Gemini Triplets New Moon

New Moon June 16 2015 at 26 Gemini, 10:05 am EDT, 7:05 am PDT, 3:05 pm GMT

GeminiM Kelley Hunter – This New Moon is a triple conjunction—Sun, Moon and Mars tightly hunkered together—like Gemini triplets rather than the standard Gemini twins. Gemini is a skilled juggler. I was awed some years ago to watch a talented Native American hoop dancer who kept 13 hoops circling at once.

This new cycle takes hours to download and will take the next two weeks of the waxing Moon to unpack its implications. Sabian Symbols convey images for each degree of the zodiac. A picture is worth a thousand words, as they say. Let’s see what is suggested for this New Moon at 26 Gemini: WINTER FROST IN THE WOODS.

Should we expect a bit of a cold spell?

Here in Vermont there is a joke that talks about our five seasons:

  1. Early winter
  2. Deep winter
  3. Late winter
  4. Mud season
  5. Getting ready for winter

Don’t laugh too hard, it’s more or less true! I’ve got four cords of wood drying to burn in my wood stove next winter. Meanwhile flowers are enthusiastically blooming and gardens popping up while they can!

On a deeper level, wherever you are, this image suggests an inward time for deepening our roots, of replenishing the basic foundation beneath the surface of our lives, in order to sustain growth for the coming cycle. This image goes along with Saturn’s return to Scorpio’s depths for revitalization. We cut away the dead wood to see where there is room for new, healthy growth in our lives. We shore up and strengthening the bedrock upon which we can build the next phase. In this Moon cycle we can tap into multiple ways to do this.

“Multiple” is the operative word in Gemini. I am going to take advantage of this Geminian Moon to have fun with words, so humor me. Never a dull moment and no time to get bored in this Moon cycle. Overwhelmed maybe. Mercury is still in Gemini and is still challenged by Neptune in Pisces. I shouldn’t be using that word “still,” as it just doesn’t fit the “modus operandi” of Gemini or Pisces. One is busy as a bee, the other is flowing like water for chocolate.

Wikipedia explains that, “The phrase ‘like water for chocolate’ comes from the Spanish como agua para chocolate. This phrase is a common expression in some Spanish-speaking countries and was the inspiration for Laura Esquivel’s novel title and it means that one is very angry. In some Latin American countries, such as Mexico, hot chocolate is made not with milk, but with near-boiling water instead.”

Some people may be boiling over with anger, frustration, unexpressed feelings—all likely potentials with Mars so strong. Strength, courage, heroism and athleticism are some of the best options. As we are “recovering” from this last whopper of a Mercury retrograde cycle, we continue to feel a bit dizzy from the fast merry-go-round or roller coaster ride we have been on. We’ve now got to put our heads on straight again and see where we stand. Bending over backwards, giving others the benefit of any doubt, is a Pisces strategy that can build up anger, which this gentle sign does not typically deal with well. How can we express our feelings with power and authenticity, without flowing a fuse?

A tendency of Gemini is to rationalize, which can exacerbate emotional tension. There is just no way to make sense of some of our experience, or the irrationality of our feelings. If we turn away from our anxieties or fears, they loom larger. Especially with Saturn soon returning to Scorpio, we can thoroughly work through issues we are faced with— if we confront the dragons. We can’t out-run them and we can’t out-talk them! Next month we meet the mysterious Sphinx. With a heart-centered Venus retrograde cycle coming up at the cusp of Leo-Virgo, things get deeper and richer over the summer, like dark chocolate. Saturn is a great help in repositioning ourselves, by reining in distractions and loosey goosey-ness.

As a result of this recent Mercury retrograde cycle, we’ve gotten a lot of new input—mental, sensory, and extra-sensory— to assimilate. The Mars in Gemini tendency is to be in a rush, all out, responding to what’s happening in the moment. Take an extra moment to assimilate and feel into the moment. Don’t rush in where angels fear to tread. With the Neptune in Pisces, sound your inner crystal tuning. Meet each moment with PRESENCE, as truly as you can muster. Life offers plenty of feedback on that.

Mercury is excellent in Gemini, picking up on the text, subtext and context. On this New Moon, it is bringing out the best in two disparate planetary factors—CHIRON in Pisces and JUPITER in Leo—leading to extraordinary creative nuances. Chiron is highly activated in this New Moon cycle, evoking a critical moment in our healing, collective and personal. It can suggest the sense of overwhelm and discouragement we feel when we look at all the sad things that are happening in our world. The wounded warrior can become the spiritual warrior. Take this personally and turn your words around.

JUPITER and VENUS in Leo are glorious beacons in the early night sky, a lovely celestial sight to behold. This planetary Love-Wisdom duo unite the two brightest diamonds in the sky, like a double star to wish upon. Pay special attention on the 19-20th, when the crescent Moon joins them, a real treat, so encouraging to our hearts. Unusually, we will experience this bright pair together again in the morning sky in early August and yet again in late October. But this month’s nightly position is sweeter, signaling a night for lovers.

I happened to listen to an old Gerry Rafferty song, “Whatever’s Written in Your Heart.” These lyrics might be relevant this month, especially after the Sun enters Cancer for SOLSTICE on the 21st (also Father’s Day), shortly followed by Mars on the 24th. A subjective tone takes over, which can lead to misunderstandings OR taking things too personally. If we stay in our hearts and listen, all is well.

“Whatever’s written in your heart is all that matters.

You’ll find a way to say it all some day…

Night and day.”


SF Source Heliastar

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