How to mentally prepare yourself for childbirth

child birthIt’s meant to be the happiest time of your life, but few women would disagree that childbirth can also be one of the most dreaded. Your hormones can be all over the place, and let’s not get started on the pain.

Unfortunately, today’s article is not going to cure the above. Instead, we have penned the following post based on how you can mentally prepare for the thought of going through labor. It’s not going to be easy, but if you can arm yourself with the following tips you might get a little rest bite and things might run a bit more smoothly (at least, in your head).

Be proactive with your emotions

It sounds ridiculous, but preparing yourself for a roller-coaster of emotions can be one of the best courses of action that you take. After all, this is the period where your hormones are going to be all over the place, as well as the excitement and anxiousness about your upcoming new-born.

This is where your choice of birthing partner can be essential. Choose someone who you feel utterly comfortable with so when the time does come, you know that you have placed yourself in the best possible position ahead of labor. If you opt for someone who is just going to accelerate your emotions, you can simply exasperate the situation.

Don’t believe everything you read

Some, in fact most, women will class childbirth as one of the worst things that they ever have to go through. We’re not here to debate that, but what we will say is that the end reward is so worth it.

At the same time, you shouldn’t buy into every stereotype that does the rounds about giving birth. Sure, your body will change and you might have to adapt accordingly. All is not lost in today’s age, and the fact that surgeries like breast augmentation are now so common means that women really don’t have to worry about the difficulties in returning to their old body as much.

Immerse yourself in positivity

Next, it’s all about clearing your mind and immersing yourself in positivity from those who have gone through childbirth before. This links with the previous point we have spoken about; some women have been known to almost bask in the process, and in some way enjoy it. Try and read about such experiences and remove any negativity about labor from your head.

Talk to your baby

Our final tip isn’t about communicating with your other half or birthing partner, but about talking to your baby.

Some of you will have done this all throughout your pregnancy but if you haven’t, now is the time to start. Simply feeling your baby’s movements can be somewhat soothing, and has been known to calm a lot of women down. Also, rather than focusing on all of the negative aspects of labor, this can remind you that it’s all for the best reason in the world.

Shift Frequency © 2019 – Educational material

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