The Doom Bias

Monika Muranyi – What has been the predominant prophecy on the planet? History shows us that it’s the scenario of Armageddon, where humanity destroys itself. That was supposed to happen at the turn of the millennium, or the year 2000. Remember the big scary prediction of 2012? The prediction was that we wouldn’t make it to 2013, since it was “the end of time.”

Obviously neither of these predictions happened, as we are now several years past those dates! However, it appears that our appointment with doom is still alive, and just keeps being delayed. Why does our doomsday clock keep changing? Have we actually entered a new reality? If so, why is everybody still waiting for the end? Why do we have this “doom bias?”

Our fascination with drama, fear, and horror is very strong. It’s the reason why our media feeds us dramatic and scary stories. There is an endless list of Armageddon and Apocalypse style movies, all created around end of the world scenarios. In addition, nearly every science fiction movie that involves aliens depicts them as the ultimate enemy. They are all out to get us. Very few movies feature benevolent aliens. Thankfully, this doom bias is beginning to change.

Powerful evidence is all around us that humanity has changed and is slowly growing up into a higher consciousness. The very idea of who we are is changing. There is an overwhelming realization from the majority of the planet, that war is not the answer. Again, history will show that is a new concept, since war has always been the solution for centuries. Even with all this evidence, many still feel like something bad is coming.

There are many who only see the various problems we face, and see them as perpetually unsolvable. Many also believe that the economy is going to collapse, and we are overdue for a war. The world is expecting doom. Perhaps, in a certain way, you are too?

Our doom bias isn’t simply a figment of our imagination. There are seeds of truth to our end of the world prophecies, because up until a few decades ago this was the direction we were headed. Against all odds, an esoteric decision was made by all humanity that has disarmed all of the Dooms Day prophecies. However, the residual of the past, and what might have been, remains in our psyche. According to Kryon, a loving entity channeled by Lee Carroll, the residue of this old energy potential is dangerous.

If enough Humans cooperate with the fear and drama it produces, the effect will be to slow down our evolution. Some of the things we fear most may even occur! It’s almost like we attract them by our expectations.

So, how do we move forward and drop our doom bias? Kryon tells us to start spreading the word that “we made it” to anyone who projects a doomed future. Shape your words to reflect a positive future, and give evidence to this by the fact that the predictions did NOT happen! Therefore, they are null and void. Don’t be persuaded by anyone who believes we need new doom and gloom predictions simply to replace the ones that didn’t happen. You don’t have to convince anyone of these things, since history has already shown it to be true. Instead, simply give them the good news in a positive loving way: “I appreciate your point of view, but I don’t agree. I feel something good is coming.” You might not think it, but what you say and do carries weight with those around you.

Are you a person who is slow to anger, and quick to love? Are you a person who can demonstrate compassionate action, patience, and tolerance? Are you a person who doesn’t age much? Are you a person who has more energy than you should for your age? If so, people are going to look at you and take notice. Some of them will even want what you have! Creating a positive future is almost like re-writing the past, and more people are starting to be attracted to those of you who are positive and un-complaining.

There are those who are reading this article who still don’t believe it. How can we rewrite the past biases? How can we really believe that the future will be different than before? The answer is that collectively we are going to have to fully cognize this belief. It has to be our full truth. Cognizing it means knowing it to be an absolute reality, the same way you cognize gravity. An object thrown in the air will fall down. This is a cognized truth. Even though you can’t see gravity, you know it exists.

Due to these past residuals, many are still expecting the planet to terminate. However, groups of high consciousness individuals are starting to spread the possibility of a brighter future, and these are the ones who are important right now for the evolving consciousness of our planet. Take a look at the younger generation. They are not buying into an old energy system, and are also helping to disengage the doom bias. Are you going to wait for future generations to speed up our evolvement, or are you going to start getting active in the process now?

If so, Kryon invites us to watch for synchronicity to speak our truth. For example, someone might say to you, “Can you believe the recent election in America? Can you believe what’s going on? Can you believe how different everything is?” This is an opportunity to respond by saying, “You know what? I think this is all part of the changes we have been told about. Things are changing, and it’s going to get better. Wait and see. There are things coming that we don’t know about yet.” Can you see how you can change the planet by stating that there is a bright future every time you get the opportunity?

Because you are a good listener, people talk to you. How many times have people complained how awful things are? When this keeps happening, how do you respond? Kryon encourages us to respond by saying, “We only see a portion of what is actually happening. If we only send negative energy to situations, that’s what will be produced!” In other words, our thoughts really do have the energy of changing things. So each complaint is like a confirmation of negative expectation. Complaining people can actually create the dysfunction that they then complain about! Can you turn things around so that you create positive comments, even though many around you are filled with negativity?

For those of you who are into creating positive thoughts regularly, the comments in this article are obvious. You know that what you say affects those around you. If you’re with a cheerful person, it’s contagious isn’t it? If you’re with a person who has joy and laughter, it’s contagious isn’t it? Kryon often reminds us that God is joyful, and that the things you worry about can be dispersed faster when you show a joyful attitude. Fall in love with yourself. Start to change your countenance to one that is joyful. Then watch for the synchronicities that will create a positive outcome. A bright future is on the horizon, and coming your way! It’s time to celebrate this and share your good news with others.

SF Source Monika Muranyi Feb. 2017

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