Robo-Cars, A.I. and the Abdication of Self

humans Zen Gardner – Automobile literally means self-mobile. It’s driven by and representative of self autonomy. While it’s taken on many other social attributes such as separation and many egoic properties like pride and selfishness, it’s nonetheless been the dominant mode of transport for many decades and symbolic of personal freedom.

Have you ever wondered why this insistence to roll out these artificially controlled cars? It’s the perfect example of their ongoing coup de grâce of self control and sets the stage for further abdication of self and the arrival of more external control by the rising technocratic state.

Coup de grâce is defined by Miriam-Webster as “an action or event that finally ends or destroys something that has been getting weaker or worse.” That’s what they’re up to. And if people fall for this takeover by technology they’re literally abdicating their own authority and willfully walking into slavery.

Google to urge U.S. Congress to help get self-driving cars on roads

I was thinking about this subject of robocars and what it stands for when I just “happened” to find this article in today’s news. As you’ll see they now want to expedite this roll out and are pushing for Congress to get a move on with their approval.

As I said above, what’s the rush, boys? Why is this so important? And as usual it’s all baked in another phony good-sounding meme, this time “safety”. Why? Well, humans can’t be trusted apparently, they need to give over their autonomy to a machine – a machine run by psychopathic people and/or entities with nefarious designs.

(Reuters) – The head of Alphabet Inc’s Google self-driving car programme will urge the U.S. Congress on Tuesday to grant national auto safety regulators new authority to speed the introduction of self-driving cars on American roads.

Chris Urmson, director of Google’s self-driving cars programme, will tell the Senate Commerce Committee that legislators should grant new authority to the U.S. Transportation Department to help get fully autonomous vehicles on the road, according to his prepared testimony, which was reviewed by Reuters.

“We propose that Congress move swiftly to provide the secretary of transportation with new authority to approve life­saving safety innovations. This new authority would permit the deployment of innovative safety technologies that meet or exceed the level of safety required by existing federal standards, while ensuring a prompt and transparent process,” according to the prepared testimony.

Wall-E, A.I. and the Control Grid

I couldn’t help but think of this animated movie when thinking on the importance of this robo-car roll out. Here’s a quick analysis:

In the 2008 Pixar film WALL-E, humans are not the hero. The movie portrays people as very advanced technologically: they can create space ships that house the population of the planet. They can build robots that will function autonomously for hundreds of years. They have floating chairs and auto-changing clothes. Work seems to be passé.

Even with accomplishing the things that we today dream about, the film doesn’t want you to think humans are in a better position. It wants you to realize that they’ve traded an important part of their humanity for their comfort and convenience. They’ve lost the idea that work, exercise, struggle, and the natural order are part of the human condition. In the consumerist culture of WALL-E, humans’ drive to satisfy every desire has made their bellies so fat they can no longer stand on their feet. (more)

Pretty poignant. But that’s what we’re walking into, step by pre-programmed technocratic step. It’s the ultimate control system being foisted on unsuspecting humanity.

People are already hooked on tech devices and the societal control by machines and are walking headlong into the transhumanist agenda. While they say artificial intelligence will one day rule, I maintain that’s a convoluted hoax. People, or entities, run these things. They don’t operate themselves except with programmed functions – functions ultimately programmed by something other than a machine.

I say entities since we know there clearly is an alien/archontic agenda afoot on our planet – parasitic forces that have been oppressing and manipulating humanity with the aid of complicit humans for millennia. This is the last stage of their attempted takeover.

To Be Forewarned is to be Forearmed

We have to do more than just identify what it is we’re up against. It’s important to sound the alarm and share this information, but it’s what we do with it that counts.

Are we disengaging while informing others and encouraging them to do the same?

It’s not all that clear cut in some cases. Technology has been instrumental in the information explosion and the ongoing awakening of humanity. It has its place. We draw the line where it starts to use us, call the shots and undermine our natural processes and supplant our autonomy. This is why machines need to be handled very wisely, with great awareness that just about everything now is not only a tracking device, but originates its own signals that affect our nervous systems and even our minds.

Pare it down to only what you really need to operate. Their declared intention is to have humans embedded with microprocessors. They start out saying it’s for health or identification purposes, but that’s a ruse. The whole idea is control.

Shake it off, and warn others with empowering information. The incremental theft of our personal control and sovereignty is coming at us from many angles, from globalist social engineering to food, water and air contamination and the pharmacological lobotomizing of the populace.

Stay awake, and stay clear of it.

We’re here for a purpose. It might be a difficult task but we’re up to it.

Don’t give in. They’re in their last desperate throes. Enjoy the awakening and this amazing revelation of truth we’re undergoing and will continue to escalate. Just do your part.

It’s a terrific time to be alive and a warrior for truth and love! Enjoy the battle!

Love always, Zen

SF Source  Mar 2016

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2 thoughts on “Robo-Cars, A.I. and the Abdication of Self

  1. I may sound old school, and I grew up in the muscle car era, but I would never own or be in a driverless or electric car. If you cannot hear the roar of the engine and feel the road as you steer through the curves, then it’s not worth driving.

    For autonomous vehicles you need to have a more restrictive environment like dedicated lanes, corridors, or even tracks. Restricted access not only restricts the access of the vehicle but the human interaction with the vehicle. It will be the only way to make this safe until the problems can be worked out–hopefully long after I can no longer drive!

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