How to Clear Out Procrastination and Lazy Energy

Eric Raines – I start off not understanding why, but I feel the need to write. I have a few revelations/understandings to convey. I had to dive into a buildup of clutter recently that I had been purposely trying to avoid cleaning out just because of the buildup of procrastination and lazy energy I had been unconsciously flagging that particular activity with.

lazy energyDoing the work I do, I go into a bit more behind the motivations and causes of impulses and emotions than most. Clearing out this clutter was one of the most rewarding/enlightening experiences I have had to date. I used to work construction, and while in the beginning there is much to learn, once you get a good handle on what you are doing, it becomes routine, just like any other job you are not truly passionate about. This job became incredibly valuable training in learning how to handle complex trains of thought while working my physical body quite strenuously, and balancing the work with what I have come to realize is a moving meditation.

Whenever I start doing physical work, no matter how mundane, I slip quite easily into this deep level of thinking, and the same happened when the cleaning began.

The reluctance to begin….the aversion to the work…..I was realizing how symbolic it was for everything else I had ever been reluctant to do that needed doing. As each layer was uncovered in the garage, the actual energy of the place was changing palpably. By diving into this reluctance, it was showing a new level to such a mundane, boring task. Closing my eyes, I could feel the stagnancy of the energy before I began, and now it was so closely related to the resonance of stagnancy inside of me whenever I lose my motivation and end up finding anything other than play as a waste of time.

Every time in the past when I had procrastinated, the cause was energetic…..and not implant related, but entirely of my causing.

Misunderstanding the multidimensional connections that lead me more to wanting to drop everything and go live in the woods with a group of like-minded people, mixed with the responsibilities this Matrix imposes on us, lead to a volatile energetic concoction that is all to common on this planet.


The ability to see something negative coming you way, and do absolutely nothing about it to prevent it. Worse, you do not care. Couple this stagnant, self-generated entropy/energy, with the prison construct of this Matrix that most here don’t even know about, and you lead to the perfect cocktail of self-destructive behavior/negative manifestation, which leads to more negative emotions, which lead to more etheric infestation, which leads to more negative manifestation, etc….

This entropy/energy literally saps the life out of us. So I cleared the energy. I brought a big Source connect down, and vacuumed it all away until I couldn’t feel it any more. Immediately I felt the aversion and the reluctance disappear. Suddenly it didn’t have an energetic stigma, it was just a chore.

The garage was cleaned in what seemed no time at all, and when everything was said and done, the immediate area had a beautiful, light, happy, bubbly feeling….but what really blew me away was how inside, I felt the exact same. Rejuvenated almost. What was done wasn’t just cleaning out clutter, but the energetic/emotional stagnancy out of me as well.

Since then, the creativity and motivation that was already there has seemed to have multiplied exponentially, and here I am writing in my notebook at 12:30 in the morning(I transcribed this the next night), unable to NOT be writing this out so I can truly express how I feel/think about it and gain a complete understanding of it.

Now…I have been thinking of a solution as well, and seeing as how if you see a problem, and don’t look for solutions, you are propagating the problem, here is what was intuited to help energetic/meditation-wise.

First off, pick out something you have been procrastinating/avoiding doing, and then sink into quantum pause breathing for 1-2 minutes (pausing for the same length of time it took for the inhale/exhale at the top and bottom of the breath) at least. If you can hold this pattern for longer, push it longer. Because of the release of DMT, this pattern can become a bit difficult after a bit without practice, so use this opportunity to do just that. Practice.

When ready, picture the situation/job/task you are avoiding, and really put emphasis into feeling that reluctance/avoidance entropy/energy. Feel how much you don’t want to go near that energetic construct YOU created. Turn that feeling inside into something tangible inside of you, like a big ugly ball of energy, or whatever you feel like representing it as. Connect to Source like you would to clear parasites/entities and either suck the representation up, or convert it to light.

If you still feel the aversion afterwards, do it again. Once complete, there should be a palpable shifting in your energy and motivation.

We have taken care of the energy, now go translate it to the physical, and go immerse yourself in that task you have been avoiding. Go into the task, knowing you have cleared the energy around it, and the completion of the task will clear the cause of the energy in you….and not just for THAT task, but everything you allow your stagnancy to build with.

If completed, this can be pivotal in personal transformation.

Never be satisfied. Always strive to be better than you were the day before.

My next update will be about reclaiming the placental blood we were cut off from too soon after birth, and why focusing on or putting a finger in your belly-button can help you rewire your physical abilities in your body almost immediately. – original source

SF Source How to Exit the Matrix March 2017

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