How To Leap Onto The Playing Field Of Your Life

Jafree Ozwald May 25 2014

“If one desires a change, one must be that change before that change can take place.” ~Gita Bellin

PropellerWheelThere are at least four unique ways to participate in the game of life. Some people live their lives in the stands, eating their hotdogs, watching the game go by. They believe that life is a spectator sport, and thus they do the minimum to survive. The second category is players who sit on the sideline bench, hoping and believing that one day they will get to really play in the game. Yet, their shoes are still untied, and they are totally unprepared to jump on the field. The third group is composed of the players who are in action on the playing field, yet function like robots, unconsciously carrying out their coaches’ orders and commands. They follow all the rules of the game, and do exactly what they are told to do. Their lives are one big “should” waiting to implode.

The fourth group contains the most satisfied players of all. They are conscious, pro-active, inspired manifestors who design their own game and experience a succession of peak experiences during their time on the field. These beings are natural leaders who catalyze and inspire all the other teammates into inspired action. They bring creative thinking and “possibility consciousness” into the hearts and minds of each player. They have mastered the art of being present to the divine juiciness found within each moment of the game.

In which one of these groups have you spent the majority of your days? We invite you to step back from your life, and look at everything you have experienced thus far. Notice at what times you were sitting with your feet up in the stands, watching the game go by from the sidelines, or truly on the playing field 100%! Perhaps, you chose to play it safe, and never felt like you made it out on the field. Whatever you experienced, what made you get excited enough to fully step onto the field. What was that FEELING like when you were ON the playing field? Remember this feeling! It is your secret weapon for winning the game.

Stepping out onto the playing field as a manifestor is both a terrifying and exhilarating experience. The exhilaration begins when you completely participate in the adventure. Life is not a spectator sport. This game is about discovering how to be fulfilled on the deepest and most intimate levels of your being, and only occurs through intimate participation with your life. This intimacy happens when you are so involved and engaged in each moment that you lose your sense of separateness from everything and everyone on the field. Intimately participating in your life teaches you how to trust the process of life, and discover the super-natural being you truly are. It educates you on how to let go of your stuckness, tap into this divine focus, and become responsible for manifesting your dreams and desires! The following exercise will help you step onto the playing field of life and take inspired action towards manifesting your dreams.

Enlightening Exercise to Help you Leap onto the Playing Field of your Life!

Start with making an extensive list of all the things
you think are stopping you from getting on the field.

This may simply be a list of your greatest fears, excuses,
insecurities, or just limiting beliefs about yourself.

Write down every experience you can think of.
that is stopping you from living the life of your dreams.

After your list is complete, pick your top three “charged”
things on the list to release from your body and mind.

To start the releasing process, first breathe any
resistance to feeling the feeling into your body.

Feel whatever you’re feeling deep, and on the out-breath repeat the words,
“I release this fear and allow everything to be O.K.”

As your body experiences the feeling of fear,
you simply remain the observer in the background,
watching the event happening from afar.

Repeat this exercise with everything on your list,
until there is no emotional “charges” left inside you.

When you can find peace with your entire list you’ll
find yourself exuding LOADS of new energy which will
make you naturally jump onto the playing on the field of life!

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