DOJ Admits They Have a Grand Jury Empaneled in FBI and DOJ Investigation…

evidenceSundance – Today chairman Bob Goodlatte sends a formal subpoena to the DOJ (Inspector General Michael Horowitz) for documents regarding the investigation of Hillary Clinton’s private email server, potential abuses of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, and the FBI’s Office of Professional Responsibility recommendation to fire former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe.

However, it’s not the subpoena that should make the news.  Pay close attention to the DOJ response.

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-VA) is one of the top three people throughout the entirety of congress with a comprehensive knowledge of the events surrounding the investigations of the FBI and DOJ. Chairman Goodlatte is one of only four people outside the DOJ who have read the full DOJ FISA application used for a Title-1 Surveillance warrant of Carter Page.

The House Judiciary Committee holds the primary statutory oversight over the U.S. Department of Justice. Additionally, Chairman Goodlatte is the congressional office working closest with DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz. In short, Goodlatte is the center of all ‘oversight’ information circling the investigations into the DOJ and FBI.

However, all of that said, even Chairman Bob Goodlatte doesn’t, and shouldn’t, know what criminal investigations are underway.  We’ve explained this dynamic of disconnect numerous times.  We really began emphasizing this when AG Jeff Sessions admitted he brought in a prosecutor from outside Washington DC to work with Inspector General Horowitz.

You can read the Goodlatte Subpoenas – HERE – along with the letter that accompanies his demand.   However, more important is the response from the DOJ as communicated by Fox News journalist Chad Pergram:

Oh, what’s that?  Yes, the DOJ has to review the demand for evidence because release of those documents might conflict with ongoing Grand Jury information (evidence).  Yes, that means a Grand Jury is impaneled, exactly as we expected.

Yes, that also means there are “law enforcement actions” currently ongoing as a result of the prosecutor assigned to reviewing the evidence discovered by Inspector General Horowitz.

Are there still those who doubt?

There has been a great deal of consternation, directed toward AG Jeff Sessions surrounding the ongoing FISA abuse scandal and the larger issues of unlawful DOJ and FBI conduct in their political investigation of candidate Donald Trump. It is a matter of great division amid people who follow the details.  Yet there is overwhelming evidence he assigned a prosecutor to conduct a criminal investigation of the FBI and DOJ “small group” a long time ago.  Now we know, with certainty, a GRAND JURY is empaneled.

… I have appointed a person outside of Washington, many years in the Department of Justice to look at all the allegations that the House Judiciary Committee members sent to us; and we’re conducting that investigation. (read more)

Evidence of this prosecutor, and the Grand Jury, was also visible within the firing of FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe. –SEE HERE– We’ve been talking about this since it became obvious someone was giving information to congressional investigators.

First, the question:  If Jeff Sessions has appointed a prosecutor to work with Inspector General Horowitz, why do congressional reps keep asking for a second special counsel?

The answer is a lot simpler than we might think: They don’t know.

The legislative branch of the government doesn’t know what the criminal investigations are of the executive branch of government; AND AG Jeff Sessions has repeatedly said his intention is to restore the proper, appropriate and professional standards of the U.S. Department of Justice.  (ie. no talking about criminal investigations)

Within this specific investigation there is a triple role.  ¹A DOJ Inspector General conducting an internal investigation; ² Appropriate congressional oversight; and ³ the collection of evidence that might also be used in criminal indictments.

Within the IG collection of evidence there are two competing issues:  #1) Evidence of misconduct and political bias (shared openly with congress and oversight); and #2) evidence of illegal activity (retained from congress to preserve integrity of evidence for later used in criminal proceedings); this is where the “outside DC prosecutor” comes in.

Which brings us to point #2

Accusations of DOJ hiding evidence from Congress.

Several congressional representatives have stated the information about Judge Rudolph Contreras was not readily know because his association with Peter Strzok was redacted within text messages sent from DOJ to congress.  Therefore the DOJ is trying to hide damaging information.  That claim is not the correct framework/context.

