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focusVeronica – In a world where negatiity can run rampant, decide to give greater attention to the goodness of life. Those who wish to repel the darkness, can only do so if the focus remains steadfast upon their own inner light.

We realize that this is a difficult challenge, however, if one expermiments with better thoughts, it will become easier. Lessons are abundant as one makes the journey. Interference by others can create obstacles that feel insurmountable. By focusing upon the blockages, one merely creates more. They begin to link together creating a wall that may separate you from your soulful intentions.

It is important to recognize this. By doing so, a small path to inner harmony is created. Expect it to take a bit of linear time to redirect your focus. As always, it took time to arrive in the current state of negativity, it will take time to work your way out of it.

In life all experience is valuable, Attempt to glean a lighter focus amidst the darkness. It is true this concept of a silver lining. One must, however, seek it to allow it to materalize.

Self change sparks the consciousness to create those changes in the linear. Of course resistance to change is an option, but often a painful one. Decide to flow with your internal lightness. It will ease the ache of the heart that so misses the abundant probabilities of eternal light. Make the decision then move with it while the sunlight of your soul rises up from within. No matter how deeply you are entrenched in darkness the light beams brightly. Simply decide to put your focus upon it.

This self change will grow. Be patient while watering the seeds of new life perspective. Carefully cultivate the underdeveloped parts of yourself. You may find that you do indeed have the ability to conquer any negativity that shows up in your life.

Start now.

Every small step taken will lead to the lightness of your self and spiritual connection.

Dispel the darkness.

Embrace the light.

SF Source March 2017

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