Increased Volcanic Action in the Shift

Increased Volcanic Action in the ShiftOpen – Society continues to stray ever further from the natural cycles of life. But Gaia has many ways of reminding us and bringing us back into alignment with the grand cosmic cycles we’re moving through.

Volcanoes are an essential part of the cleansing as the planet shifts to a higher vibration. As we increase our capacity for natural empathy, we can actually call on the elevation of volcanic energy to process karma and cleanse it from our being. That’s why it’s essential to pay attention to this key fulcrum in the Shift.

Accelerating Pole Shift and its Effects

Right now many of the planet’s volcanoes are coming active and bursting into action. It’s to be expected because the 5D shift is speeding up. We’re about a hundred years into a crucial pole shift. These can usually take thousands of years to complete, but the current acceleration points toward a completion within just one human lifetime (see…Berkeley News).

Gaia’s history reveals that during such a shift, the magnetic field dwindles, which greatly reduces the shielding effect of incoming solar storms. This is what’s being witnessed right now.


Earth and Sun’s fields are weakening and we’re exiting the magnetic dust cloud. At the same time, our three shields against energy from space are disappearing, we are showing increased vulnerability to space weather from our sun, and cosmic rays are already exceeding expectations. You can get up-to-date news here…The Watchers

You might well ask, why should I pay attention when there’s already so much going on across the planet? Gaia will cleanse herself during the culmination of these Grand Galactic Cycles, including the Pole Shift and volcanic activity. It’s an intrinsic aspect of the Shift itself.

Just as she is cleansing karma, by empathizing with this movement, then we can activate and process our own karma faster too. Just by tuning in and getting a sense of the enormous building energy is enough to heighten your energy and trigger karma to be unraveled through.

It progressively increases the coherency in your field, clarity, attunement and alignment with the great cycles. Far from living in fear about them, you’re actually empowered by them!

Rise of the Divine Human


I’ve shared my views on this in the book DIVINICUS. It offers an overview on why the current shifts are necessary and what’s increasingly likely to be the end effect. Essentially Unity Consciousness has been controlled and ‘bottled up’, by an Interdimensional Intervention whose purpose has been to take dominion of the earth and all sentient life here.

The shift into the 5D is the benevolent answer to this.

At a macrocosmic level, the light has been getting dissipated within the darkness forming ‘bubbles’, which then release to rejoin the mainstream of the flow. It’s equivalent to kundalini activation within a human. Just as kundalini release can cause massive instability at the physical, emotional and mental levels in people, similar happens at a planetary scale – greatly scaled up.

At the human level, this might all seem a touch overwhelming! But on the other side of the coin is surrender – an acceptance that there’s nothing you can do to control such phenomenal forces and their effects. So why not accept one’s limitation at the purely 3D physical. Then a deep letting go of the need to control life can take place – thus the soul can expand out of the limits of the 3D into 5D Divine Being.

The time is now. How do you choose to empower yourself?

Why not explore deeply and test the limitation of the small “I”. Let such growing instability, represented by the accelerating pole shift, be motivation for that. You’ll find it immensely liberating as the things you may be hanging onto fall away like unnecessary baggage. You feel increasingly free, expanded and invigorated.

Meditating with the Volcanoes

This is why I was so inspired recently to take a group to the volcanic island of La Palma and meditate on an active volcano. I can’t tell you how effective and transformational it was. The elevation of energy caused an expansion of the various inner layers, focusing a spotlight on where to go to work. Karma released quickly and effortlessly. Tremendous expansions and elevations of consciousness were then experienced.

So invite all to pay some attention to this magnificent natural phenomenon. To be aware of the increased volcanic activity and how by empathizing with the energy, it can be a great spur to raising our vibration in the Shift. That’s for sure what we experienced on La Palma. I invite you to get a sense of that in the video we shot there…

If you’ve been intrigued and inspired by the approach of embracing these grand shifts of energy as a spur to your own spiritual evolution, then get involved with Openhand’s ground-breaking work. Dive in…

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SF Source Openhand Web Mar 2023

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