Divine Timing

Infinite Being February 3 2013

The voice whispered the message through the halls of the massage school. The message contained the name of a company still being birthed into manifestation, and the statement, “These essential oils are the best.” Like the foreshadowing of gifts to come, the message hovered in the air only for a moment and then it was gone.

In 1991, there was no Internet as we know it today; no Google to find anything or everything you could possibly want. Even though those essential oils were not to be found at that time, I nevertheless tucked the name away in a corner of my heart. Even today, I marvel that I remembered the name and the message… “These are the best.”

Fast forward to 2005; I am in my local herb store and the owner is talking about the uses of lavender essential oil. Now, I had been using essential oils for almost 15 years. I knew lavender essential oil is supposed to be good for bruises and burns, but really, I never noticed that it did anything and sometimes it made the burn feel worse! Yet, I had a house full of essential oils because they smelled nice. I loved to mix them into bath salts and drop them into candles.

After listening to the herb store owner, I went home and searched the Internet for that company I remembered from massage school.

Well, the company had these kits of introductory oils for $150 (US). I didn’t know what most of them were… they even had specialized blends with strange names. Good grief, I only wanted a bottle of lavender that might actually work!!

And so I passed the oils by. (Notice this is the second time these oils have come to my attention.)

Now, jump ahead to 2009; we are in California for the Raw Food Expo. (Yes, the same one where I had my life-changing experience concerning the vegan diet thanks to Dr. Will Tuttle!) This Expo was three days of jam-packed info with presenters every hour in several locations. I “happened” to wander into a class on essential oils.

There was that name again! To this day I do not know why, but I chased the presenter down the hall afterwards and told her I wanted some of those oils! She told me about the introductory kit that included four basic essential oils plus five blends. She told me this allowed me to buy at wholesale prices and would save me 24% off retail. I didn’t have to sell anything ever and I didn’t have to buy anything every month. I just got the discount. Sounded good to me and by this point the price seemed reasonable (less than $20 a bottle).

So I ordered my oils and we drove on to Colorado. A few days later my essential oils kit arrived. Hooray! I opened it up and looked at all the bottles and sat them on the shelf.

That is about all I did with my oils until we drove on to Florida for the winter. When we got back to Florida, I “happened” to find a class on essential oils. I called up this teacher, thinking maybe she would know what to do with these 9 oils!

Lo and behold, she was teaching a class every Monday night on these very oils! Back then, we lived in a little town in Florida. What are the chances of that happening in that same little town? Do you really think it was accidental?

At the second class I attended… I’m sitting in the audience, the teacher is up there talking about what is on the PowerPoint presentation when I hear her shout, “These oils will heal you.” What?!! I quickly look around to see if she really shouted this. No, everyone else is calmly writing down what is on the PowerPoint slide. I look to see if this is what is written on the screen. Nope, “These oils will heal you” is not up there.

Once again, however, it was as if Spirit shouted with a megaphone. The message was loud and clear. And, as you know from my previous article, When Spirit Shouts, I pay attention. And when Spirit shouts, it is a message for humanity. “These oils will heal you.” As I began to study these oils, I began to hear testimony after testimony of healings, very much like I heard from people involved in the vegan raw and living foods movement. I knew this was something the world needed to know.

So what makes these oils so different from those other ones that just smell nice? Would it surprise you to know that most essential oils on the market are perfume grade? So they smell nice! Even if they claim to be 100% pure, they most often are not! What a shock it was to realize that fact! Perfume grade oils on the market are like a zircon. They look like a diamond but they are not.

These wonderful essential oils I am sharing with you are therapeutic grade oils. They contain the healing constituents from the plants. They are very powerful. They are like a flawless diamond. They have all the attributes of the real diamond.

Which is more valuable? Which would you rather have? Now you know why Spirit whispered long ago… these are the best.

These oils are marketed through network or word-of-mouth marketing. Why? So a sponsor can teach and educate you about the oils. Please don’t buy them and leave them on the shelf! I want you to be able to have the full, wonderful benefits of these oils.

Remember all of those classes I attended to learn about the oils? That information is available at our website as soon as you order your introductory kit.

These oils will affect you physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.

We are living in very exciting times. These oils offer you so much. They will aid and assist you at every level of your being.

I will be writing about the healing power of the oils and I will also be writing about the spiritual aspects of the oils. However, in order to experience the oils, you must have them… to inhale, to put on topically, to diffuse, and even to ingest.

This is an international company, and growing rapidly. Hooray! Everyone needs to know about these oils. The time is NOW. Divine timing is everything!

So let’s get started with some oils. I recommend the Everyday Oils Kit, the same way I got started. You can sign up to receive your own sacred healing oils now.

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