Hydrogen Water Improves Your Health

Hydrogen water Ever heard of hydrogen water or H2 water? If you’re shaking your head there’s no need to feel ashamed or embarrassed. Hydrogen water is still a burgeoning trend, with research still ongoing to study its effects on the body.

Sure, scientists have studied its benefits years ago but those studies are too few, and more need to be done. Nonetheless, people are already touting the many benefits of hydrogen water, and it’s not surprising why. Hydrogen water could prevent diseases and improve cognitive performance and physical performance.

So what’s hydrogen water, and what’s so great about it?

Hydrogen water contains hydrogen molecules, which act as antioxidants. When ingested, the molecules are believed to neutralize oxygen free radicals that contribute to the development of disease, inflammation, and aging. Because hydrogen is the smallest molecule on earth, it can penetrate through organs and cells, where it revitalizes and heals.

Why do people drink hydrogen water? Drinking hydrogen water can have positive effects on the body.

The Brain

According to  a few studies, hydrogen water could prevent Parkinson’s disease, strokes, and stress-induced cognitive, learning, and memory problems. In one study, researchers observed 17 subjects with Parkinson’s disease. During the study, the patients regularly drank hydrogen water with their regular medication. By the end of the study, the patients’ symptoms improved.

In another study analyzing the effects of H2 in rats, researchers found that hydrogen water improved memory even under stress. The benefits occur because the antioxidant in hydrogen water protects the hippocampus, the part of the brain responsible for long-term memory.

The Body

In both animal and human tests, hydrogen water prevented inflammation. One study observed 20 patients suffering from arthritis. After drinking hydrogen water for four weeks, the patients achieved temporary recovery while also becoming 20 percent symptom free.

But hydrogen water doesn’t only prevent diseases and disorders. It also improves performance.

In a study involving 10 athletes, researchers found that during intense exercise, drinking hydrogen water reduced lactic acid build up, a process in which the body replaces oxygen with lactate when there isn’t enough oxygen in the body. As the lactate builds up in the bloodstream, cramps, nausea, weakness and exhaustion may occur. However, hydrogen water prevents such symptoms and decreases muscle fatigue. Another study with 8 cyclists showed the same results. After drinking hydrogen water daily, these cyclists were able to perform more while remaining energized.

Hydrogen water is a burgeoning trend that has proven its worth. What are you waiting for?

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