Trump Didn’t Win. The Establishment Lost.

trumpNick Hodge – The theme of all things “Outsider” has cropped up once more.

This time in the form of the election of Donald Trump to the White House — the first such electee with neither political nor military experience. A true Outsider.

The New York Times captured it perfectly if unintentionally in an article today: Journalists, it said “portrayed Trump supporters as out of touch with reality. In the end, it was the other way around.”

The Establishment is out of touch with reality. No one told them being an Outsider was in.

As well, no one told them that, despite their Fed-induced papered-over recovery in which 95% of the wealth gained in the U.S. since 2009 went to the top 1%, most of the country is utterly pissed off.

That’s what you saw last night: high turnout of the pissed off vote.

Pissed off at all the things we’ve covered in these pages for years:

– Political payola

– Continued bank scandals with no prosecution

– Incessant war

– No wage growth (over half of full-time workers make $30k or less)

– Complete civilian surveillance

– General ‘above the law’ attitude of elites

Hillary Clinton was a true poster girl of the Establishment, and the election easily became a referendum on it and her rather than anything else.

Donald Trump didn’t win. The Establishment lost.

I say this not as a Trump supporter. Indeed, I voted for Gary Johnson.

Rather, I’m simply pointing out that, as they have been for years, Outsiders are now rising up. They, and their ideas.

There’s still much further to go, of course, for America to get back on track. But I truly view the election of an Outsider as one small step in the right direction.

At least the general electorate is finally repudiating the status quo.

The years ahead are going to be interesting — politically, economically, and financially.

SF Source The Outsider Club Nov. 2016

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6 thoughts on “Trump Didn’t Win. The Establishment Lost.

  1. Spot on assessment. I saw several hundred Trump signs here in Pennsylvania and 2 for Hillary. Granted, several years ago I laughed but agreed with a description of Pa. as “Pittsburgh on the left, Philadelphia on the right, and Mississippi in the middle.” But 2 for Hillary? You spelled it out perfectly.

  2. I am a Canadian who totally agrees with your stated position. Unfortunately, we in Canada are subject to the same dilemma. A government that is totally devoid of recognition concerning the plight (and interest), of the general populace.

    Don from Canada

    1. Thanks for commenting, Don. You’re right. This is a time of rapid awakening by humanity. It is hard to miss the degree to which formerly free societies are in the chokehold of international corporations and globalism. Trump is pretty much an unknown whose greatest attributes are 1) He is NOT a politician and 2) He owes no-one any money to run for office.

      Just those 2 things alone gives him a fighting chance going up against the Global Oligarchy.

  3. Excellent analogy, and so we the sleeping are rising up and saying enough is enough.Most of are decent law respecting people and we should have the reflection of it by our leaders ,not so most are lawless greedy thugs in suits.

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