Congress as a whole (reps, staff and investigators) can go to the DOJ and look at ALL unredacted text messages.  However, if congressional staff wish to take copies with them the copies must be redacted. Why?  Because, just like the Contreras issue within the Strzok and Page text messages, there’s a possibility specific texts are evidence of a crime.

Go back to December 2nd, 2017, when the first reports of the IG investigative findings were hitting the news media and you’ll note IG Horowitz said he has no issues with congressional oversight getting his investigative evidence with the approval FROM the DOJ.   In this example the “prosecutor”, working with Horowitz, has to make a determination if a potential criminal case would be compromised by allowing the release of specific information/evidence gathered by the Inspector General.

Lastly, where all this appears to be going.

It is not likely there will be a ‘second special counsel’ per se’.  With a prosecutor already working with Inspector General Horowitz that person already has a thorough knowledge of all the evidence.  As soon as the IG publishes his report, the prosecutor can begin subpoenaing witnesses.  And now we know there’s already a Grand Jury seated somewhere hearing the criminal evidence he/she has carved out from the overwhelming IG evidence as collected.

You and I might be frustrated with the pace of the activity for a myriad of righteous reasons.  However, we must also remind ourselves of the scale and scope of the corruption here that is inherent within the BIG PICTURE.  All of this was done on purpose.  None of this was accidental.

The prosecutor could, likely would, be having to outline the biggest political conspiracy in the history of politics.  It is entirely possible officials within the CIA, NSA, DOJ, FBI, State Department, ODNI, and national security apparatus along with the Obama White House, Clinton campaign officials, politicians, career bureaucrats and possibly judges are all entwined and involved.

Add into this likelihood the complicit ideological media who will go absolutely bananas about any single member of their team being indicted; and a better than average chance the media will follow instructions from their leadership and send tens-of-thousands of low-info sycophants into the streets in protest, and well… you see the picture.

The left only know one narrative: “Jeff Sessions is doing Trump’s evil bidding.” That’s it. That’s the drumbeat. 24/7/365 That’s the narrative pushed over and over.

Just look at the media reaction to Andrew McCabe’s simple firing, which Trump had nothing to do with, and think about what their response would be to indictments?


Remember – Someone’s doing the Investigations and Interrogations – HERE

Jeff Sessions affirms IG looking at FISA Court Abuse and Illegal Representations – HERE

Jeff Sessions confirms appointment of “Federal Prosecutor” working with OIG Michael Horowitz – See Here

McCabe firing shows evidence of a Federal Prosecutor and Grand Jury – SEE HERE

SF Source The Conservative Treehouse Mar 2018

3 thoughts on “DOJ Admits They Have a Grand Jury Empaneled in FBI and DOJ Investigation…

  1. Every one of this article’s sources is from the, which is a private, Pro-Trump blog. Author, if you want to be taken seriously, use a variety of sources. This article is nothing more than propaganda.

    1. I don’t know Jack about you. However, I DO know TRUTH when I read it. Your comment is singularly ignorant concerning the facts of original EVIDENCE used in research.

      When a researcher gathers direct evidence such as text messages, videos, pics and the like and provides that evidence in h/er textual narrative of FACTS then there is no need to go to any other source for related material. The ORIGINAL SOURCE is cited within the articles themselves.

      ALL of Sundance’s articles contain evidence. As such, any and all can be quoted or linked to for additional evidence.

      Sundance at the Conservative Treehouse is a brilliant researcher and analyst. A single article of his comprises more actual, FACTUAL information than 3 months of CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS combined! Given that Sundance is an excellent researcher it is prudent of him to quote from his own material, for he knows THAT to be reliable. – g

  2. Thanks for running this Gillian. Media hype on the issue has been all over the place and this very in-depth article provides a framework that has personally facilitated getting a handle on the subject.

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