Metaphysical Mistakes That Can Lead To Distortion In Your Reality

guidanceMichelle Walling, CHLC – We are coming to a time in our reality where things should be coming up for clearing in the lives of most of the forerunners. If you are having trouble staying balanced or keeping your relationships sacred, you or someone around you may have some issues with hitchhikers or uninvited walk ins.

There are many false teachings and practices that are created to keep us blindfolded to energy vampirism and open to manipulation. Here are 5 metaphysical mistakes that can lead to distortions in a person’s reality.

The Inability to tell true guidance from false guidance

If one’s heart is not open it is almost impossible to tell your true guidance from entity or negative spirit guidance. Guidance that tells you what to do, points out the faults in someone else, or judges another’s path is not going to be your highest spirit guidance. Many false guides want to keep you battling someone else in order to consume energy.

Some may want to keep you alone in sadness and depression, and some yo-yo back and forth in a volatile dance. Because of the deception involved, many people spiral down this path giving their power and energy away to ghouls that may be unseen to most but can be seen or felt to the tuned in psychic. These false guides often give incorrect relationship advice, send people off on wild goose chases masked as “grid work” (as opposed to legitimate gridwork), and encourage people to quit their jobs and/or leave their family and responsibility behind.

False synchronicities

Negative spirits can manipulate the matrix through other people in order to set up synchronicities that make it seem like a “coincidence” that a certain event happened. Because we have positive synchronicites that are supposed to let us know that we are on the right path, these sets ups can be mistaken for an invitation to “following the white rabbit”

In relationship, this is usually part of a “Love Bite” scenario as described in Eve Lorgen’s book. For example, you may just happen to run into someone while out for a walk more times than the normal odds would provide. Other false synchronicities like deciding where to live or what job to take are created in order to traverse off of the highest and best timeline.

It is easy to tell the difference between a false synchronicity and a positive one by the way it feels in your gut and in your heart. You can also use common sense to tell if something just does not feel right, especially if the decision you are trying to make because of a synchronicity harms or hurts someone else. If your heart is closed, it’s prime sandbox play for the djinns because you are unable to use your spidey senses to discern.

Read more about false vs. real synchronicities HERE on Tom Montalk’s site.

Allowing a spirit to enter your third eye

One of the most dangerous ways a negative spirit can manipulate someone is to pose as a beautiful siren or handsome knight which may come toward a person and then enter their third eye. From that position, all visions and realities can be manipulated. Our real guides have no need to enter any of our chakras. Be sure to keep your auric field protected and sealed.

Opening your crown chakra in a group meditation

Many unsuspecting metaphysical and spiritual groups lead group meditations where energetic buffets can take place. If the person responsible for organizing the event does not have a “seer” in the room and protection in place, everyone who attends can allow energy, technology, or negative spirits in through guided meditations that open up the crown chakra. From that seat, a person’s connection to Source can be distorted and lessened.

Walk ins

Your body is sacred, and whoever occupies the body has a vested interest in  what happens on planet Earth. The only walk ins that one should allow in their body are those of their higher selves, which is planned to occur at a certain time and level of consciousness with the soul’s orchestration. Unfortunately, those who have cracks in their auric field through trauma, addictions, and abuse are prime targets for disembodied entities (people who have “died” and are looking for a host) and astral beings who are looking for energy in order to survive.

There are a number of traps laid in the matrix for energetic vampirism and to stop the forerunners from ascending in vibration. Matrix programmers, light workers, starseeds, code carriers, and healers can be targeted from birth on throughout their lives.

The biggest manipulation is often through close family members and unsuspecting friends at an early age, in order to create the abuse that will get the auric field open before the child is able to make proper discernment decisions on their own. “Sparkly and shiny” and all that glitters often lure the young child into giving consent for their play friends to join them in the wrong ways. Many front runners were abused sexually, emotionally, and mentally as a child in order to set the child up for distorted realities and split personalities.

The good news is that we are getting much needed help from star nations at this time to clear these distortions in order for people to begin to make clear choices on their own. Each star nation or race has crews that are helping their incarnated family member. There have been recent reports of first contact in dreams, visions, and internal thoughts. Professional mediums, psychics, and healers are being trained to “see” these distortions and help fix them with the guidance of a person’s higher self.

Once the fore runners are healed, they will then be able to help others clear up their distortions (re-programming their individual matrix). The ironic thing is that forerunners knew that they would more than likely be infiltrated after incarnating or walking in, but they also knew that there would come a day when everything would be reversed and the veils would lift.

They agreed to allow it to happen so that they would know just how deep into the illusion one can get when penetrated by the astral begins or disembodied entities. After all, how could they possibly know the extent of the manipulation if they had not been through it themselves?

One thing to keep in mind is that our star families love us endlessly, and nothing can match the vibration and healing of true love. Have faith that years of distortion can be cleared up in a short amount of time and that everyone that asks for help will be helped in one way or another.

SF Source How To Exit The Matrix Sep 2018

4 thoughts on “Metaphysical Mistakes That Can Lead To Distortion In Your Reality

  1. Again you are right to bring attention to the subject of “walk-ins” as opposed to possessions, which are very different.
    I wonder if the author has direct personal experience of being a walk-in?
    I incarnated that way myself. It’s a complex and difficult integration for sure. I have since worked with plenty who’ve had similar experiences and I’m aware that there are many thousands of benevolent souls incarnating that way at this critical time. It’s because generally they have expanded awareness of similar complex shifts before and can share awareness and resonance to help the shift unfold more harmoniously.
    A walk-in or soul exchange is critically different from a possession. Specifically, because it is done by sacred agreement (or contract as people call it). The soul leaving is yearning to leave and ascend out; the soul has reached the conclusion of its journey. Often it will be their guide who then comes in, as I was to the previous soul. A possession, on the other hand, is done without the consent of the other soul and is very different. It’s essential to make the distinction as there are plenty incarnating this way to offer much needed support to the shift ????

  2. I think you’re right to raise this essential topic, particularly as the field is so complex and convoluted ????
    Might I also humbly add that there are some important points to expand awareness of ♥️
    Opposing Consciousness (entities) come in on ALL the chakra points, not just the crown. The problem is though, if you purposefully close down in the chakras to avoid this, you’re inadvertently doing their job for them. Because their purpose is to cut you off from your own higher-self guidance or else distort it when it comes through the lower chakras – you derail yourself on their account, because you’re shutting down the infusion of your own soul aswell.
    Having worked with thousands of groups around the world, I acknowledge that there is the problem of entities jumping from person to person in group work. However, this is happening in society all the time anyway. The key, as a group facilitator, is to protect the boundaries of the group as a whole. And also to encourage each member to create a “net” to prevent anything of malevolent intent from coming in: for example, making a heartfelt and forceful statement – “I only allow in my own higher soul, or to work with benevolence that has my higher-self interests at heart. Mostly this will keep them out, unless the participant is susceptible. In which case, they are susceptible anyway. Opening the chakras increases sensitivity to the intervention, thus increasing one’s ability to push them out. And providing the work is conducted with the protection mentioned, then by working in a group, collective resonance greatly accelerates expanded awakening and subtle awareness of the multidimensional field. But yes, with caution. ♥️

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