Weekly Forecast: June 11 – 17, 2023

6/11 – Mercury (ideas, thoughts and concepts) trine Pluto (rebirth and transformation)

Weekly Forecast: June 11 – 17, 2023Kelly M Beard – This activation makes any deep-delving within easier and more fruitful. It encourages you to ask the deeper questions, clarify your deeper feelings and trust your intuitive, gut hunches that are telling you something has to die so that some other aspect of your consciousness can live.

You will want to explore your Inner Self, sort through recently gathered information and try to understand better what your own natural process really is. It is best to be alone for such research.

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A Gemini New Moon of Reviewing & Integrating Change

Gemini New MoonLeslie Benson – The Gemini New Moon that becomes exact on May 30th at 4:30 am Pacific Time, later for the east coast and Europe, soars into view on gossamer wings, bringing an air of mental evaluation and conversational connection to the powerful astrological currents surging through.

This is the first New Moon after the recent Eclipse Season, from April 30th to May 15th, and many of us are probably still integrating and settling around transformational processes that got stirred up during that time. We are likely still in deep consideration of the massive structural changes that were prompted over the last thirty days, and operating in a time of reflection and questioning of what possibilities are now blossoming. Continue reading

New Moon Update 6-3-19

New Moon is Monday, June 3 at 4:01 AM Mountain Daylight Time (MDT).

new moonLena Stevens – This new moon is all about testing our resolve. It is a big energy with lots of potential but can also bring anxiety, confusion and overwhelm.

We are stretching beyond our comfort level and inviting expansion into our lives. We all want more but can we handle it? Be careful what you ask for on this new moon as it is likely to manifest.

Renew your faith in yourself as a creative magical being that can create anything you want. Decide on an adventure and start making plans as a way of honoring the expansion. This moon could trigger a barrage of incidents that appear to be disruptive and challenging. As old structures crumble and dissolve (yours included) there emerges a new potential. Welcome the potential instead of focusing on the loss.


Astrological Notes

Gemini New Moon Cycle ~ June 3-July 1

Gemini New Moon 12º,  Monday, June 3, 4:01 AM Mountain Daylight Time/ (10:01 AM GMT)

Sagittarius Full Moon 26º Monday, June 17, 2:30 AM Mountain Daylight Time/ (8:30 AM GMT)

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Gemini Triplets New Moon

New Moon June 16 2015 at 26 Gemini, 10:05 am EDT, 7:05 am PDT, 3:05 pm GMT

GeminiM Kelley Hunter – This New Moon is a triple conjunction—Sun, Moon and Mars tightly hunkered together—like Gemini triplets rather than the standard Gemini twins. Gemini is a skilled juggler. I was awed some years ago to watch a talented Native American hoop dancer who kept 13 hoops circling at once.

This new cycle takes hours to download and will take the next two weeks of the waxing Moon to unpack its implications. Sabian Symbols convey images for each degree of the zodiac. A picture is worth a thousand words, as they say. Let’s see what is suggested for this New Moon at 26 Gemini: WINTER FROST IN THE WOODS.

Should we expect a bit of a cold spell?

Here in Vermont there is a joke that talks about our five seasons:

  1. Early winter
  2. Deep winter
  3. Late winter
  4. Mud season
  5. Getting ready for winter

Don’t laugh too hard, it’s more or less true! I’ve got four cords of wood drying to burn in my wood stove next winter. Meanwhile flowers are enthusiastically blooming and gardens popping up while they can! Continue reading