How To Be Positive About Everything

Jafree Ozwald | October 4 2012

“Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.” ~Albert Schweitzer

godWhen you are positive about everything in your life, something magical happens. Everything good seems to effortlessly flow your way, your desires effortless manifest, and people just love hanging around you. People in your presence smile and laugh more, which makes you feel even better inside about being alive. Being positive is more important than you think. It’s the foundation of your very survival. If you could only think a stream of negative thoughts for the next few weeks, you might start believing suicide is the only viable option. Once you learn how to find the good within the bad, you’ll easily manifest a continual flow of success wherever you go.

Life contains both polarities of nature, the deep and dark as well as the light bright, and everything between the two. The dark always contains the light, and the light always contains the dark. Just like the eastern Yin-Yang symbol. They co-exist as complementary energies that cannot exist separately. This melting light/dark energy is found in the fabric and matrix of every atom in our Universe. When you remember this, you’ll know that somewhere inside the negative you can find a seed of something positive. You just have to get out your microscope and look more closely at the situation with a creative mind and an open heart.

MindThe greatest advice I’ve ever received for being unstoppably positive about life is the thought that “anything is possible”. This one little concept has allowed my mind to continuously open, even after it became momentarily closed. Believe it or not, it is possible to be positive about everything that happens to you in life. There is always something to be learned from each situation, person and circumstance no matter how challenging it may be. Being consistently positive is simply a choice that you make in each moment. It’s a creative choice where you decide that you are 100% devoted to finding some possible way to enjoy this experience. Finding positivity in everything stems FROM believing in the impossible. You start realizing that you’re living in an infinite Universe that has no boundary to it, thus there is no boundary to your mind or imagination. How would you view your life differently this week if you knew without a doubt that anything and everything was possible?


6 thoughts on “How To Be Positive About Everything

  1. I agree it can be difficult to stay positive and always look on the bright side especially when life throws challenges at us, and often don’t fully appreciate the many blessings in our lives until they are gone.
    We are bound to feel stress creeping in from time to time, but we can train our thoughts and get into a routine of focusing on the wonderful things in our daily lives we often take for granted.

  2. The article is spot on, if you dream it you can be it!
    I believe you can choose to be happy and focus on the positives rather than be at the mercy of random events to make you happy.
    Sadly some people are so focused on the door that is closed that they fail to see all the doors whiich are open.

    1. Thanks for commenting, Marie. What you say is indeed true. It’s hard at times, however, to stay focused on the positive, especially when the emotions get riled up and/or stress factors of one kind or another creep in. But you’re right. The sooner you are able to shift the energy into a more positive feeling the better off you are. Blessings, G

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