Hillary dropping out of the race no longer a fantasy

Jon Rappoport – Hillary buckled and fainted at the 9/11 memorial. The video available here at InfoWars, tells the story.

hillaryI’ve written about her health problems before, including the blood-thinning Coumadin she’s taking. And the blood clots. And the advisory against flying, because new life-threatening blood clots can occur.

I wrote—and I still say—Democrat power players would go along with electing her even if she was dragged into the Oval Office dead on arrival. They don’t care.

After Hillary’s fainting spell at the 9/11 memorial, the Washington Post, that organ of unquestioned truth, grants that it’s now acceptable to ask polite questions about her health. Well done, boys. You’re really going out on a limb. Thanks so much.

I think it’s time for major media to take an overt stand about Hillary: “She may be very sick, dangerously so, but it’s still a crime to emphasize that because it’s sexist, and besides, untoward publicity could allow Trump to slip into the White House, and besides, our news organization has donated to the Clinton Foundation, and besides, she’s Hillary and we all know and love her and we don’t want to think about something bad happening to her because then we would cry.”

I would accept that statement.

—Hillary’s public coughing fits. The physical instability. The fainting. The handler, Todd Madison, walking out on stage, putting his hand on her, telling her to keep talking, as if she’s forgotten what’s going on. You have to conclude her doctors have tried everything they can to keep her upright and functioning, and if this is best they can do, she’s in bad shape.

Hillary dropping out of the race for the Oval Office is no longer a fantasy. It could happen. If it does, the media will swing into gear and try to demand a delay in the election.

There is no basis for such a demand, because both major Parties can pick their candidate on their own terms. The Democrats, for example, as we’ve seen, can rig the vote and secretly back Hillary from the beginning and cook up propaganda to defeat Bernie Sanders. They can choose a slew of so-called super-delegates who owe nothing to the voters and, instead, support whoever they want to (Hillary). So if she drops out, the Democrat leaders can simply decide, again, without consulting voters, who the substitute is. Kaine? Biden? Sanders? Elizabeth Warren? Michelle Obama? Rachel Maddow? Karl Marx?

No doubt, some progressive pundit will suggest Obama should stay in office for a while, because he has the experience, he’s Presidential, he’s done such a magnificent job in his two terms, his mission is unfinished (he must get the TPP treaty ratified), we need him to continue the dialogue on race in the post-racial society, he knows how to bypass Congress with a blizzard of executive orders, he can figure out a way to admit millions more illegal immigrants to these shores, he backs Black Lives Matter, and he knows how to talk about fake employment numbers and pretend they’re real.

The Democrats and their supporters will go on a victim binge: woe is us, Hillary our leader has fallen, we’re crippled (differently abled), we need time to regroup, we can’t be expected to make a snap judgment, who cares about constitutional rules governing elections, this is really serious, we have to decide what’s best for The People—and we have to find a way to pay off Bernie Sanders so he stays in hiding and keeps his big mouth shut.

I, for one, would like to see Trump vs. Bernie. Socialist vs. Capitalist. They could do three debates on Globalism and its horrendous effects on America, at which point the public would realize they both claim to perceive the gargantuan threat, albeit from different angles.

Hillary was the unabashed queen bee of Globalism.

At any rate, you can bet that, as we speak, media giants are taking private briefings on how the election season would proceed if she drops out. They’re preparing their talking points and tall stories and outright lies. All somehow culminating in a Democrat Party victory this November, come hell or high water.

“After Congressional leaders begged President Obama to stay on for several months, he reluctantly agreed, saying: ‘Well, I do have sixty or seventy executive orders drawn up and ready to go, so perhaps I could bring the country a little closer to the future we envision. We’re all in this together.’”

Jon Rappoport is the author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at NoMoreFakeNews.com or OutsideTheRealityMachine.

SF Source Jon Rappoport Sept. 2016

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