Habit Change and Transformation

Habit Change and TransformationJennifer Hoffman – I am a creature of habit and I do not like to have my habits interfered with. I have a morning habit, a bedtime habit, I have work habits, and I have many energy habits. Habits establish routine, they help us navigate our lives and they give our reality a sense of stability. But habits can become ruts and when we are faced with change, our habits become the sticky point in our transcension process.

When it’s time to change we have to make changes and to be willing to dis-integrate the stable reality our habits have created to allow for transformation.

It isn’t easy to change a habit as you know if you have habits like I do. I laughingly call myself a creature of habit because I always do things in a specific way. My morning routine is especially habitual. I get up, make coffee and drink one cup, then I eat breakfast, clean the kitchen, empty the dishwasher if it needs it, and then get ready for the day. Now if I do not do those things in the same order one day, my entire day feels out of whack. Are you like this too?

Sometimes our habits keep us locked into mindsets, energy patterns, and activities that are not beneficial, efficient, or productive. But it isn’t until a big problem arises that we consider altering our habits and even then, we do it under extreme protest. It isn’t our fault because as I said, habits create stability so changing our habits destabilizes our lives in some way and then we have to learn to do things in a different way. No one likes to do that.

I am experiencing this in my life and especially in my business, for the past few months. If you follow me on facebook you know that in August my laptop crashed in a spectacular way, completely erasing the hard drive. I did not lose any data because I have multiple backup systems but I had that laptop for 5 years and I was used to it. I liked the screen, the way the keyboard worked, and I had everything on it arranged the way I liked it. I had to reconfigure another laptop and a desktop to work on and it’s OK but it has taken time for me to get used to it.

Then when I was setting up my new computers, I tried to install my existing copy of Microsoft office only to discover that it would not install. Now I have had this version since 2003 and I was very familiar with how it worked. I had thought about upgrading to a new version of Office but I didn’t like how they changed the menus and I already had a copy on my computer that worked just fine.

Until I had to change and upgrade to the new Office version. I’m still trying to figure out where everything is and it has really upset my work habits as far as writing, which is something I do a lot of.

Change comes when we need to shift how we do things, how we think, act, and how we maneuver in our lives, as well as how we maneuver in the world. Our habits allow us to operate on energetic autopilot. We do not have to think about what we are doing because our habits don’t require thinking. Have you ever been driving in your car and arrive at a destination to realize that you have not been paying attention for the last 20 minutes?

Habits override our awareness. They excuse us from paying attention and protect us from change. Until change comes pounding on the door and we have to change our habits because they no longer work for us. When this happens we feel lost and confused, we blame the Universe for making our lives so hard and imposing change on us, but here’s a little energy secret about change.

We change in spirit long before the desire to consider change arrives in our consciousness. The energy for change is already within us but we block it with our habits and our fear of change which is rooted in our fear of being out of control, abandoned, helpless, powerless, and defenseless.

If we see change as a potential enemy of our peace of mind, peace of heart, and joy, then we’ll use our habits as a shield to prevent change from intruding in our reality, disrupting our habits, and messing everything up.

But once the energy of change has infiltrated our energy field, we cannot hold back the tide of change for long. We can either open the door to change and let it in or we wait until it knocks the door down, and us in the process.

I knew that my laptop was having issues for several weeks before it crashed but setting up a new computer and getting used to it takes time. I was busy and I liked my laptop, and did not want to change it.

So when it crashed in a most spectacular way, I knew I had reached a point of no return. I had to change and get a new computer system set up. Luckily, I had already changed the habit of having only one computer and changing it out when the previous one failed. I have 3 computers so the loss of one was not the catastrophe it could have been.

Our habits do not just extend to what we do, we also have energy habits that dictate how much energy we receive, its frequency and vibration, what we do with it, how we use it, and who we share it with. I think we would be surprised to know how much of our energy goes to the maintenance of our habits and the stability and control they give us, than to preparing ourselves for change and allowing our mental, emotional, and physical habits to alter.

But when faced with change, especially change we do not want or feel victimized by, we hold our habits in front of us as a shield and post a big NO ENTRANCE sign on our energy field.

During these times, we cannot forget that the energy to support change is already within us. It begins to slowly drip into our consciousness, and we become aware of the desire for change in those moments when we look at something and decide it is no longer right for us, what we’re doing no longer works for us, or we just do not feel aligned with things in general. This our soul’s whispered encouragement to allow change to happen because change comes from Source.

We continue to get hints at the presence of the energy for change when we find ourselves randomly organizing closets and cabinets, getting rid of things we thought we would keep forever, or something in our life changes in a big way, like we get fired or laid off, a relationship ends, we get sick, or we have to make a change because every other path is closed off to us. I call this ‘running out of energy road’.

Now we can allow the change portal to open and then adjust our habits accordingly. We will have a learning curve but unfortunately turning our back on change is not going to stop it from coming. It may be delayed for a short while which only serves to make the upcoming and inevitable change that much harder.

Isn’t it funny how we strive for stability, certainty, and predictability, which is why we create habits and when we get there we enjoy the serenity for a few minutes and then it’s time to move ahead. Sometimes a few minutes stretches into days, weeks, months, and years.

Sometimes we forget that we are in an energy prison of our own choosing and we wait for someone to unlock our prison doors. And sometimes we develop emotional habits like judgment, criticism, doubt, regret, and fear.

Sometimes we develop energy habits like victim consciousness, procrastination, self sacrifice, and the Martyred Healer.

Do you remember the news story about a woman in Kansas who sat on the toilet in her boyfriend’s bathroom for 2 years and refused to leave. Finally, when she became ill and had to be transported to the hospital, the paramedics had to remove the toilet seat with a prybar and bring it along because her skin had grown onto it and it was now fused to her physical body.

Habits create ruts and reality bubbles that mimic safety but are really just a reflection of our doubts, fears, insecurities, and our desire to be in control.

We were not created with boundless creativity, as master manifestors, and energy movers to create a life that becomes ensconced in a safe, secure, opaque reality bubble that we never move out of. As comforting as it is to have stability, we pay for it at the cost of our creativity, power, and energy potential.

When we allow change to happen with divine harmony and the flow of energetic congruence, we are aware of the revolving door of energy movement – whatever is coming out of our lives will be replaced by something that is entering into our lives. And when we can appreciate the rigidity of our habits for the security they offer while also realizing that as master manifestors and energy movers we do not need physical stability to have energetic security, we can value our habits for what they are – a way to do things without having to think too hard about them and a means of staying organized.

The change we fear has already happened on a spiritual level and eventually we will be at war with our self and our soul as we resist the change that the soul has already created energetic space for. It knows that this change is part of the next step on our journey while we’re hoping we can just take the next steps without doing anything different.

The desire for change reflects a timeline shift, a portal opening into our field of potential, where we will choose our next energy upgrade and soul mission. The more we are at peace with change the more of the joy, peace, abundance, and love that we can create in our lives.

Shine on and embrace change knowing that the energy to support it is always with you and the more you allow change the more high vibe energy you can bring into your life, and everything that goes with it.

We do not like change (I know I don’t) because it disrupts our lives. So we hold onto what we have and wring out the maximum amount of possibility until there is nothing left. Then we have to seek new potentials.

This is the cycle of potential and possibility, the cycle that begins with the seeds of intention, growing into the blossoms of manifestation and then moving to the energetic compost heap that will serve as fertilizer for the next cycle.

Understanding the 5 stages of spiritual initiation allow us to move through our life lessons more quickly and achieve enlightenment.

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Copyright (c) 2022 by Jennifer Hoffman. All rights reserved.

SF Source Enlightening Life Oct 2022

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