, lack, poverty, crime, prisons, conflict, violence, war and harmful food, environment and weather patterns obsolete, it will become a thing of the past.

Are you ready to claim your true identity and use your God-given abilities to create your greatest life and fulfill your life’s purpose?

What is the choice you want to make right now that can change the direction of your life and your world? You have come to create a new world. This is your mission, should you wish to accept it.

For those that accept this mission and want to move forward quickly, we have created a new 3-month live group mentoring with the Masters program, where you can have all your questions answered and the tools given to you to dissolve whatever limiting ways of being that have kept you operating from your limited ego personality so you can begin consistently creating from your unlimited Infinite Greatest Self the life and world that will fill you with joy that you have come to live. We invite you to participate.

During this time of Ascension, you and all of humanity are our highest priority and we are here to assist you to claim your true identity and use your God-given gifts to create the joyous life you came to live as Change-Agents soaring like the eagles into your own ascension and co-creating a New Earth and a new Golden Age of Freedom.

November 7 2018  3-Month Mentoring with the Masters. For more information, contact
info@ WalkTheEarthAsALivingMaster.com

Private Mentoring with the Masters,  a year-long program.  For more information go to:

SF Source Walk The Earth Oct 2018

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